Check the first post for a link to the Wowhead link for the quest chain. On that page you can see which quests you need to do. They really do take a short time to do (30 minutes max I think) Layg1990.
My toon is ilvl 592 and he dies about 4 times in an hour. When your armour starts to go red, why does this script not run away and repair?
300k xp/hr on a crap geared (558) mage (96) EDIT: I'm still in rested XP, will update when it goes back to regular XP.
Awesome profile! On a Frost DK lvl 97 ilvl 546 with singular pulling 5 mobs at a time and used 1 20% exp pot. XP/HR: 387234 Kills: 1609 (619/hr) Deaths: 5 (2/hr) Loots: 672 (259/hr) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) Deaths are mostly from ganks thou'. Thanks man!
Great Profile! +Rep got me 96-100 by the next morning. Was running with a prot warrior set the pull to 5.
Loving this profile for 96-100. Getting 270k unrested XP/HR on an assassination rogue running stealth, deadly momentum and recuperate glyphs.
Most consistent profile I have tried thus far. Got to 99 an started using this....... XP/HR: 184004 (been running for about 3 hours) Kills: 730 (471/hr) Deaths: (1/hr) IDK
Not sure if this was brought up but DK 96 constantly dying to purple chains that are summoned... Thoguhts?
This profile is fucking great! Thank you so much (No XP boost) XP/HR: 171473 Kills: 609 (367/h) An this is with a shadow priest + Singular, the worst combo ever. Using the bird to help you is genious and the best part? When he dies you instantly get a new one and trust me he dies a lot. This is the first profile i can use with my 96 Bloodelf Priest and i am gonna use it to get to 100. Great Profile
9/10 for this profile. I'm a Guardian Druid with my pull set to 8 in 560ilvl gear. XP/HR: 350k! (This is using 20% EXP potion and 20% EXP from the zone) I've used this profile from level 96 - 98 so far and it's been very good. I do see the odd player running about questing but as I'm on a Low pop server I haven't seen any other obvious bot uses. I will be using this all the way to 100. Thank you!