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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. lordruler

      lordruler New Member

      Sep 20, 2013
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      paid version is nt fully upto date yt
    2. totemz

      totemz New Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Yeah it doesnt work for me as well. It use to work tho, in one of the very early releases. Moreover the CR uses Lights's Hammer on single target for some reason.

      And BTW

      1 ES / LH Execution Sentence / Light's Hammer Cast on CD. ES single target, LH 2+ targets
      2 EDSFV^5 Empowered Divine Storm+Final Verdict Divine Crusader + Final Verdict buff up @ 5 Holy Power, or when two targets are present
      3 DP/EDS(-4) Divine Purpose / Empowered Divine Storm If Divine Purpose or Empowered Divine Storm have less than four seconds in duration; Note: if both buffs are set to expire within the given time frame, with one target present, Templar's Verdict takes priority.
      4 TV5/FV5 Templar's Verdict / Final Verdict cast @ 5 Holy Power
      5 HoW Hammer of Wrath Generates 1 holy Power.
      6 ExoBC Exorcism+Blazing Contempt When Blazing Contempt is up, with less than three Holy Power, Generates 3 Holy Power.
      7 EDSFV^ (CD|Exec) Empowered Divine Storm+Final Verdict When Divine Crusader + Final Verdict are up, during cooldowns, or execute range
      8 DP TV/FV (CD|Exec) Divine Purpose Consumed w/ Final Verdict or Templar's Verdict, during cooldowns, or execute range
      9 CS Crusader Strike Generates 1 Holy Power.
      10 !EDS (CD|Exec) Empowered Divine Storm Used without the Final Verdict Talent, during cooldowns, or execute range
      11 EDSFV^ Empowered Divine Storm Divine Crusader + Final Verdict buff up
      12 FV Final Verdict Cast when available.
      13 J Judgment Generates 1 Holy Power.
      14 DP Divine Purpose Consumed w/ Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm
      15 !EDS Empowered Divine Storm Cast when not specialized into FV
      16 TV4 Templar's Verdict Cast @ 4 Holy Power
      17 Exo Exorcism Generates 1 Holy Power.
      18 (lowest) TV3 Templar's Verdict Cast @ 3 Holy Power

      Thats the priorities ret should be using nowdays(with Final Verdict talented). Dont know if its possible to code tho.
    3. willlaweed

      willlaweed New Member

      Apr 21, 2012
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      with Akatosh Quester and tuanHA paladin premium it did not atack enemie till tjhe enemie see me just stand and wait any solution?
    4. scart35

      scart35 New Member

      Aug 13, 2013
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      Paid routine here.I have few problems with routine. Otherwise running good,HC are easy and i rarely go OOM.
      1. Routine is not using HS on CD when out of combat nor in combat or running.I remember in SoO it was spamming HS every CD
      2.EF blanketing should be on lower priority. Sometimes when tank/dps is going down pretty fast routine is blanketing me or other dps and forgetting about dying tank and I have to spam FoL like a mad man :D
      Keep it up Tuanha!
    5. Zetoi

      Zetoi New Member

      Nov 19, 2011
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      Can anyone share his Pala Holy Settings?
      Mine are not working very well at the moment.

      Paid Version
      Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    6. ElusionPDX

      ElusionPDX New Member

      Jun 2, 2011
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      Its not working well at all(ret paid, singular currently doing more damage...tuanha just survives better.)
    7. lordruler

      lordruler New Member

      Sep 20, 2013
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      for me shield of righteous jst doesnt get used in prot spec paid version, annoying as i have to manually press. rest in prot is working fine. y were the shotr option is removed from the routine to enable and disable it.
    8. lordruler

      lordruler New Member

      Sep 20, 2013
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      k jst found the bug apparneelty it only casts shotr when i have 5 holy power instead of 3.
    9. Recaro

      Recaro New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      totally agree with you, does not work well
    10. stewiethecat

      stewiethecat Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Glad I read this before i posted just about the same thing...
    11. mcdeman

      mcdeman Member

      May 10, 2011
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      this is my default settings 5 men hc
      if you use Beacon of Faith, TuanHA not coded this spell, im using Beacon of Faith on tank, routines use Beacon of Light default.
      Build - Screenshot by Lightshot
      Glyph - Screenshot by Lightshot
      itmlvl 635

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    12. Cubix

      Cubix Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you Mcdeman. I'll have a try on this !
      Tuanha : Do you plan working on Beacon of Faith ?
      Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    13. kotuyuz

      kotuyuz Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      i see some problems tuanha, routine does ef on a player that already has ef on it, and routine try to cast beacon of light that witch has a beacon of faith on it... can you fix pls
    14. Strawberry

      Strawberry New Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Aight Tunaha, I'm back and hopefully you are actually paying attention to my feed back and using it in your updates (I gave you ton of feed back on monk, but you never actually replied. Nor have you contacted me T_T )

      Okay so here we go with prot paladin (My new main, and previously my main for all of wrath/cata first and up to the first few months of SoO)

      I'm not level 100 yet So I can only state anything that I currently have access to, and will update with new information once I'm 100 and if I experience anything there.

      Prot Paladin Spells and Issues

      Scared Shield
      Scared shield, Currently tracking its up time, its ass if I let it run on its own it drops as low as 40% uptime, meaning I have to begin helping it out myself. Scared shield is a spell that last for 30 seconds once applied, the spell its self have a 6 second cooldown. In order to get the abosulte best up time and use on it with a CR, Since CRs from what Im aware can't track resolve , normally I'd reapply Sacred shield my self with either high resolve or when its about to fall, is to have the CR reapply Sacred shield every 20 seconds, as of right now sacred shield is falling of and staying off for a good 2-10 seconds.

      Word of glory
      WoG Is essentially a "Oh shit" button for prot paladins when lower then in my opinion 50-70% hp. Right now WoG is not used at all and there is no option for it in the CR, and I have to do it manually, which is a struggle when the CR is constantly using the holy power needed.
      There needs to be an option implemented for Prot paladins specifically, which gives you the option to set the amount of holy power and Bastion of glory stacks it uses WoG, as WoG should be used at 5 stacks of Bastion of glory and 3 holy power, but some times in a pinch is used at lower stacks/hp, so the amount of stacks in which the CR uses WoG needs to be capable of being picked by the player.

      Bubbles... All of em
      This might just be a personal issue, and I think I may have fixed it. But I was having issues where the CR was constantly bubbling people under 60% hp including myself, so I ended up turning off anything to do with hand of protection.

      Holy Avenger
      This is as much of a DPS cooldown as a survivablity cool down. With experience using your Monk CR I'm more then knowledgable that you are capable of setting up multiable options to have for a single spell that you can switch between / have active at the same time. Holy avenger should have an option so that it activates on a certain amount of Hp as well as on cool down / burst, with an option to turn that off. So if you didn't want it to pop just cause you were at say 60% health you could turn that off and just have it as a use on CD/Burst.

      Now the CR could just be very moody when it comes to this spell because sometimes I don't have an issue with it at all, well others I never see it get used... Like ever, lol. Typically its if I'm on the "max dps rotation" build that it doesn't use Consecration even on AoE pulls.

      Shield of righteous
      Our major defensive tool, that needs to be up almost all the time, currently the way the CR works with it is... considerably understandable ? cause I'm not sure if you could code it to work the way I'm about to suggest, but if at all possible. It needs to be this way.

      Before I began using combat routines on my paladin, all forums/reading/research etc, and its how I've always done is you get 5 holy power, use Shield of the righteous, hit crusader strike, then shield of the righteous, repeat. currently in order for this too happen, you have to do the crusader strike and second shield of righteous yourself.
      Adjusting it to work like the way I suggest will give the best available up time on Shield of the Righteous

      Hopefully you don't ignore my feed back like it seems you have for monk (Other then the guard feed back for double guard, you actually made that change, haven't played my monk since thou) :( and actually use it to try and improve the combat routine as much as possible, I'm 100% sure its more then capable of adding the adjustments I said for Holy Avenger, Sacred shield, and Word of Glory, I'm however not sure about the Shield of righteous one, but I'm positive you cam.
      Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    15. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      hi, i'm leveling my Paladin but he's not at level 100 yet.

      I'll fix all stuff when I get there.

      LoL questing is really buggy and it's really hard to level 8 char at the moment...
    16. Strawberry

      Strawberry New Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      As long as you take all things I just suggested into consideration, and adjust it around the stuff like that for Scared shield Shotr, wog and HA, then we're good :p all of this was for prot paladin btw.

      Note: I discovered something, I believe even tho I have "Sacred Shield & Eternal Flame Friend" turned off, it seems to be still doing it anyway, as I see Sacred shield go on cool down but not get applied to myself.
      Which btw, shouldn't even be an option as a Prot paladin...

      I know this is is the issue, because when I actually use the keybinding it applies it to myself every time without fail
      Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    17. timwang

      timwang Member

      Nov 22, 2012
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      Any idea when the paid version will be available?
    18. feskins

      feskins Member

      Jul 24, 2013
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      Hi Tunaha, I do love what you have done so far. I am thinking about donating but I still have the problem of losing control of the camera and keyboard function to move the bot. It is out of control, when I do a /relog it corrects for a bit then I lose control all over again. Could you help me solve this problem?
    19. mcdeman

      mcdeman Member

      May 10, 2011
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      if you need tester for the paladin 100 level, im ready to take part. also i have access for all you cr.
    20. presb

      presb New Member

      Jan 11, 2012
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      having the same issues as others - beacon / faith overlap, eternal flame overlap

      need to code in some dispels too, particularly the everbloom dungeon mobs

      otherwise works well, got me to 630 pretty comfortably

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