I still wonder, my bags are nearly empty and the droprate of Luxurious Pelt seems to be lower than before. I also get less green items and other stuff Loots: 320 (349/hr) 1300bones, and nearly nothing in the bags. I guess blizz reduced the dropchance already.
I've ran this profile for over 30 hours and still no BoE so there is a possibility the drop chance was reduced, maybe not though, it's all probability. Some people are still getting the epics within the first few drops.
hey, Need help please. i am in grinbotmode, have the tuahan Thing working, the bag plugin also activated. Settings are well too but the bot doesnt anything. it just fights if the cute doggies attack but it doesnt move itself and doesnt even loot. i restarted a couple of times but still nothing. anybody an idea?
got one boe agi cape sold it for 65k....tons of furs and greens and few blues worth a bit of money...no hides since i dont skin but i wish i did :S also if u get a chance could you make a farming one for meats like elek, riverbeast, boar, clefthook ... would love to farm those for the meats
This profile is awesome, within three hours i had my first BoE, Off-hand, sold it for 30k , + over 1000 furs, loads of greens, and lots of greys selling for 200g/stack.
Found out the issue was for some reason when i did a fresh install of HB these 2 items were put into protected items for some reason. i erased them from protected items and put them into force mail and it works like a charm. the ONLY issue i have after i made changes to the profile is it getting stuck in that damn tree
Nope, using a hunter as well. BM to be exact. it seems to ONLY occur when its out of combat, and theres something to loot on the lower level and its on the second level. Like the bot runs right down if someone else loots and doesnt skin.
got my first epixx after 3~ hours - thanks dude. sadly it's just the Ephew's Enlightened Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft please tell me it's worth something. edit: some data Kills: 424 (302/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 390 (278/hr)
More efficient? Yes! I am running an altered version of this profile with a 643 BDK + CombatPullerPlugin Pulls a max of 10 wolves in yards:80 = continuous killing. At some points you just stand for 1-2 minutes killing all wolves around (medium pop realm)
First of all, thanks for this awesome profile! Altered it to horde, and it have been running smoothly, since sunday morning. Have'nt seen a epic yet tho, but a "few" pieces of leather and fur. Would be really great with a few epic's now then..
Bot runs if I use Tuanha + GrindBuddy beta but doesn't skin mobs. If I use normal GrindBot it starts but doesn't move or actually pull mobs. Hangs on Pause Combat: Holdtime with the normal GrindBot + Tuanha. Singular mixed with the profile functions normally, skinning included, but is less efficient with rotation and CD usage. Edit: Seems to be an interaction issue with Tuanha and Grindbuddy. Using Singular profiles on my characters use GrindBot just fine but for some reason Tuanha won't cooperate. Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome.
Will be working on version 1.2 tonight will be nice to speak to some devs about changes implimemted ect
Wasnt working for me this morning it got stuck at loading but that's an issue with hb I suppose not the profile? Seems a lot of people are having issues with the hb atm