Latest HB release is affected by many issue we must be patient HB team fix. Testing discipline and works using questing (Clean Installation of HB 759)
Bot settings What is your Botbase framelock settings ? HB -settings - framelock enabled - 30 tps ? Enyo Hardlock - 30 tps ?
OOM is reletive to gear setting and much more group composition: If you are the only one good healer and you are healing alone so will be possible at low gear level you are going OOM. Ghaleon posted some good settings for top healing and finish encounter consuming all mana, but i repeat at low gear, low spirit and other low healers in raid you can consume much. Tune all healing lower
Hey there. I just did the 3 day trial. I love the holy spec. Smooth healing I am going to buy the routine for sure to support your work XD
For people having problem dismounting while in combat, use Lazyraider instead of Enyo. Also, is there an option "Attack out of combat"? I can't seem to find it or I it doesn't exist For questing is nice to just get a target and bot start the combat. Enyo has the force combat mode that works great, but also has the dismounting problem.. I guess we cannot have them all And btw, I am also on 3 days trial and I am impressed with shadow so far. Is extremely fast and smooth. Edit: Are you going to make a bundle offer for all your classes you support (cheaper than buy them one by one ) ? I am torn between this and mage, but I could buy both in a nice bundle
Well when the bot was on build 757 it worked perfectly, and when you updated to 758 there were a ton of bugs, and before they had the time to fix it, the ninja patch came out and that forced everyone into build 759 and thats basically the same build as 758 just with an updated .exe to be able to use the bot its self. Give the HB some time to iron out the bugs. Some people it works perfectly, others its not. My Enyo Hardlock is set to 20, and same with HB, you change one it auto changes in the other. You really cant have two different settings there.
You have an option in CR under SETTING SPECIAL called "AutoDismountOnCombat" id you disable it CR will never dismount by itself but continue dismount if set in basebot or any other plugins. ATM i dont think in a bundle offer for many reason: fifficult to mantains and the price is very low compared to many other CRs that offere just one spec.
Not sure what this means Attilio . All I know was that I used to be top heals, awesome, amazing with your routine pre-expac. Now I do not know how to use it or just can't find the right settings. When I bought the WoD version of the routine, I was Disc. I oomed horribly and my numbers were low, so I switched out my Shadow O/S for Holy. In Holy I oom less, but only a little less. I am 631 right now and last night I switched back to Disc with the settings a user had posted a couple of pages back. I healed Highmaul normal, but barely. Last in heals and oomed mid-to-end of EVERY fight. Today I could not even heal a Grimrail Heroic. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
what he say is that is very early in expansion and everyone has shit gear...also, the routine look for players with x% health and heal them. ideally, the healing of players should be equal from all healers...but if you are in a group with other healers that don't heal the players, the bot heal them instead. Example: your bot settings heal a player with x spell i they are <90% life and with y spell if they are <75%. If the rest of the healers don't heal players until they reach 70% health, that means that you alone are healing for 3 healers! My example may not be a perfect one, but this is the basic idea. Also, healers that manually heal will never be fast enough to heal before a player health drop, the bot heal it before others have the time to react... TL;DR: lower the % health need to use spells, especially the expensive ones. Let others heal first and you will heal if things are going emergent...
So if routine was fine at detecting all this before, and it is released for WoD, what do I do with it. How do I make it work for now? Anyone have the settings I should use? Disc settings posted a couple of pages back did not work for me so I went Holy again. If anyone has Holy settings that would be awesome.
This is what he is saying in a nut shell 1. issue is that your gear is not up there yet, the major lack of spirit now days is something we all have to cope with and learn how to gear correctly to balance out the issue. 2. If you have other healers that are not pulling there weight in the raid, then YOU are doing more work than you should be and as a result, you are using more mana and going oom faster 3. You are the ONLY person who is in control of your settings, we cant tell you what to pick, what % to set X at or Y to. The reason is, EVERYONE has different gear, stats, and everything else. YOU have to learn how to adjust what in order for your gear lvl and stats in order to not go oom. Thats how its been with every CR
Maybe I have been utterly lucky in the past then, because this is not the way it has been every CR. Could pretty much use Attlio's routines 'out of the box' and they performed seamlessly.
Also there is this.....should also keep up to date with whats going on with HB its self... In short almost every CR is not working 100% right now, its a known issue BEFORE the patch
Keep in mind that the whole healing have had a big change wod coming..don't compare it to is more like Cataclysm now. Also, when pre-patch for wod hit, all classes was OP because of scaling e.t.c. Is really hard to make a fair comparison, because things changed a lot. In any case, as I said, try to change some settings put flash heal and prayer of healing 10% lower for example.
REV 2.2.8 LIVE! Add some priority to dispell: Me tank other Now you can switch between specialization without stop/restart Honorbuddy
Im doing ok with mana. My guild is 4/7 heroic 25man. Ill post my settings later. Disc is ok but not top right now by game design.
You have not seen any rankings for healing then, because in every fight its been a Disc priest has been the top healer on every fight other than the butcher who disc came in 2nd, Brackenspore who came in 3rd, and Ko'ragh who came in 3rd. You need to adjust your settings, I'm sure I'm a lower ilvl than you and I don't run out of mana now after using the settings I've posted a few post before this one, and I ranked in the 96th percentile in the world for disc priest. On Kargath Bladefist I even ranked 11th in the WORLD compared to every other healer class. So sorry but you are utterly on Disc not being top healer right now. If you would like links to the rankings I can provide them as well if you like.
Im pushing about 30-35k hps. I would like to see more sheild spamming but ive got my sheild at 99 ... Feel like atonenment is trying to take over... Ideally i would like to get my 5 stacks up with atonenment then go back to spam/aoe