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  • Haslassistant - Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Karls, Nov 25, 2014.

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    1. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      Haslassistant is a a almost-no-setup-needed mob grinder with some extra features to make it more useful within Hasla raids (to look active enough and "do your part" while grinding these weapons). The looting & combat are totally separate, so you can also use it to auto roll on the tokens assigned to you in your Hasla raid while fighting manually.

      Plugin is getting close to stable, but due to not really playing AA I've mostly been testing updates in Karkasse in 1-2 man team, so monitor it a bit at first after installing/upgrading it


      What it does:

      • An easy-to-use GUI, with on/off buttons and checkboxes to change a few looting/combat options
      • Find new targets to attack within a certain radius
      • Use acceptable rotations for most specs without any setup (healer mode not available yet)
      • Play nice in groups, assisting other team members and looting its own targets
      • Ignores mob from a user-provided list (check second post for suggestions to fill it with)
      • Use flute/lute and food/potions to heal and regain mana
      • Summon and keep resurrecting your mount/battle pet to level it painlessly to 50
      • Run back from respawn after dying (requires extra setup)
      • Open your coinpurses instead of standing around waiting for regen

      What it won't do:

      • Healing (for now, it's on the to-do list but somewhat far down on it)
      • Custom rotations
      • PvP (at least not for a while)

      Classes the bot has been tested to work well with:

      • Arcanist - Sorcerer/Witchcraft/Auramancy: safe class with potentially very high mana regen and enervate/earthen grip combo for self healing
      • Primeval - Archery/Shadowplay/Auramancy: great kill speed if you have good gear with medidate to limit downtime
      • Post on the thread if you had great experiences with other classes ;)

      Setup instructions

      1. Download last stable version (or an alpha/beta version if you're willing to experiment and test things) and unzip the archive in your ArcheBuddy's plugins folder
      2. Open Haslassistant\Haslassistant.cs in the plugin editor and compile it
      3. (Optional) Create GPS routes in the DeathRoutes folder to run back from respawn (see below)
      4. You're ready to use the plugin! If you need help configuring it, all options have a tooltip to explain what they do if you hover them or their label.

      Creating DeathRoutes

      Don't know how to get started with GPS Editor? Check this tutorial

      You just need to create a db3 file (name doesn't matter, you can have as many as you want) inside the DeathRoutes folder with these 2 points:
      - A point named "Respawn" near the respawn point your farm area sends you to on death
      - A point named "Pew" at the other end of the path where bot should start the normal combat again

      Plugin will randomly select a valid path within all the ones that start from that respawn point, so you can either make different runback routes for the same mob spot or use it to make the bot change farm spots (sometimes) when it dies.

      Support Haslassistant

      [​IMG] Liked the plugin enough? Buy me a coffee (or more!) to help additional development :cool:


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    2. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      Recommended Mob Ignore List

      Here are the ones you most likely want (few more must-have ones still missing from that list)
      Space Gate (Portal)
      Hasla Rift
      Current Class Support

      Known Issues

      • Plugin stops using skills a bit before your character actually runs out of mana
      • Channeled regen skills (play dead/medidate) don't get interrupted correctly either aggroed or when at full HP/mana
      • Combat gets bad at high latencies (it will start deteriorating quite badly at 200-300ms latency)
      • Possible AB crash when closing the plugin's form (needs confirmation)


      • 2.2.2 (15th Jan 2015)
        - Disabled team buffing and did some more minor code changes to try to help with crashes
        - Added Overwhelm>Shadow Step>Precision Strike (with Shadowsmite as bonus) combo for Battlerage/Shadowplay specs
        - Fixed some code for some buffs to make them work with russian client, will need help with buff IDs for the rest
        - Bot should now always assist raid members when they're fighting within your combat range
      • 2.2.1 (11th Jan 2015)
        - Changed food trigger to 5% below engage setting (and to always triggers below 20%)
        - Minor code changes to attempt to reduces crash causes
        - Added "Debug Buffs IDs" in last tab to list buffs (on self) and their IDs so you can help me make buffing work on russian client
      • 2.2.0 (6th Jan 2015)
        - New tab with stats for current session (Kills/XP/Drops). The last line (tokens/chips) includes both Hasla tokens and Karkasse's dragon bone chips (since you'll never get both during the same session)
        - Changed run-back routine to continuously scan for mobs in front of the character to make run backs safer (and fixed the bug preventing it to work correctly in 2.1.5)
        - Changed target selection to always prefer mobs targeting you and to only fight mobs just outside the zone radius if they're attacking you
        - Fixed some typo in the mana potion code (copy pasting is bad!)
      • 2.1.5 Beta (5th Jan 2015)
        - Changed food usage, to trigger it if you're 10% below your HP/Mana% setting (and it always trigger if you're below 15% HP or Mana)
        - Added most Occultism skills to the combat routine, might need a bit more work for combo/skill order but at least specs with occultism are now viable to use
        - Half fixed AB crash on disconnections
        - Might have fixed the crash on form closing, will need confirmation that it doesn't happen anymore
      • 2.1.4 Beta (2nd Jan 2015)
        - New options to have looting/combat activate automatically when you start the plugin (for combat it will use wherever your character is as an anchor, so keep that in mind if you're using it)
        - Printing GPS errors to log now, it will get really spammy (but if it happens your character is probably stuck near respawn so it's something you want to deal with anyway)
      • 2.1.3 Beta (2nd Jan 2015)
        - New options in 3rd tab for potions & food. Food is used out of combat (after regen skills and before flute/lute) and potions in combat (when you drop below 15% HP or 10% Mana atm). Pretty much untested but I'm confident that it works fine.
        - You must enter the complete name of the consumable for all the ones you want to use (but case doesn't matter). You can check that you have the correct name with the button below text boxes (or watch AB's log when starting combat)
        - You can now also add a cooldown between each food and potion use to not burn your stock too quickly
        - Fixed enervate/earthen grip combo a bit (mostly to not run out of Magic Circle when target is at max range)
        - Fixed the plugin to not try to load while you're not ingame (so it should play nice with Autorun option in AB)
      • 2.1.2 Beta (1st Jan 2015)
        - Flute/Lute options added in gear tab
        - Pet option added. It will be summoned and rezzed (bot will stop caring about pet after rez fails a few times)
        - Run-back-from-respawn feature added, requires user-made GPS routes (more details in main post). Plugin will stop after 5 deaths for now since you're probably either getting chain ganked or losing money on repairs at that point.
        - Purse opening tweaked to be more focused on using it instead of standing around waiting for regen. It also requires 3 free inventory slots now, to always leave room for more purses or some unindentified drops.
        - Cleaned the code a bit
        - Possible AB crash when closing the plugin's form (needs confirmation)
      • 2.0.5 (16th Dec 2014)
        - New options for minimum HP/Mana to engage new mobs, added tooltips to all settings and optimized meteor/magic circle usage, added Hummingbird Ditty/Bull Rush
      • 2.0.4 (10th Dec 2014)
        - Added "Open Purses" option, added more defense/battlerage skills (melee needs some work for mana efficiency still), hopefully fixed some crashes
      • 2.0.3 (30th Nov 2014)
        - Fixed Revitalizing Cheer and added Ollo's Hammer
      • 2.0.2 (29th Nov 2014)
        - Fixes to loot corpses option and added more defense skills
      • 2.0.1 (28th Nov 2014)
        - Small bug fixes and support for more Sorcerer/Witchcraft skills added
      • 2.0 (25th Nov 2014)
        - First version
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    3. xseekx

      xseekx Member

      Apr 27, 2010
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      Awesome man! Will test ASAP.

      Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
    4. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      Hmm looks like I should have tested compiling it in AB's plugin editor, didn't think it would act differently than in visual studio. I'll fix that and upload a new working archive shortly.

      Edit: uploaded a new archive, tested with AB's editor this time
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    5. Alarm

      Alarm New Member

      Nov 16, 2014
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      This is great. Thanks for sharing!
    6. tictoc

      tictoc Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 21, 2012
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      Looks promising!

      Tried it with a Blighter, got an issue with Refreshment cast over and over.

      Also i missed a kind of "Stop" button. Setting Combat to off again did not stop running my char to the selected target.
    7. tictoc

      tictoc Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 21, 2012
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      Ok, changed it in Combat.cs to:
                  if (CanCast(_REFRESHMENT))
                      if (!buffs.Any(b => b.name.StartsWith("Refreshment")))
      and it seems to work now.
    8. moehawk

      moehawk New Member

      Jun 23, 2012
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      Nice plugin!, can you add the option not to loot and only roll? reason i say this is because it keep constantly trying to loot while others still have not rolled and it looks weird

      Appreciate your work bro
    9. andrew88

      andrew88 New Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      it will have a error message saying disconnected. then updater.exe will close.
    10. andrew88

      andrew88 New Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      This is the error message when in a raid
    11. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      Thanks for the reminder for refreshment, I had forgotten to make a spec with defense to finish implementing it correctly, will take care of that soon. And I'll look into the stopping as well, to make sure to abort current movement instructions as well.

      Good suggestion, will do.

      I'll need a few more details on when it happens exactly (or if you can tell me how to reproduce it). Also, there might be a more useful error message in AB's main logs?
    12. andrew88

      andrew88 New Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      The logs has nth abnormal no error messages. i jus run it on my druid. After 5 to 10 mins then this exception pops up. it will stop attacking but is able to continue looting. So when this error message pops up and i click ok, the updater.exe will stop working and AA disconnects.
    13. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      The error is most likely due to a mob not being in the game world anymore when the plugin is trying to do something about it, so if you're able to tell me precisely what the bot was doing just before it could be very helpful.

      For the other issues/changes mentionned above, I added them, will just have to test it a bit later this afternoon (and use the opportunity to add support for a few more skills)

      Edit: woops forgot about the testing yesterday, will do that tonight!
      Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
    14. andrew88

      andrew88 New Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      couldnt really see what is happening bro. i think when certain number of people attacked the same mob with me. it happened.
    15. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      New version is up in main post, with all the changes mentionned above and also added some extra security to try to fix your issue andrew88. If that works, it should print the same errors in the ArcheBuddy log but keep going on.
    16. sleep1

      sleep1 New Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Im a primeval and this plugin is the bes! Thanks allot man!

      But how do i make so it only assists party/raid members and not attack "own" mobs?

      Sometimes he tries to loot a corpse already lootet and will get stuck in a loop where he tries to loot it.
      I think i know why; becouse a player has not rolled on the item. Maybe if the plugin can start attacking again as soon as it loots the corpse?

      The option of not looting corpse doesnt seem to really work, i dont have the "loot corpse" ticked and still loots corpses.

      I also get the error "unable to access app Domain" something from time to time

      Why does it not ignore hasla rift and giant stone golem even though i typed in the names correctly?
      Last edited: Nov 29, 2014
    17. andrew88

      andrew88 New Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      sorry, the error message still pops up and close the updater.exe automatically this time.
    18. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      Looks like I'll have a bit more testing to do :eek:
    19. ptfock

      ptfock New Member

      Nov 11, 2014
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      Message was appearing for me on last version, this new one i haven't tested yet.
      Anyway it's something related either to looting or refreshment, i noticed this happens after my character trys to loot one mob over and over and over, then it fails, but this happenned to me as well sometimes without making the updater.exe block and close. It also happenned at this stage, as a primeval when it has arround -50% mana and refreshment is on cooldown it stops to regenerate, and once it gets like +50% keeps attacking but as soon as refreshment is up he will cast it and then bammm. So, it's either refreshment or something with loot i believe.
    20. Karls

      Karls New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 11, 2014
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      New version (2.0.2) is up in main post

      - 'Loot Corpses' option should work now in groups (couldn't test myself)
      - Couldn't find any issue with refreshment while testing in a Defense spec for once (but used the opportunity to add support for Toughen, few more skills are coded in but will require me to be able to detect when a shield is equipped before activating them)
      - There was an issue with ignore list that has been fixed, it should work as intended now
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