Having problems with enhancement , just stands there for a few seconds before targeting them waits a couple more seconds then attacks.
Just came back from quitting ( i have the paid versions) Everything else works but shaman doesn't load, it goes straight to singular
tuanha, as a resto shammy, ive seen the slider to save mana per heals etc. Now this is greyed out, does this work in the paid version or is this still under development?
I think he went to work on the routine and that's why he hasn't answered us so give it another day but it work in the paid not sure about the free I never used it lol I just out right bought all the routines I mean so many people was using it so yeah
rest shaman is broken need a lot of work oom fast in raid heal less I got kicked last 2 times from raid lowest heal
The whole enable AOE rotation isn't really working. It constantly uses chain lightning only when theres 2 or more mobs and never uses earthquake.
i dont get some of these issues because i manually cast some of this stuff maybe you guys should as well not saying im better than you but i like better control of my burst and i control my earthquake also i cant find a definitive answer on how many mobs need to be in aoe area that we should be aoeing if you can find it please show me the link from a reputable source
actually noxxic says aoe at 2+ "Elemental Shaman should switch to the AoE DPS rotation with 2+ targets."
its not broken, Blizz redid all the healing classes so they would OOM faster...you have to move the slider if you have paid version
His Proving grounds XML worked fine all the way through gold, hardly had to do anything. Added it to this post. I'm healing in Heroic Highmaul with my resto shaman just fine, tweaked its use of chain heal a bit, but everything else is more or less the same in terms of clicking on the "Raid" button for resto shaman. It's probably more a your own character issue rather than a CR issue. Not having any issues with the resto shaman atm, while enh and ele aren't optimized, resto is working great in both pvp and pve. (I use paid.)