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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by deams, Nov 29, 2014.

    1. will5757

      will5757 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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    2. myrgy

      myrgy Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      Use the Disenchantrix plugin.
    3. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Hey @Deams, been a while since I posted but I am keeping track of the updates and user posts in the forum and was hoping to consolidate some information for you!

      First some semi important side information:

      In the next few weeks (maybe month or so) Blizzard will be pushing updates on a few profession and their materials used (alch / jewl) This pertains to the gems and not daily CD as far as I am aware, but something to keep track of in case bugs come up.
      Also very important, Blizzard is changing the logic on how followers assigned to buildings affect the production bonus and will require followers to be at buildings while posting and picking up, or full time working while the orders are completed. (cant find source atm or timeline of implimentation)

      Added feature suggestions

      - When the bot starts for the first time, is there a way to display a dialogue box requesting the user goes to bot config to adjust for their specific character, and if so also throw into that dialogue we are currently in beta and an option to turn off the dialogue on future bot launches
      - Implement a gathering option for mats if the user wishes to use generic built in gather spots (willing to donate my sumptuious fur / leather QO to the bot if its something players want)
      - As mentioned above in the gather spots idea, is this bot usable in mixed mode with quest bot, and if so make hooks in your code to switch to quest if the user has selected farm for mats / complete garrison dailies and I will (or the community can as well) supply the questing profiles required to complete all the dailies and intro quests for buildings available.
      - An option in the config even before your garrison ever exists to choose your preferred garrison buildings and when to build them or replace them ( some buildings are good for leveling, and can be replaced at 100 for more useful things)
      - Option to buy unknown patterns from profession vendors ( buy sac of gold if all patterns are known )
      - Option to dump materials not used in daily cd's into guild bank (spell or building option)

      Onto the consolidation (First time user starts bot with added features I have suggested)

      0 - Displays user command //player sets up their config and starts bot
      1 - Completes all finished buildings
      2 - Collects garrison resources //slow down the timing on this so it stops trying to loot it twice
      3 - Collects completed missions //does not start new missions yet
      4 - Assign followers to buildings //activates building bonuses (this will need to be revised based on the new patch requirements posted above)
      5 - Farm herbs
      6 - Collect shipment
      7 - Place shipment
      8 - Farm mine
      9 - Collect shipment
      10 - Place shipment
      11 - Pick up fishing daily if selected //new config option
      12 - Check daily cd's for mat requirements //farm mats if new config option selected
      13 - Collect shipment prof 1
      14 - Daily CD prof 1
      15 - Buy unknown pattern prof 1 //new config option buy gold from daily cd secret if all patterns are known
      16 - Place shipment prof 1
      17 - Combine stackables prof 1 (temporal fragments)
      18 - Collect shipment prof 2
      19 - Daily CD prof 2
      20 - Buy unknown pattern prof 2 //new config option buy gold from daily cd secret if all patterns are known
      21 - Place shipment prof 2
      22 - Combine stackables prof 2 (temporal fragments)
      23 - Salvage bag/crates are used
      24 - Guild bank dump
      25 - Pick up all quests available in Garrison
      26 - Pull followers off buildings //new patch coming up may require them to stay while work orders are in building
      27 - Complete missions //I'm sure you are figuring out a good logic system for this
      28 - Checks requested buildings to be upgraded/replaced
      29 - Sends a complete signal to honorbuddy //used in switch over to autoangler or logmeout addon
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
      deams likes this.
    4. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Well that's one hell of a feedback/report you shared with us here. Thanks for putting everything together in such a clear way. :)
      Gotta tip you reputation for that, it definitely helps. Going through all the pages is not an easy tasks after spending 15+ hours a day coding between IRL and HB life.
      Will go through it multiple times, think about it, process it, plan and come back here to share the results!

      In the meantime, the next build is still moving forward, will certainly have more than words to post soon.
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
    5. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      You cannot understand the time you are saving me in coding this myself, or using halfway complete scripts others have posted. The least I can do is keep updated on other users bugs and thoughts so I can watch out for them in my testing and give you as much valuable feedback as possible to make my botting more enjoyable and simpler.

      A lot of botters do not see the behind the scenes that goes into code development and if something doesn't work or breaks blame the coder before they even consider fixing it themselves or helping the coder fix it. If 15 minutes of my time can save 5 minutes every day for the rest of the expansion, most can see the benifitial trade off once its laid out like that.
    6. blws93

      blws93 New Member

      Oct 19, 2013
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      This is incredible! Im hoping to put this onto Arelog soon so i can get my alts moving. One suggestion would be a mail function. I may get a lot of frostweed on Character A but he cant do anything with it. If he could mail this to Character B, who has alchemy, then this character would be able to use it for his daily professions and such. Just an idea.
    7. artes1408

      artes1408 New Member

      Mar 17, 2012
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      When I use garrisonbuddy fps drops down to 15 and bot often starts tu run around som place. Until I move him manually..
    8. Swift Bot Form

      Swift Bot Form New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      I dont know what you did with your code, but I sure as hell cant do this manually!

    9. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      My only question, is whether or not blizzard intends on this item being stacked, or if it can be easily found who uses this bot base and labeling the use of numerous coffees as an exploit...

      TLDR Consider revising the coffee code so only one stack is used in case blizzard may start looking into players who have the buff active numerous times.
    10. Swift Bot Form

      Swift Bot Form New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      In order to view how many stacks a player has active whilst mining in his/hers garrison, they will need to manually transfer themselves into your garrison, since its instance-like.
      How big do you think the odds are that Blizzard would manually visit every player online inside their garrison, to check if they are not by any chance mining at that same moment
      PLUS having additional stacks at that same very unlucky moment.

      Now lets just consider you're right!

      Lets say only 100 people are online.
      Chances to be checked whilst in your garrison 1 on 100
      How much time that you are inside your garrison do you spend in the mine? 5-10%

      That literally means that there is a 0.2% chance to get caught exploiting a buff with 100 people online.
      Whatever the time is. there will always be more then 100 people online.

      So i'd say you drank too much 'coffee' this morning my friend!

      Does this give you an advantage over other players?
      - No, because it might alter your speed inside your garrison although it does not alther the amount of ores you mine, simply because your garrison has only a limited amount of ores.
      So youre not gaining much from it at all. except time.

      edit: and youre having a blast whilst mining :cool:
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2014
    11. creedence

      creedence New Member

      Oct 10, 2014
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      Im Horde - lvl3 garrison

      "Recycle center detected but no salvage crates detected in bags"

      the bot dont continue to the next task if i dont have a Salvage Crate.. it stays spaming this message.
    12. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Blizzard has statistics of buffs on people and has implemented hotfixes / bans / resets on them in the past. The most recent one is the Haste buff used in challenge mode clears that was ruled an exploit and all rewards and records stripped from the users found having this buff present in the completion of the dungeon.

      I am not a tin foil hat kind of guy, but there are a million ways to have a server check for live bugs without a person manually checking in on you. Especially when those bugs are meant to be single stack buffs, and turn out to be found stacking in 3,4,5, even 6 times in rare cases, the only way the player could have bypassed it is through an exploit since you cannot get those stacks on use rather through the api which blizzard also has access to what addons are loaded onto your client.

      Back on topic, the numerous buffs are not intended so I believe it should be avoided since the player will not benrfit from the bot running through the mine 30 seconds faster if it creates an opportunity to expose a possible exploit in the garrison api.
    13. sacoplastico

      sacoplastico Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Somehow the bot left 1 un-mined node deep in the mine. After checking for mining work orders the node was found, so the bot went into the mine. A couple yards into the mine, the node goes out of range, so the bot comes back out and finds the node again, goes back in, loses sight of the node, comes back out, finds the node again, repeat.

      Will post logs later.
    14. namednoob

      namednoob Community Developer

      Apr 25, 2014
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      They can easily do a database query to flag people with a given characteristic to go check on, they don't need to personally visit every single player.

      With a single query they can eliminate any other players without a certain amount of a given buff id and what zone he is in.

      Thus the chance of visiting you if they do that would be 100%.

      Regardless that, I don't think it would better as gathering your garrison is limited anyway and that is probably a bug reproducible without the bot as well.
    15. roflbobl

      roflbobl New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      It doesnt seem to do the fishing!
    16. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Forget my two posts, there must have been a hidden update since I tried to buff multiple coffees manually. Spell and code is working as intended.
    17. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Planned! :) Hopefully should arrive really soon.

      The next release should fix this! ;)

      I know it's often spoke of as a Urban legend, but there's such things as "nice bugs"... :p

      GarrisonBuddy Express is delighted to help you finish your daily chores with a nice speedy boost and a classy attitude. 8)

      Could you please post a full log? I am missing information on this one.
      FaceRollFTW likes this.
    18. Eitron

      Eitron New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      Excellent work on this botbase, really appreciate the effort.

      Any plans on farming Lumber Mill if bot doesn't have any?

    19. FaceRollFTW

      FaceRollFTW New Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Great job!

      Only thing I have noticed, due to a blizzard bug sometimes the work order window does not show correctly.
      You have to move away from the npc and then move back for it to show correctly.
      When this happens this error is written to the log. [15:45:43.028 N] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.6.4: [ShipmentStart] Failed to open Work order frame.
      Could you code this behavior in, otherwise it just sits there indefinitely.

      Attached is the log for this.
      View attachment 10360 2014-12-11 10.38.txt
    20. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Well with a bit of time, I don't see one thing that GarrisonBuddy won't be able to do in/for the garrison.
      It will depend on how the community evolves. If another solution way more efficient exists, then there will be no need for it.

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