I'll get a look when my mine is level 2. Sounds strange though. InteractWith basically clicks on the object, nothing fancy. Are you sure this is the object you click on? There may be some "cart handle" or something. Or there may be some empty carts added just for scenery decoration. They may be named the same, but id will be different.
I'd rather not use Skype, sorry. We can talk through private messages here if you like. But frankly, I will not be able to give this project any more of my time than I am giving it right now. But I'll automate it for myself and will share the results.
This is the command that works for me: Code: <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="232541" WaitForNpcs="False" AttemptCountMax="4" NonCompeteDistance="0" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="15" MovementBy="ClickToMoveOnly" /> Seems exactly the same. Probably something else interferes. Like: are you really stopping inside 15 meters of it? Anyway, I've got my bunch of Mines 2, will take care of them. Upd. Profile mine 2 is posted to the original thread https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...ing/188661-garrison-mine-level-1-profile.html Carts seem to be picked up ok. I have encountered two errors which can explain why the carts were not picked up: - different distances in a While and InteractWithObject. If While's distance is longer (say 20 against 15) then While will see a cart at say 18 m, but Interact will fail to pick it up, since it has a limit at 15. So While checking for distance 20 will loop endlessly w/o moving. - One Interact with object can displace the toon so that it will be placed beyond the following Interact's range. Toon will miss a cart but will continue to move happily - or it can even become stuck. That's why I have added returns to a waypoint after each Interact. Make the profile bulky though.
[A] Mine Level 2 profile posted to https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...ing/188661-garrison-mine-level-1-profile.html
Are mine meshes something that devs just haven't done yet, or it won't be happening at all due to nature of garrisons?
I am in no position to give a definite reply, but I can provide a guess. HB's mesh provider (they are using some other's mesh) has a long standing problems with instanced areas. Basically, they always return a mesh for the 1st appearance of the area. You can see that in other parts of the Garrison: a toon easily becomes stuck even while a mesh is there and MoveTo is working. I had the same experience tending garden in MoP: the routes MoveTo provided were always around a big boulder which was long gone after garden clearing phase. Extrapolating from that experience: no, meshes for the Mine won't be fixed. But: 1) it is a guess, 2) you have a route for Alliance level 2 mine now - you do not need a mesh for it anymore.
Got it, thank you. Was hoping to make a script that would only need list of hotspots through garrison and object IDs to interact with. Using MyCTM makes coding messier but as long as it works that's perfectly fine. Meanwhile, as price of ores is so low, a run through mine is worth maybe 300g? That's including primal spirits which are the most valuable thing there (50 spirits => savage blood => 1200g+). Even so with 50 chars that's an easy 15k gold per day - just need to level them all up first.
I have not checked prices, since I am running mostly self-centered setup: no byuing, no selling, but I started wondering what to do with all my ore: I am getting more than the Forge can process - and no useful armor is coming from the Forge yet... You are saying that primal spirits can do me something good? Let me check...