every single item with spirt ( for heal drood ) well wast you dps as boomy you need fully owl gear from hc otherwise its not wonder me why you are doing so less dmg for basic and the start this could help you Balance Druid DPS Guide (WoD 6.0.3) - Icy Veins
The point is that it still does way less than when I play myself, and I have no idea what I'm doing as a boomkin. @Mirabis: I currently have no log of it (did some reinstall of honorbuddy and such) but I will go to a dummy as soon as i'm off work and then i'll create a log for you (or see if it's better since i tried changing some settings), ill keep you posted anyway.
Hello Mirabis, Let me start by saying your profile is a godsend and i love that you wrote a well tempered Boomkin profile! 2 main issues I am running into are: 1. Stellar Flare is casting towards the top end of my lunar cycle (huge loss of dps, maybe take it off the multi dot rotation)(does more damage when the Lunar cycle is at 0% or dead middle) 2.The rotation seems to use Celestial Alignment when my bar is at 75-80% instead of waiting to cast it at 100% of the lunar cycle (again a huge dps loss) I'm hoping its just a stupid setting I have yet to screw with! Thank you for all the work you have put in, Meow
Will look at those points, it checks for a certain eclipse value so I'd have to do some digging into why what u suggest should be better and why i couldn't find it in theory rafting blogs
Just bought this and looks great. If anyone can help with best dungeon/raid setting that would be great.
Works very well! Tried it out in a raid enviroment. You can tweak it and make it work just right for you. Did It's job. I can't speak for PVP sadly.
you ask for settings really ?^^ it is so simple and dont need any special settings to get it works ! its not like th healer one where need adjust some numbers and units
when I used it in random bgs, it was pretty good at multi dotting everyone, so it's definitely good at damage. Not sure about rated pvp.
Release: Pushed out a new version, awaiting store approval before it goes live. Changelog: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
Hey Mirabis this CR is awesome But i have 1 question. Is it possible to get a starfall Option with a number of mobs in Highmaul starfall at 2 adds are very usefull but it casts only with 3 adds (sry for bad english)
That's pretty much a boomies job in rated bg's lol First bg with minimal gear, Did alot of damage, need to tweek it more so it doesnt use defensives, seems to use cenarion ward badly, is it normal for it to tab target pets?