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  • I know it is a dumb question..

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by 2lazytotype, Nov 3, 2014.

    1. 2lazytotype

      2lazytotype New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      So after just taking a break between the FM switch I decided to take a break from botting and now I am back. So after reading through all the guides and such. I noticed there was not a min distance in the config (your character has to be xx away from target). So in the case of a ranger, you just get destroyed after monsters surround you. Was it renamed to something else. Thank you for the help!
    2. naut

      naut Community Developer

      Feb 9, 2012
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      There is no minimum range
    3. 2lazytotype

      2lazytotype New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      But there was in preforsaken masters right?
    4. 2lazytotype

      2lazytotype New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Then if someone could answer this question, how can I do a ranger build with out getting completely wrecked? Can I only do it with perf gear?

      Like maybe a trytokeepdistance or something
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
    5. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Hi, Welcome back.
      So, if you haven't read, the Beta was completely re-written to be input based emulation, so no more flagging of anything because all the actions are done valid using the client.
      That said and done, the previous beta had an issue of going back and fourth a lot from certain situations. This new beta fixes that, and therefore the KeepDistance was removed as well. Mainly because a lot of people complained about it.
      Now, you can do your own keep distance type of combat via the Combat Routine, you would have to make your own though.
      You can read more about it through the stickies or here
      If you still need more help(not related to developing the combat routine yourself) please ask.
      I'm currently fiddling with a combat routine and haven't gotten far, but that's in the works.
      From what i've learned, you can do A LOT with it. It is very, very flexible. Plus it has reaction time faster then a normal human, the logic works very well as long as you have the correct logic. Anyways, hope that didn't confuse you more, but helped.
    6. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      The old Beta's ExilebuddyRoutine design was dropped in favor of the new ExampleRoutine's design. That feature was not carried over, because it's not something that just works in a generic sense wherever you want to bot. Ideally, you should not try to use it in jail or cavern tilesets, because you'll run into a lot of issues with LoS and trying to kite, and then moving right back into harms way to actually attack. There's no simple solution to handle better combat in scenarios like that, and since we don't have map information for more advanced area navigation. Basically, your CR would have to do a ton of extra processing to figure out just how to work, based on the build you're using. As a result of the side effects seen from providing that option previously, it's no longer provided.

      Kiting logic needs to be implemented by users in a way that works best for them. If you simply check the distance from your target, and move 'away', you'll see issues where your bot hardly progresses, because it's spending more time trying to kite and avoid taking too much damage than it is killing. You can try to work in logic that limits how often you kite, but that doesn't solve the problem of when you aren't kiting and don't have the gear or build to live.

      In short, if you don't have good gear, and are using a build that relies on reflexes or a really advanced play-style, you'll have a hard time botting, unless you have a really advanced CR that plays your character as close to how a person would. That's not possible though the defaults we provide, but it's doable by users.

      If you'd like an example of the logic that was previously used, but not quite the same since the API changed, I'll attach a modified ExampleRoutine that shows some basic kiting logic that moves away from the target in an attempt to kite. However, you'll see issues with the technique in general, but if it's good enough for you, you can certainly use it. It won't be included with the bot though, so you'll want to keep your own copy of it, and ideally rename the classes and files to avoid it getting overwritten on bot updates. Search for "ExampleRoutineSettings.Instance.TryToKeepDistance" in ExampleRoutine.cs for the new section that was added.

      Attached Files:

    7. Inokichi

      Inokichi Member

      Jun 22, 2014
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      Sorry to reopen a old post but need some help with this , for some reason the bot go melee all the time with some mobs like guards of dominus , im a caster and this is a problem. There are a fix for this please?

      I have Combat Range 150 ,max melee range 60 and max range range 150
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
    8. Darox

      Darox Member

      Nov 7, 2014
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      The bot isn't on figured to run if they get in melee range. If you are attacking a stinger mob it will run up to you and attack. There is or was a routine I believe that would try to run away to keep range. Not sure if it works or is useful.
      Orrrr do you mean it walks up then attacks without attacking from range?
    9. Inokichi

      Inokichi Member

      Jun 22, 2014
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      Yes it move to mob and when he is in range it attack .

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