could you possible make movement a bit more spaced? right now they are being clicked so close between one to another that if you lag a slight bit it makes the movements go off if you could make it 2~4 times bigger than its right now it would be a lot smoothly. Right now it looks like this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ideal would be x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x Or at least allow us to have a customizable option so we can arrange what is the best space for us with a field in the config window.
There will be an option in the next releases to use the new experimental navigation system. It might not be robust enough for low performance computers running 20 toons, but others should give it a go since it definitely improves the overall speed/path/stuck issues...
Hey, 1) Concerning the work orders, they were a bit buggy on the first versions. The next version will be able to pick up all work orders, testing it right now. 2) Yes please! Wish list: 1) This will be possible using HBRelog in a near future! And very easy 2) As soon as the work orders, dailies... are fully implemented the whole focus will be on creating AI based on priorities of the users! Thanks for the feedback, everything is dully noted! Will be fixed in the next release! There will be options for you to activate or not certain dailies/work orders, you should always be in control! Please attach your log for the mob issue since it is the first it has been reported it makes it even more difficult to pinpoint.
Would be better if he do all the 100% success rate first and then use the left followers to use on any X% success rate left missions where we decide what the X% is within the configuration.
Not necessarily, wasting a 100 epic follower on a L90 mission just because it has the right counter is a waste.
Because he already explained in early posts that a more advanced logic for missions will be placed in at a further time so right now what I proposed is just fine.
Yes, the toon I had available with buildings... to test was mostly ally. Now it's fixed, got what I needed to properly test everything. For the Horde!
When the bot tries to collect garrison resources on a level 3 horde garrison, it spins in circles near the entryway to the town hall. Collecting them by myself fixed it. View attachment 1184 2014-12-04 22.18.txt
Thank you for clearing that up! I spent quite a few moments while doing alt garrisons trying to recreate this with no luck.
Hello If i use your link in your 2 post, " GarrisonBuddy Beta SVN", i got error 404, page not found. Sorry my bad english iam from germany. Regards Spider
use an svn program. Like tortoisesvn.
The svn works for me. I just tried it again. Just use the zip version he uploaded if you can't figure it out.