Ahh, that setting took care of it. Thanks! Edit: In reference too Illuminated Healing [False] fixing an issue I had with unnecessary holy radiance casts.
is it normal that it reacts so damn slow? im using disc pirest wiht solance and Oracle_Class_healzzzWoMv2_PriestDiscipline_20_Raid_NoBoss.xml in heroic instances it reacts so sloooooow waiting until someone drops below or around 50% HP
Have a log for us and talent usage things like that, It helps to be as descriptive as possible if not we literally have no idea what the issue could be. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Ok now, there is no need for name calling and things like that. I was being completely nice with my post, granted there was sarcasm in it but no need or being rude. We can all get along and chat about how wonderful Oracle is. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Now this is what I will be eagerly waiting for. I enjoy the proving grounds setup, but I really want to get back into CoW. Awesome work mate, really appreciate it.
you lol really have not a single clue how to use this ! i swear i fall in love with this CR its so advanced when setup corectly , btw i run it now for 2 days and pretty happy with it , no way it is useless ! played with priest and resto drood
Sometimes when setting Beacon of Light to Tanks Only and Beacon of Faith for Lowest Health Target, and we have only 1 tank taking damage, the bot keeps the Beacon of Light on the tank that is not taking damage... can you check that?
Can somone think of a reason why Enyo will not heal out of combat? I have already enabled "continues healing mode". =\
Happening with my lvl 91 monk. when you try to mount up it does it cast then stop again? thats whats happening with me atm with enyo
Pretty much this, yes. When there are party members with low HP (15%) next to me it won't do anything. Which class? Maybe it does only happen on Monks.
I am a level 100 Monk. Edit: Just tested on my level 100 Paladin and it's working fine over there. Seems to be broken on Monks only.