Yes page working = style + screenshot, but i cant see my stats. They are in suger.html but dont show on web page
Allnei, are you getting any errors that it could not include sugar.html? Also, for anyone that would like to use this tool but does not have access to web hosting, you may PM me and I will set you up your own private space on my webserver. I'm a reseller and can guarantee 100% uptime and your information will remain private. All you'll have to do is configure the plugin on your side. Keep in mind I am only one guy, and it may take me a few hours to reply and get you setup once I receive your information.
Thx for reply i repair it. It was in index.php script where i must change ../../sugar.html on ../sugar.html
that is mostly becaus ppl dont upload sugarwebsite to the root folder and insteed upload SugarFF and SugarIE too the root folder. This is how it should be. How root folder should look like This is how it should look like in the folder SugarWebsite (that should be in the root folder)
This program isn?t for protect your account. If you want some privacy write php password script on main page
I'm having a hard time making this work on my linux host... I am not that much of a web dev, so I can't tell if it is because I don't have a windows server like you (htdocs root) having to put the folder in my public_html root... I will play around some more, but i am hoping for a response EDIT: I now tried to remove the folder from the server, but when the plugin refreshes nothing changes there... No new files uploaded, no error in HB, nothin'... Btw. when I finally get it to work I'm gonna rename the folder SugarWebsite to something else and move it to another location for use with a subdomain. Wouldn't it be an idea to give the user this option without having to edit the code (bot that it's a problem for me, its just another feature EDIT2: Ok, got a bit further. I tried just .bak'ing my index.php on the server and extracted the full SugarWebsite folder to the root. Now my toon's info is getting updated correctly and I can access this information just going to my main domain... NOT very safe :/ Also, for some reason the plugin doesn't upload the screenshot or there is a problem with the server receiving it... EDIT3: Finally found the problem! When I login via FileZilla or another ftp client I am presented with three directories named cgi-bin, mivadata and public_html. When I analyzed the upload function in the plugin I saw that it would just upload everything completely to the root, and not the actual web accessible folder htdocs or public_html. You might want to change this, I know I will in my own copy ^^ Anyone experiencing the same issues? Throw me a pm and I'll upload it in this topic (if thats ok with OP). EDIT4..: Everything is "working". It's a bit messy with files being put everywhere, but it works. A little thing with the image however: Ehm, why does it take the top of the window in the pic? Anyway, into the captureScreen.cs file
you can have what ever name you like on your folder, as long is in a folder it can be a folder with name "watching" but SugarFF and SugarIE always have to be in a folder like this picture shows: aslong is like that in the folder you are ok. The screenshot and class icon is uploaded too the root folder and the SugarFF/SugarIE/SugarIphone pull this information from the root folder. So sure you did it right?
Yep, I concluded this myself too (didn't see your reply ^^). However, I find it extremely annoying when files just get uploaded to root and clutters the space. I edited the plugin to make it put all files to be uploaded in a separate folder called Uploads (inside the SugarMonitor folder). It uploads these files directly to the SugarWebsite folder (or preview as mine is called) on the server, so everything is together. Also, instead of having to upload the icon together with the screen shot every time, I just put them all in a folder on the server and made it load the class icon from there. Everything is working now, including the removal of firefox/ie/iPhone choices. I simply use the ff template which will be the only one available. One thing, however, that I still cant get to work is that screenshot thingy... Still, I gotta say, it must have taken soooo long for you guys to write this, it's the best monitor plugin by far imo ^^
you could just make a folder in your root and name it something like "monitor" then upload "SugarWebsite" to that folder and then in the sugarmonitor.cs file change the path you "" so it will upload everthing there. I think he changed so you could be avaible too do that.
I believe I have this set up correctly but I just get this in my logs: [SugarMonitor]: Refreshing [SugarMonitor]: Input string was not in a correct format. Which input string is it referring to? I double checked the host, user and pass all are correct. Anyone have any ideas?
I am having trouble getting it to generate a new screenshot. I know its uploading the image because I delete, restart HB and it puts the image back on the ftp server. I know its generating the new picture locally, because if I delete the image locally it recreates the file, but its the same image as when I first started. The only time it generates a new pic is after I reboot, which make me believe it may not be doing a print screen again or however you are capturing the image. I would look at the code but I don't know enough about what im looking at, any help would be great. Im running windows 7 if that helps, and yes I am admin.
i cant answear questions about stuff that have nothing to do with the webdesign. and i havent talket to togarda in several days and dont know where he is
Thanks alot Sat it up on my iPad easily through teamviewer. Thats how easy it is Had a few problems at first with host script limitation, but when i tried my other hosting it worked all fine
What do you have your Time2Refresh set at? I had this issue when I set the refresh at .1 minutes (was testing something and wanted it to go faster) === Also, I found out how to fix the screenshot not refreshing for some people. I'm not sure why it does it, but it is working fine for me now. Basically, it seemed that having the path "../../screen.jpg" was throwing the whole thing off. A ll that I did was have the files upload directly into /SugarIE (but you could really put them in /SugarFF if you wanted to as well). I then edited every place that sugar.html, screen.jpg, and icon.jpg were called to be the following: In /SugarIE - 'sugar.html', "screen.jpg", 'icon.png' In /ipod & /SugarFF - '../SugarIE/sugar.html', '../SugarIE/icon.png', "../SugarIE/screen.jpg" It is now working perfectly without any glitches.
this is an awesome plugin, i just can't seem to figure out how to change the folder that the refreshed stuff gets uploaded to. on mine it just uploads it to the root folder and i can't view it as html. i've looked for a solution but can't seem to find one. if someone could help me out i'd appreciate it a lot. thanks!
the screenshot should be uploaded too the root file. But if you have the SugarWebsite in a own folder and called like "HB" or something then i guess you want to have the screenshot and other stuff uploaded to the HB folder so you can view all the information ? as you can see in this step 7. type in your ftp-serveradress like: <--- Here you can change it to be if the folder is called HB like i wrote before in this post
wow i feel like a dumbass, and i love you for it. it never even crossed my mind to put "" in the gui settings.... i was tryin to figure out how to incorporate the root folder into the cs file. I LOVE YOU. thanks again. and big props to the creators of this plugin, its awesome. EDIT: jesus christ...... you are one of the creators, man i feel stupid. props bro.