So i got 8 accounts locked in the morning. The sad story is that I just renewed their game time. The mail was simple and the same to all, from "We have received strong evidence that your World of Warcraft account has been compromised. To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled the World of Warcraft account." I could not unlock one account that I tried. Should I dump all my gold and wait for the manual-investigated bannade that I am thinking about? Anyone had something like that?
The did not lock the bnet accounts.. they just locked the WoW1/WoW2. Using the unlock method did not do anything!
Listen, When an account is locked you either just unlock the account yourself or ask a gm to do it - All that is required is that you have ALL the account info such as the secret question , name of the account etc. fyi in case you are confused: LOCKED account is NOT the same as a BANNED account.
Yeah ok I know the difference. Thing is, I ask a GM to unlock one, and he will simply see a 5 month, 24/7 botting account. This will wipeout anything that I have left to bot on. Manual unlocking is not working.
Well you kinda only got two options and since manual unlocking ain't working you are left back with 1 option. Nothing we can do about it.. If you don't feel like contacting a GM, well its lost.. So the conclusion is: Contact the GM and hope for it to be opened again.
I've had this a couple of times this is most times happening when u switch ip i had all my battlenet accounts locked when i used a different vpn i unlocked all my accounts with secret quistion. the other 2 methods is activate by mail or game master.
The slight difference is, that the Account Administration GMs do not deal with botting stuff, if they see botting patterns they redirect to the GMs aimed with that, so "if" they see it. I have had accounts locked in the past, and never had problems with that, beside one SOR account, which I obviously could not prove ownership on.
I'm gonna try my luck in the morning then. And in the meantime, I had a 5 accounts ban for abuse of economy (different accounts from the 8 locked!)