Profile works for me moves to all the check points, One issue i have is my character dismounts to enter combat with little scorpions or other trash mobs at the end of waypoints..
Seems to work for me so it's not a troll profile. Also you guys may want to cycle through toons every now and then while farming this. Poundfist mount is very popular at the moment and someone may get suspicious if they see a toon going the same exact route for the past 3 days
I was thinking about this profile while camping 40+ hrs on Garrosh (which BTW , never spawned before reset) I don't know how to edit XMLs yet, learning that. On the SAME EXACT ROUTE thing, couldn't you and more hot spots? Assuming that Hot spots are where the bot goes in the map. Instead of Botting just one cycle thru the 5 spawn points could someone set the bot up with 6 maybe 7 cycles thru each spawn point and change the points at where it goes a little on each cycle? I would assume that after a 5th cycle thru most humanoids would not remember that the toon landed on the exact same spot 5 times ago? I am learning XML editing since joining HB a month ago but still dont know how to do it! Only thing I have managed to do so far is take the 1st 5 Hot spots out of the Gorground Rare XML because every time it stucks or stops I reset it and it would go back to the beginning and kill the 1st rare again!
Not sure if this is possible, but could you add the ability to inform people in general chat that you found poundfist? I ask because his health was just buffed 40%, and the tag is shared to everyone. Not only will it make it easier to kill but you wont end up public enemy #1 on the server.
Man why you did it with questingbot? use grinding bot is better caus germen people cant use questingbot annymore
ok i edided it by myselfe but have a little error in it. i hope it will target the mop and attack. think some of your waypoints need a little edditing cause the bot stucks sometimes.
am i doing something wrong? it thinks im horde and goes to the horde flymaster, doesnt work? im alliiance druid
I want to start by saying thanks for your contribution. It runs a solid path. My concerns with it is how silly it looks at times when it dismounts and stops. When dismounted it does not attack the npc attacking it 99% of the time and just lets the pet kill it. This is time wasted and it looks really silly and not human. The stopping and just sitting there while npcs pound on you is not humanlike also it looks bottish. Can this be improved upon?
You can open the file and edit waypoints how u want them. This is the file i used, it doesn't check North most point because its too far to run and you will miss a kill more then likely traveling around. The waypoints adjusted to make turns in hidden areas away from people camping spawns. It took me few nights running it to get the mount. GL
I was just running this bot for around 11 hours, I walked in to check on it and saw a group of people attacking Poundfist, and the bot turned around and ran away - ignoring poundfist. I stopped the bot and attacked him myself and got the mount. Just wondering why the bot ignored poundfist?
Were you using RareKiller with this profile? This is what most of us are using. Not sure if profile itself has specific commands to attack poundfist or simply just run the path that takes you by the waypoints he appears at.
I was not using rarekiller. the profile - in the 'quest' grindarea uses the <MobIds>50985</MobIds> function - so, it should have targeted poundfist in theory.