I've noticed that most other bots (including free ones) have updated themselves for Cataclysm. I don't know why it is taking so long for GatherBuddy. The only thing that needs to be changed is for GatherBuddy to recognize the new nodes. For some other bots, this was simple as editing a notepad file. I'm fine with waiting a bit longer though. I just think that this should receive more attention as many of us here are anxious to get in on the Cataclysm gold rush.
Ya, these item ID's have been around for weeks, months actually. There's 0 reason these couldnt already be in the database and no good reason for them not to be there now. Farming the water zones will be nice but I could be farming t he non water zones since last night if this had been handled correctly. I loather pirox but i'm missing out on a HUGE opportunity as the prices for mats will normalize quickly.
His making silly amounts of gold in cata, while we are sitting here only being able to farm LK.. The name of the herbs/ores been known for ages since the first beta way back
Well I don't have cata on my account's right now, but if I did gosh would I be fuming. The amount of gold one could make now is borderline absurd, prices are starting to settle down on my server but there's still 400g a stack for some herbs, thing's are normalizing quickly and before you know it you've missed out on about 70k-100k in 3 days of hardcore farming.
Im a lifetime member there for when HB/GB is down. Pirox updates much faster. Buddy farms smoother. This really is a very simple fix. This isn't like OMFG patch 4.0 or the cata patch which broke the "bot". This is simply changing what is being targeting and adding it to the list. What is even more frustrating is that tony said hawker was working on it over 12 hours ago closer to 15 now before I went to bed this morn. And GB is updated just not released....I have never complained once before about the bot hb or gb being down. This is uncalled for though. I just assumed they would have enough common sense to add in the herb/ore names into the database before the released the version we are using now....
Yep, seems that just GB is the most popular bot and Buddy Management decided to keep prices higher without us botting . there is no other reasons. cata resources known months ago!.
Tony can we get another update? Its been close to 20 hours since I initally posted and still no update. I'm beginning to feel like a sad panda bro
These guys are right, HB team have had literally months to prepare for this and HB customers are losing the most important few days of botting ever. I have always stood by HB for being great with customer support and providing a great service but this is just bullshit.
You guys sound shocked. Newsflash: they are in it for the money. Not even the fanboys are trying to cover up this one.. Don't worry once they have made enough gold, they will release a version for us.. And give us a very credible excuse as to why it took that long (most likely they will use the underwater excuse... mark my words)
Then please tell us how long we will have to wait! Sorry but I'm starting to get really pissed Slowly I start to think mezz0 is right...