Hey guys Whether using honorbuddy or not, i am curious how you guys make money in WoW? I've been playing since BC but never bothered doing any dailys or professions, the most i ever owned was maybe 15k. But with this new xpac i'm trying to keep well funded and well geared. So far i have made 50k by myself, which is an achievement for me, but it interests me how people have so much gold 100k to them is nothing and how they have obtained their riches. Thanks for your input
Camping AH for hours would be the legit way. Running a AH bot would be the shortcut, even to a ban ^^ Running dungeons selling all loot 12h a day will get your acc banned and your pockets filled with money.
I do not know about this expansion yet, but i have always found skinning and mining to be great for making gold. Good luck!
I'll let him down gently shall I. You will find that best answer you will get is by trial and error because no one hear is going to give you a full run down on there gold making/selling simply because you are the compitition and the less competition there is the better for them so yeah try difrent things most will fail but you live and you learn. I had to!
Just use grind profiles to raise your reps to exalted, in the way you will earn a lot, repeat, A LOT of gold, dont forget to have EVERYTIME workorders on your garrison, and sell 640ilvl crafted gear (30-50k each)
Thanks for all the feedback guys its interesting to hear all the different possibilitys and methods. I thought mining might have been the way coming into this xpac but on my realm all ore goes for maybe 2g each so not very profitable sadly haha
Must be a low-pop realm. Mine is "medium" one and 640 crafts are barely selling at ~9-12k already. Highmaul normal gear is 655, so "golden days" are over. Glyph/ore/herb prices are in the shitter as well on my server.
exactly the same here, im struggling with making gold. everything sells for shit, ore, herbs, crafted epics.
/truth but in addition, everyone isnt on the same realm. what sells on your realm usually isnt the same as what sells on mine. you might already have teams of skinners on your realm sinking the market. you might be on a small realm where one dick has 11 alts with level 3 garrisons pumping out cheap epics every day. its more of a fluid movement in and out of markets that will net you that extra 15% a day profit. know your competitor's markets. this is a monumental task on my current realm but on my home realm, i knew people, their alts and what markets they liked to play. i could whisper player X and see when they planned to reset glyph prices and work together. whisper player Y to contract a set price for meat that you collect while skinning. learn TradeSkillMaster. its the closest to legit botting you can get while still inside the tos. however, stay cool about it because it still falls under exploiting the economy if people get pissy. and they will when you post 500 glyphs with one flick of the scroll wheel. and the most important tip of all--STOP SPENDING GOLD ON USELESS SHIT AND STOP GIVING SHIT AWAY example: your bro whispers you 'hey you got any raw talbuk meat?' yeah, of course you got raw talbuk meat, but its selling for 250g per on the ah. sell it on the ah, fuck your bro. he is your bro, not your firstborn son. let him farm his own meat. guild knows youre a botter, 'hey bud, can you farm me some skins?' 'FOR FREE?' if your goal is to be a bro, by all means, be a bro. but bros don't get rich. you see Donald Trump in his jet with bros and hos? no. You see jackass musicians on their jets with bros and hos? all the time, till they are broke as shit living in the street, in front of a bros house.
Let me give you a wordphrase: "The Nail holds everything together.. But you need to swing the hammer" Nail = Honorbuddy and all that comes with it Grindbot&Profiles/Questbot&Profiles etc etc. Hammer = You We couldnt possibly tell you how YOU should make money on YOUR server. Prices fluxuate and differ per server, by ALOT All I can pass on to you; - Keep an eye on trade chat for possible deals ("Hé! Ive seen that go for alot more yesterday") - Check the AH for every raw material branche and see if there is need for one of those around specific hours (Think of Raiding days < big hint) Will require some homework > paper and pen or notepad.exe ^^ if its your first time. BUT PAYS OFF! - 640 Epics from Garrisons - CRAFT THEM, you got the mats for free anyway! - Grind for 665 epics/rares + skins&furs , there is always demand for those. - Read into AH/Profession Addons. they make it easier. big time! Usefull if youre gonna read up into flipping the AH by large amounts: theunderminejournal.com Good Luck, fellow 'Buddy'! Edit: If you wish to make real gold as in REAL - stop spending it, you will need it for the above.
be4 WoD hit I was running my tank doing random heroics and getting 2-3k a hour from selling everything. but since DB is down I cant do that anymore so im broke atm too. I plan on leveling max alts and just using garrison to make things to sell and use myself. fishing I found nets a lot of fish yet I aint tried selling any yet. "use for personal cooking"