With about 1500 GR incomming daily and everything already at level 3, I prefer gold quests above just about everything.... Scavengers on 100(630) GR quests are so awesome
Im not sure if anyone else has posted about this or noticed it or if its just me, but when the bot kills an NPC that spawns from a mining node it doesn't loot the item.
With 3 I get even more... I've done missions with 1225 GR as reward..... Converting GR to gold is one of the best uses and I'm paying my bonus rolls in GR now as well.
I now use this bot every day. Thanks for continuing to improve it. Once it's out of beta, I will be sure to donate towards continued support.
even with all that GR, you still probably want to be doing XP quests for followers, no? Or are all of your followers level 100 epic with 670+ ilvl?
One minor bug, when the bot is mining the Garrison nodes if it is trying to loot a Preserved Mining Pick from the given node and you have too many it will keep trying over and over. EDIT: I think 5 is the max, so if you tell it to check for the amount and discard one or discard the loot.
There seems to be an issue when the list is too big, added to the to fix list. In the meantime you can empty it a bit by hand to let the bot continue. Fixed in the next version Fixed in the next version Thanks for the support! Have you selected loot mobs in hb settings? Could you post your full log?
You should consider pushing the movement and mine buffs update sooner as they are a big hicup right now. If there is a buff to be looted either in a mine or a cart it will enter on a infinite loop causing people not to be able to properly use the botbase. Aside from that awesome job so far
Testing right now the new version, will be up before the end of the weekend! It should fix most of the problems you are experiencing and it brings a lot of anticipated features such as being compatible with AutoAngler in mixed mode, a more smooth navigation system and a low CPU usage for heavy farmer. Ho.. and more See below for the details!
Doesnt work at all for me... i get spammed by red text saying: [GarrisonBuddy] 0.4: System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at GarrisonBuddy.Coroutine.AllianceTownHall1() in d:\Honorbuddy\Bots\GarrisonBuddyBeta\Coroutines\Coroutine.Move.data.cs:line 7811 at GarrisonBuddy.Coroutine.GetGarrisonPoints() in d:\Honorbuddy\Bots\GarrisonBuddyBeta\Coroutines\Coroutine.Move.data.cs:line 12817 at GarrisonBuddy.Coroutine.InitializationMove() in d:\Honorbuddy\Bots\GarrisonBuddyBeta\Coroutines\Coroutine.Move.cs:line 82 at GarrisonBuddy.Coroutine.OnStart() in d:\Honorbuddy\Bots\GarrisonBuddyBeta\Coroutines\Coroutine.cs:line 94
great bot never stuck until I found 1 STUCK, tested on 4x alliance toon on Level2 mine, all stuck at exact same spot. just tested on a 5th toon same spot again, after mining a node .. about where the recount is and then try to walk around the pole and stuck just at the edge of the pole? don't HB come unstuck feature?
Good to hear! No it is not a setting. The bot is currently on beta. Versions are released quickly, try the next release that will fall before the end of the weekend. Be aware that the current publicly available version is not perfect. But these new features will be up soon. /Dev mode rest The garrison lvl 1 is not supported in this version yet. Please wait for future releases or upgrade it to level 2. Great job! The next version will integrate the unstuck routines, so it wont be possible anymore to get stuck there. If you find another one, let me know!