What's a decent amount of gold per day to make with one bot? What would be considered good? God like? I'm running one bot making about 10k per day. How does that stack up?
Not bad, but not good either. If it doesn't consume too much time from you and isn't high ban risky, it is good.
Depends on what you do. And how you farm the gold. If you make 10k for 24 hours or 12 hours or 4 hours and so on. Give more information.
Playing the ah I'm very very new. I buy mats off ah and flip using honor buddy to post. It's been rather low investment. I'm not looking to spend more time each day just curious if I could be doing better.
i made 150 -180k gold with 5 so it's avarage 14h a day boting didnt get baned yet but everything going great i got money saved in 5 difrent banks with difrent accs chars ips
Hmmm so that's around 30k per bot per day. I dono if i could get to that with one but it's a good target.
And 10h will get you banned sooner or later. But hell 4h will get you banned at some point as well, just a little later when losing it will hurt you even more hehe
Botting any hours will get you banned sooner or later I had an account being botted around 10 hours each day and it lasted 3 months.
how much time? Are you using the default Scripts or made your own? (assuming that you are on heroics)
I personally think randomizing your botting will lengthen the time without bans, of course thats supervised, never been banned myself. but i allso know that it is enevitable.say on tuesday bot farm ores and herbs for 2hr, then run dungeons and raids for a few, wed reverse the order so forth and so on, i never do the same thing in the same order 2 weeks in a row tho.
The best botting right now for gold is probably GB with a druid or dk, I was getting 1250G+ per hour just vendoring without the AH. Including it, I got over 3k per hour over a 24 hour period.