1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy 2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Newest Test Release (released today, 4th nov) 3)If so, when was the last time?: Today. 4)What profile were you using?: Azyiul Halls of Lightning heavy pull and Gundrak heavy pull 5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular - Mage, Paladin, Warrior 6)What plugins are you using?: MrItemRemover 7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 24hrs 8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? Probably 2-4 hrs 9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0. 10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No 11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No 12)EU or US realm? EU 13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? No. All banned less than one hour since i downloaded new test release. Just worth mentioning, because of the sneak wow patch. Not that i think its necessarily busted or anything.
Same IP, 24 hrs. I don't really care for the users, so i just botted the crap out of them now pre-wod.
I see it might have been unclear. They ran for about 1 hr (after like 20 hrs break due to the wow patch), then they got banned. However they have been running 24/7 for a few weeks, and some of them for a few months.