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  • List of Instancebuddy working Instances.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Matteo, Nov 22, 2010.

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    1. Matteo

      Matteo New Member

      Sep 22, 2010
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      FINALLY got my account back on the forums so i can start updating this thread again.

      Hello people, ive leveled 3x toons to 80 with IB. Ofcourse, i quested to lvl 15, but rest is all IB and grind.

      First i would like to thank raphus for creating this plugin, it's totally awesome and is the only reason why i am using HB and not only GB.
      There is alot of instances that do not work at all and some that work 50% and some require some babysitting.

      Please contribute your experience with different instances using IB and i will edit this post with them.
      I am using the grind option whenever i am not in instance.

      This is what i have experienced with IB:

      I will start writing the instances i have not tested
      Vanilla WoW
      Ragefire Chasm
      Upper Blackrock Spire
      The Burning Crusade
      Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde Keep
      Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault
      Caverns of Time: Opening the Dark Portal
      Tempest Keep: The Mechanar
      Tempest Keep: The Botanica
      Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz
      Wrath Of The Lich King
      The Oculus <- I do not think this will work because of calling dragon, flying etc
      Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme
      Trial of the Champion <- Have to equip items to finish instance
      Forge of Souls
      Pit of Saron
      Halls of Reflection

      Instances that require babysitting:​
      Vanilla WoW[/B
      Wailing Cavenerns <- Not sure if it was mentioned but WC has trouble with going up the paths to the final boss. Bots will either run a different way or fall down because HB runs so close to the edges. Also doesn't jump down with group half way through the instance.
      The Deadmines <- When at boat the bot may fall into water and die.
      Shadowfang Keep <- Somewhere in this instance the bot tries to run a different path to party and dies.
      Blackfathom Deeps <- Did not remember where but bot could not complete dungoen.
      Razorfen Kraul <- Somewhere group jumps and bot fails.
      Gnomeregan <- Have no idea, but it failed.
      Razorfen Downs <- Same as RFK i think.
      Maraudon Orange Crystals <- A member said there is a problem at beginning of dungeon, please say if this is false.
      Maraudon Pristine Waters <- Bot fails at start and swims to bottom and dies.
      Dire Maul (all parts) <- Whenever i try any of the DM instances IB always fails, i have not discovered the problem though.
      Temple of Atal'Hakkar <- Bot fails when group jumps.
      Stratholme <-Problem with opening gates alone. (13.01.2011) i got this error in IB at entrance:
      [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.196]:1689System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundExcepti on: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
      at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(T Key key)
      at Instancebuddy.Instancebuddy.()
      " other members also have the same issue.
      Zul'Farrak <- Everything works really great, but if you get the loot for key for the cage further in the instance. The group will probably kick you.
      Blackrock Depths - Prison <- Teleports out after first boss (IB thinks dungeon is over). (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      Blackrock Depths - Full run <- Ran 2x characters (dps and ranged) in full run, somehow they stop following tank in the instance. (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      The Burning Crusade
      Coilfang Reservoir: Slave Pens <- I dont remember if it worked but i have a feeling it will
      Wrath Of The Lich King
      Azjol-Nerub <- is fine until the jump at the hole, then it goes haywire once its in the water. stop, restart
      Gundrak <- Bot going crazy in water killing fish, dieng etc.
      The Violet Hold <- Bot is really messing up at bossfight Zuramat the Obliterator. It goes into his cave when the group fighted him over his cave, looks very bottish. Bot also got stuck on graveyard run to the instance.
      Halls of Stone <- this one is fine, but minor boss (krystallus and maiden) mechanics that it doesn't respect. it goes back to boss after the punt (krystallus), and it ignores the black circle (maiden) so sometimes it stands in it, sometimes it doesn't

      Working instances which requires no babysitting:​
      Vanilla WoW
      Stormwind Stockade
      The Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      The Scarlet Monastery: Library (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      The Scarlet Monastery: Armory (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      The Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      Uldaman (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      Maraudon (Purple Crystals)
      Scholomance (IB v3.0.1.196, HB 3740 [13.01.2011])
      The Burning Crusade
      Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts (Awesome for botting)
      Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace (Works, but may die because of bombs)
      Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog <- Bot now jumps with group
      Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs
      Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts
      Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls
      Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth
      Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls
      Magisters' Terrace
      Wrath Of The Lich King
      Utgarde Keep (IB, HB 3448 [09.12.2010])
      The Nexus (IB, HB 3448 [09.12.2010])
      Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (IB, HB 3448 [09.12.2010])
      Drak'Tharon Keep (IB, HB 3448 [11.12.2010])
      Halls of Lightning
      Utgarde Pinnacle (Awesome)
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    2. fasteddie78

      fasteddie78 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Maraudon Orange Crystals has a problem in the very beginning of the instance so i put that on my blacklist as i can not navigate the first spiral step
    3. Matteo

      Matteo New Member

      Sep 22, 2010
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      Alright, i'll edit this thread abit when i get back.
    4. Mordd

      Mordd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please keep this thread updated. Hopefully all the issues can be fixed. I plan on doing a 15-85 run myself as a healer to make sure its crisp.
    5. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Both Nexus and Underbog are going fine here. Also when the group jumps from the platform in Underbog, the bot goes too.
      Gun'Drak needs a ignore for the fish, and then it should be fine I think.
      Halls of Lightning is going fine too.
      Halls of Stone has sometimes issues with the part where you defend brann (tribunal thingy).
      It doesn't go out of the AoE.
      The dungeon with Arubnekan (or whatever the bug's name is) is working fine except for the part where it has to jump down after killing the spider.
      Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't and if doesn't it bugs around there.
      CoT can get you kicked, because you run the whole way, while the others talk to chromie and teleport to the instance start (you can do this once done the quest).
      And then you get questions why you are running etc.

      Occulus, Forge, Pit and Halls can't be done due to NO flying mount support (when you die, you have to fly, and HB doesn't do this).
      Also Occulus requires you to fly your dragon. If you do this flying part, the bot does the rest of the instance (so it's like you move, HB plays).
      Trial of Champion it can't do the first event (riding the horse), so there it fails to (same story, you move, HB plays)
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
    6. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Gun'Drak: navigation is buggy crossing the bridge going up to the last boss.
      Auchindoun: HB almost always fails to navigate back to the instances when you die.
    7. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The Nexus <-- works fine, jumps on all occassions, doesn't fall off. BUT! it doesn't like to jump every couple of secs at last boss ... so you have to babysit that encounter
      Azjol-Nerub <--- is fine until the jump at the hole, then it goes haywire once its in the water. stop, restart
      Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom <--- This one is gay, so if the group skimps, the bot may agro something, but nothing a n00b wouldn't do
      Halls of Stone <--- this one is fine, but minor boss (krystallus and maiden) mechanics that it doesn't respect. it goes back to boss after the punt (krystallus), and it ignores the black circle (maiden) so sometimes it stands in it, sometimes it doesn't
      Gundrak <-- fine except for the bridge to last boss
      Forge of Souls <-- works great, doesn't fall off
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
    8. j0achim

      j0achim New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Zf is not safe at all, you might be the person who has to loot key. which bot does not, nor will it interact with cages. So id put it in the babysitting category. Other then that is very nice and gives alot of exp.

      Ive been unlucky to be the "lucky" person which has to loot the key thus i manually have to open cage, which in most cases is nearly impossible without turning the bot off (because tank is too far away from the cages wich makes IB walk to tank while you try yo walk to cages)
    9. Peaso

      Peaso New Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      Level 80 herioc that I consistantly bot AFK (dispite warnings from Raphus).

      Nexus (doesn't jump or move on last boss but usually not a problem for most healers)
      UK, nearly perfect every time
      Drak'theron Keep, Nearly Perfect everytime
      VH, Sometimes bugs on corpse run, but usually get rezzes (if I am not home to check every 20-30 mins I don't run this one).
      HOL, nearly perfect
      HOS, nearly perfect
      UP, nearly perfect
      COT: although recent started seeing some issue with the bot "at the edge of the world" not sure about that, Last couple days I have disabled.
      I have in the past 2 week maxed JP and honor on 2 level 80's and working on a third ATM. Every couple days I run ICC 5 mans for the 232 gears by hand. Other than that HB/IB has gotten the rest.
    10. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Violet Hold also works perfectly, but I've never died in there, so I can't comment on the corpse run. I've run VH many times. I can't agree on Ramparts, but I'll concede that perhaps something changed since last time I ran it. The mesh when you run up the spiral ramp after the first boss was problematic. I used to always have issues, where it would run up, down, jump, and even sometimes run back to the beginning of the instance.
    11. Pexus

      Pexus Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      Drak'Tharon Keep: Requies babysitting because of the boss with that stupid bubble (don't know the name). It requies one player to kill the mobs coming down the stairs. Looks very suspicious if yo're asked to move you ass up there and you just don't do it...
    12. Nayhaw

      Nayhaw New Member

      Jul 29, 2010
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      not really, half the players that play this game dont do what theyre told :)
    13. dooky

      dooky New Member

      Jul 3, 2010
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      Sunken Temple: it fails always to jump...and it also fails with corpse runs, so blacklist it
    14. goodmorning

      goodmorning New Member

      Sep 16, 2010
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      Azjol-Nerub <- Can't handle the water at the bottom of the pit
      Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom <- Huge meshing issue, looks like a bot

      The Oculus <- HB doesn't do flying.
      Trial of the Champion <- HB doesn't do vehicle events.
    15. Samlock

      Samlock Member

      Jun 26, 2010
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      Gundrak - sometimes has trouble jumping down into the water to cross the bridge, usually when it hits the water he wants to turn left and ends up stuck in a wall instead of following the other members up the pile of bones then across this bridge.

      Not come across any other serious issues so far. Is it possible to set hotspots and/or blackspots for instances?
    16. IvanRJ

      IvanRJ Member

      Oct 27, 2010
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      Shadowfang Keep <- Somewhere in this instance the bot tries to run a different path to party and dies.

      I hate that....
    17. Nab

      Nab Member

      May 31, 2010
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      That will be the part when you go "outside", onto the walls?
    18. mickstjohn

      mickstjohn New Member

      May 9, 2010
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      Does anybody Know if IB Works by you @violet hold. By me the bot goes Crazy. Thx
    19. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can we get this stickied, also, a link from the IB thread to this would be great.
    20. Matteo

      Matteo New Member

      Sep 22, 2010
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      I understand there is a problem with mesh in the test release of HB, so i do not know if all of these instances work as we speak.
      I will update this thread when the navigation is fixed.
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