Hey I have 456k in stock, its only the 2nd day of cata's realease... Should I wait for the prices to go up?? I am on a high pop us relm.
Sent PM. Still looking for advice. Means alot, this is paying for my drivers ed, 2 new computers, and new phone. Any help appriciated.
Well I have 456k, thats around 900 at my current price, Im am buying a very small debateing laptop, than a decen botting desktop. I am probably wishing for more than I haev with the Iphone and drivers ed added to it, but with acata it will be vey very easy.
Ugh I wish I was that good at botting. I can't use GB for the life of me to get any real results. Probably because I am really only familiar with HB. I have a main account I play on that has WOTLK. My botting account is still a vanilla. 2 60's and working on a third now. I have done nothing but lose money botting, and I enjoy botting quite a bit, but it would be nice to actually make some money instead of throwing it into the bottomless pit that is my current story.
I started out the same way, It was very tough. I was a botter since gliders days. However, there are a lot of helpful people here, and I am sur you could get some results. I would watch the hot topics, watch your server economy, and see whats good. I always stuck to strights up titanium, saronite, and eternals. However, it does take sure effort the output is still worth it.
Maybe because I've botted in another MMO that this wasn't as hard to learn, but the details are quite difficult when you have issues as nothing is documented outside these forums. I now have everything working for all toons in all situations (for what I want) and despite being on one of the top 20 populated servers, can hold my own...but am careful and never bot afk. The hard part right now is I won't dare bot in the expansion zones yet as too many people and it would be impossible to not notice I'm a bot gathering with so many people hunting for nodes as $$$ are good right now for those resource. I did take fishing to 525 but that was easy I'll also do some light grinding for cloth and greens maybe late at night but still dangerous. I'm actually using this time when many of the other Northrend zones are pretty empty to rape their resources in a rather safe way, and also grinding out two other toons to 80 (they were already 60+) as again, those areas are mostly empty despite being such a crowded server. Crowded servers are great for $$$ but need to be careful if you care about your account :/
Well he was so helpful. I was going to sell only 356k gold a 2/k that would be $712. Yet, if I hade settled for this I would have lost $178 if I didnt abtain his advice. Plus I have not even put all of it to work. Thanks so much Bot, truly helped. But in the end I was able to work 2 gold sites to 2.5/k and sell 450k for $1,125. (minus some becuase some gold selers dont know what a gift is...) Oh and thanks GB to.
Really awesome, I'm thinking about getting WOW and getting this bot. But how did you give him the gold without getting banned?