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  • Who bots in top-end guilds?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Sucre, Dec 16, 2014.

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    1. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      That is the biggest load of BS in the world. Not to mention a really bad excuse. Two wrongs doesnt make a right. The best WoW players do better than bots, even with all your fancy schmancy CRs. And you may think everyone bots in your guild. Maybe its because youre in a noob guild. People progressing, the real top guilds dont bot, cus the bot wouldnt be able to keep up with the DPS they do.
    2. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Regardless, you're botting.

      It's not fair that you can quest for 18+ hours a day while you sit in your bed and watch TV while Mr. No Bot over here can only level a few hours a day and get this, he has to withstand being board.

      It's not fair that you can farm gold for 18+ hours a day while you literally eat, sleep, jerk off because gold farming is super AFK'able with a push notifier while we have Mr. Fuck Botters over here has to farm gold manually and withstand being board and compete with people like you.

      Try leveling an alt 1-100 without a bot and try gold farming without a bot. An unfair advantage is an unfair advantage no matter how you sugar coat it or nor matter what you use the bot for.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    3. Sucre

      Sucre Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      You're wrong about the "non botting" in progression guilds dude...
    4. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      I think you missed my point. Leveling and gold farming can be done by hand even more efficiently than the bot can. Yes you can AFK it, nevertheless, you can do it faster by hand, which equalizes the whole thing. It's a question of wanting to invest time into it. People botting in raids wouldnt be able to do it without the bot. And I have to agree with whoever said this, why in the name of Christ are you paying for a game and ontop of that paying for a bot, so you dont have to play the game?

      You may think you are "progressing" with your little botting guild containing players that cant even cast spells manually, but Im talking about top tier raiding guilds. I know a guy, hes like 15 years old or something, crazy with mathematics, insane WoW player, he is always topping DPS in his guild and he is raiding with experienced adults. The best WoW players dont bot, cus the bot would be perfoming worse than they are.
    5. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      im a better player then you i play wow 10 years that i bot in guild to do most healing or dps doesend mean im a noob i just dont like smashing evrytime a key why i could just move and let the bot do the rotation with my private custom classes i bet you never reached 2.2k by hand then come here complaining about people raid botting while you do it you self you just a whiner that gets mad when another botter beats you hps dps i can even macro my rotation in one button hit with my naga
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    6. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Eh, I understand your point but, you can't out level a bot. Are you nuts? I can out level ANY casual or semi-casual player from 1-100 or even have more gold than them simply because I can bot all day, everyday. The point is, pot calling the kettle black. If you ever get banned, tell Blizzard these excuses you're expressing and I'm positive they'll unban you... Kappa. No matter what, you're using a bot at the end of a day to gain an unfair advantage vs a regular player. That's what I'm trying to get across.

      AND why criticize people while you're in a BOTTING FORUM lol
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    7. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      You cant even put a proper sentence together. How long you have played WoW doesnt mean anything. I started playing in 2005, nothing is like it used to be. You are a noob, if you want to have a bot do your rotation instead of doing it yourself and compete amongst the people you raid with or to achieve a certain rating in arenas or RBGs. Youve been playing for 10 years, it sounds like you still think its 2004. You still think 2.2k rating is something to brag about. And you use Razer equipment. Mate, please...
    8. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      I did tell Blizzard. You know what they came up with? Level 90 boost. Im still waiting for them to get back to me about putting Gold Bundles in the Blizzard Store. Point is, leveling and gold farming can be done by anyone without the bot. Mythic raiding cant.
    9. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Why pay $60 when i can bot?

      No matter what, you're using a bot at the end of a day to gain an unfair advantage vs a regular player, no matter if its leveling, gold, arena or PvE. That's what I'm trying to get across.

      You cannot justify using a bot and criticize others like a hypocrite. You are just as guilty.

      Regardless, I'm done replying to you.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    10. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      The rich kid might say, why bot when i can pay $60?

      People can just buy the 90 boost. 90-100 can be done in 10 hours. HB cant level 1-100 in 10 hours.

      Playing the auction house 1 hour a day can bring in more gold than the bot can bring in in 24 hours.

      Theres not really an unfair advantage, I just dont want to invest the time or money into it, so I choose to bot.
    11. Sucre

      Sucre Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      We're 4/7 on mythic... I dont mean to sound like an asshole like you, but seriously.... you need to look beyond your own little pond. I don't afk bot mythic are you crazy... I don't use standard CC configurations or bot movement... so just because you don't know how to bot mythic raiding, does not mean that others can't do it.
    12. Kavol

      Kavol New Member

      May 2, 2013
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      I have fixed that for you :p
    13. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Dont feed the troll, ladies and gentlemen thank you very much. :)
    14. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You really have missed the point here, haven't you?

      This is a game!

      What games do? Entertain people!

      No matter how, the most people play that game for the last 10 years because of that - they feel entertained here.

      If they feel bored or tired with the trivial dps/hps rotation, they have found a sweet candy, like this rotation funcionality of the Honorbuddy. I am sorry pal, but as person who have played Shadow Priest in the first 5 years of WoW (2005-2011) in World top 100 40man, then 25man guilds, I do exactly know what bored and tired is!
      In the past, (Not sure for nowadays) Shadow had the most complex and difficult dps rotation amongs all other dps classes, so both maintaining this complex rotation + interacting with the boss encounters 4 hours daily, 5 days/week for a long 5 years is nothing I do wish even to my enemies.
      It became boring enough, and from one point you are so bored or fed with that, so you need either to change the game, or forget your lovely shadow priest, because the trivial element is taking over the entertainment.

      That is where the automated rotation have ground, Pwn!

      I can see you watch the world with your black & white glasses: Who do their rotations by hand are pros, all other botters, using CRs are noobs! I have to inform you, that the truth is different:

      Even the best wow players can and do bot! But you will never seen them twitch it for obvious reasons!

      You mentioned some 15y-old player, good with his combat skills. It is ok, we have a constant stream of fresh players, some are good, some are bad, some are clever, others are lazy - that is how the World works - it is called Variety!

      Probably you do forget, we had 15y-old players in 2005 too, some have left the scene, others are still among us, but now they are 25y-old men and women!

      I see you change it to personal fight vs Mario27.
      He is well known on the forum here, and his problems with the sentences are well known too, so as I am sure he have his reasons to write that way, there is no single reason for you to insult him, for a desperate attempt to prove your point.

      Remember the PQR banwave?

      More than 510 000 accounts if im not wrong got perma or 72h banned because of it. Over 10% of the 4-5 million EU+US players base!

      And mostly legitimately player on competative scenes were using PQR: Herioic raiders, PvPers etc., the botters were using Honorbuddy or similar.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    15. Privateer

      Privateer Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      I used to bot just for money/raiding mats but ever since I found Tyrael I've been using that too. Enyo + leaves is really unfair for the other healers.

      I've always been pretty good at all classes/specs so no one thinks it's suspicious that I'm always outperforming the other players, but seriously some of the premium CCs are really superhuman, there's no way a human could keep up.

      10 years developing situational awareness in progression guilds + superhuman premium CC configured just the way I like it = completely unfair for the others, and since the CC is only doing enough to maintain that edge, I always stay in control of what's going on and don't suffer too much when HB goes down after a patch or during tripwire.
    16. DrDoctor

      DrDoctor New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      So are you complaining on ppl who use Bots and dont know theire own class?
    17. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You do forget, its not super human, because human have coded it, or Mirabis at least :D

      And I still cannot call it unfair!

      What Fairness is? To be lower in the meters than some half afk rookie, or some brainless person, who smash the keys lighting fast, with no proper sence and win the over-healing meters?

      Since World of Warcraft is live, the smartest healers were always on the top, over these, who are not aware of the boss mechanics, and cannot predict at certain moment what damage the tanks or others will take.

      The raiding is predictable environment, yes, its with tons of variables, but still can be examined, and contra-actions could be taken in the right time, if you know when.

      I do realize certain healing CCs are very good, even perfect, but they still cannot overperform an educated enough, and prepared human.
    18. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      To be fair, he turned it into something personal, when he said he is a better player than me, without anything but a pathetic 2200 arena rating as proof. We know nothing about eachother. I wasnt attacking someone in particular, just stating that using CRs to accomplish something you couldnt have done yourself is weak. Better leave it alone than that. My opinion. You have another opinion, most people here are calling me hypocrit and a whiner. Their opinion. This is a forum. We share opinions and discuss. Not my fault people get butthurt cus i share my 2 cents.

      Seriously /out.
    19. odano1988

      odano1988 Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      lots of scripts were ran in top end guilds for awhile. I never used it on my arms/fury warrior van to wotlk but in cata and mop used it on ele/resto sham.
    20. Zardoz1

      Zardoz1 New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      This is why you don´t let the cc do the cooldowns and the movement. And this is why you decide, when to hit the burst dps hotkey. The cc is doing 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 ....and often much more. To avoid downtime is really easy. First raidday = thursday. With a cood CC, a smart player and a raid as smart as the player you´ll reach ~World 50, which is more than enough.
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