As I appreciate you making these profiles do I can complete the dailies while I am at work via my cell phone; your grind profiles are all buggy. Yesterday's daily kept attacking birds and never went to the daily location. Today's profile never stays in the location. Goes there, kills mobs while it exits the camp then farms wolves outside the camp. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Thanks again
It is a work in progress. I will review the profiles later tonight when I have time and see if I can debug the issues.
At Mok'gol Watchpost it keeps trying to kill Marsh Anaconda.. which is a pain because its elite and respawns instantly
Just open the profile with text editor and type which mobs you want to avoid in the avoid mobs section. should look like this.. <AvoidMobs> <Mob Name="Direfang Alpha" Entry="86932" /> <Mob Name="Marsh Anaconda" Entry="87039" /> </AvoidMobs>
[LoadProfile-v1728(fatal)] Profile 'C:\Users\xxx\HonorBuddy\SteamWheedleRep.xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile? Do you have Steamwheedlerep.xml available somewhere?
same here, i think they did a hotfix on it, because a could days ago i was here getting Apexis Crystals
Mok'gol Watchpost has been updated. I lowered the distance for the pull from 100 to 50 and added in two mobs to the Avoid Mob list. I've been running it for 15 minutes with zero issues. So no new additions this week, just an update. Anywhere you want. I have all of my profiles saved to a folder on my Desktop, because I often have to wipe and reinstall HB. You select Grind Bot from the pull down, then click on Load Profile and find the profile file on your computer (where ever you saved it).
how is the droprate with [Grind] Magnarok (Apexis Crystal Farming).xml (2.2 KB, 1153 views) ? the Profil is running 30 minutes and i have noch apexis Crystal..
[LoadProfile-v1728(fatal)] Profile 'C:\Users\...\Documents\...\Default Profiles\...\SteamWheedleRep.xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile? Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile. Whats that?^^
This may be a bold and outlandish prediction but I'm willing to bet that as he acquires the different daily quests, he will create profiles for each one.
Did you get any crystals in that 15 minutes? I just got this daily, went here with the quest, been killing Mok'gol Grunts for 20 minutes, not a single Apexis =[ Or are these profiles ONLY for helping complete the dailies for the 800?
Anyone estimated how long it will take to upgrade the items from apexis crystals to the highest ilvl?