Switch to Kingwow for now. THat one is working. I just looked really dumb on that last boss pull lol.
Right Click how you would right click to update --> Update to revision > put 29 into Revision and click OK
Hi guys, I've just update ALL Combat Routine to work with the most recent Honorbuddy v2.5.12203.759 As always, please update ALL TuanHA Combat Routines folder - including Combat Routine you don't use, old version may conflict and cause error. You can update by right-click folder and run SVN update or download new updated version in my website. Thank you for supporting my work. TuanHA
I'm considering buying this, but really need a feature to enable/disable aoe in my raid - as I'd hate to break the cc/ec. There's a checkbox to disable "auto aoe", but doesn't seem to be any settings for a hotkey in the interface - is this something that would happen once I became paid?
Is there anyway for my antivirus to ignore the .DLL file as it keeps removing it thinking it's a virus? Note: Working as expected now. Ignore the message above.
Shamanistical Rage options missing for elemental shaman. Can you add an option to use it below a certain HP % for damage reduction? Right now it is only used for enhancement offensively.
Depends on the Antivirus program you are using. However, easiest way is to have it ignore scan on the whole Honorbuddy folder.
Can you give us the option to heal out of combat like the druid settings? Currently the only setting is to heal at a certain hp % which would cause the shaman to cast heal in combat. Also there is no setting for Shamanistical Rage for Elemental spec. It would let us set to use Shamanistical Rage at certain hp%
I don't know what you are talking about The option already there, it look like you never read the combat routine function and just posting request :S Shamanistic Rage on Cooldown Tab mean it work on both spec Option Heal of in Combat/out Combat also in Ele and Enhancement spec
Tuanha please work on PvE rotation for Elemental because I'm doing 1k more dps on raid dummy than this CC even when I make mistakes in rotation :/ It lets flame shock drop which should never happen It interrupts lightning bolts for lava burst insta cast which shouldn't happen (big issue with this) It should cast Earth shock on 17+ stacks, not only on 20
I'm sorry about the healing out of combat part. However the Shamanistic Rage on Cooldown Tab doesn't have the option of using it at a certain HP% which was what I was requesting. You have 3 choices at the moment only 1) Shamanistic Rage when enemy bursting 2) Shamanistic Rage Mama Below Mana% ##spelling error Mama = Mana 3) Shamanistic Glyph CC Dur >= xxxx ms What I was asking is how to set it so that the shaman will use it like barskin of the druid. e.g. Say I set the Shamanistic Rage hp 80% so if I dip below 80% hp it will cast Shamanistic Rage. Also there's things wrong with the cooldowns. I have the Fire elemental and the Earth elemental set to use on CD also the ascendance and elemental mastery to be used on CD In the log you can see it only used the Fire elemental 1 time and even that was buggy since it dropped a searing totem before the Fire elemental was gone. The Earth elemental and the other CD's were never used even once The Fire elemental was never used again after the initial 1 time summon. The shaman would keep casting chain lightning when there is 2 mobs only The elemental shaman would cast lava burst without the flame shock debuff I attached 2 logs one with the Questing bot and one with Enyo both showing the said error. I also attached the settings xml. I attached
Google him, log into website, download there, svn update. Sign in. Probably also shut off streaming of the free routine from store and get rid of that folder.
It's still crashing. :/ "cant process managed resources" Did a clean install, followed the instructions with SVN again, shut off streaming, still crashes.