tons of people using this on my server already don't yah think your a lil obv. when your all running the same way? There's also a few quests in this area so it's fairly populated by 82-84s.
I am currently using your 80-82 profile. So far ive not even had to stop to drink on my shadow priest. im getting around 327k xp/hr atm. Will post results in a few hours. Btw thank you for the work you are doing. I was really dreading questing.
sorry if people are finding this area hard, i was owning the mobs with my level 80 shadow priest but I have good gear... if you have grinded to 82, maybe it would be worth doing some of the cata quests to try get some better gear? as for server population and people on your server using this profile, im sorry, theres nothing i can really do about that... in time there will be more profiles for this level but until then, theres nothing much to do. I may add some alternative profiles up at some point so there is some variety. I shall call this "Muntas Super Grind" haha
Im a lvl 82 feral spec'd druid with an average item lvl of 266, which is why i dont know why i take so much damage EDIT It cant help but pick up adds
right now im leveling my hunter.. lvl 82 bm hunter all 264 gear 600k+ exp an hour 0 deaths love this profile!
maybe use some pvp gear them little pygmy's hit very hard when they whirlwind ) i have a boomkin though so im healing myself if your plate wearer maybe wear tank gear rogues lol your dead
Ive tried this place with my balance druid but she fails miserably. she pulls several at a time and constantly dies. shes lvl 82. You will pull a massive amount of mobs at the same time here. Just a heads up
I made my own profile.. Its nice and the mobs are abit spread out. And its close by to the other profile spot.