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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by deams, Nov 29, 2014.

    1. ciddative

      ciddative Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      Trying to browse the SVN link comes up with an error for everyone. The SVN link also works for everyone. Use an SVN client and see. If that does not work, post the error message from the SVN client please
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    2. ciddative

      ciddative Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      Go to your honorbuddy/settings/realmname/character folder. You should see a GarrissonBuddy settings xml file
    3. Kafta

      Kafta New Member

      Jan 24, 2013
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      Is there some setting in HBRelog I need to type in in order to get it to relog?
    4. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      edit: nvm
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    5. Bluebanana

      Bluebanana Member

      Sep 18, 2013
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      you have to activate the HBRelog Plugin, Then Config:
      Fill in all Data to Log in 1st Char
      1. Wait for 60 min 15 rdm
      2. Ilde for 2 min 1 rdm
      3. Logon - new Char
      4. Wait for 60 min 15 rdm.

      If you activate the HBRelog option, and chars work is done, he ilde for 1-3 min automaticly and starts next char and next and next ....

      If ther is a Problem and it does nit function, he logt after 60 min out, so you als can set it at 30 but if the time for the regular worke its to short he is not ready with work.
    6. El Fuego

      El Fuego Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      Great work deams!

      Quick question... How difficult would it be to have the bot check for the Piper's Buried Supplies? I have only just now found them, so I 'm not sure if they ever return or if they are a one time thing, but it might be handy to have them collected either way.

      Thanks again!
    7. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      I swear i cant win. Well it has worked thus far, but naturally a brick wall. Whats ironic is I am using 2 shamans.. Identical in all but name and gender (and level to be fair). Either way, I ran one and it runs fine. I ran the other.. and its doing the same exact thing that ALL my characters were doing with your last release. It says moving but doesnt. It wont close. And its using up like 20% cpu. /boggle.

      Heres the logs in case it somehow helps.

      View attachment 8008 2014-12-17 16.56.txt View attachment 7908 2014-12-17 16.56.txt

      EDIT - Just checked the OTHER shaman and she is running up and down the mine main hallway. Seems to have mined it but wont leave and carry on because she paths to the top, turns around runs back down.. back up.. rinse/repeat.

      Incoming next log.

      View attachment 7608 2014-12-17 16.56.txt
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    8. feskins

      feskins Member

      Jul 24, 2013
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      View attachment 158750

      Hi Having problem with my install structure maybe, :C/Games/Honorbuddy/Bots/GarrisonBuddyBeta

      Bot does not show up in my Bot List. Any help?
    9. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      so i emptied the HB cache, compiled assemblies and settings folders. Emptied the wow cache, wtf/settings folders. Restarted everything. Reconfigured everyhthing. Same problem. The one shaman works fine (apart from looping the pathing in the mine) the other doesnt move at all.

      Well he did move, i hearthed to the townhall and figured i would try from there. He moved from the inside of the townhall to the door of it, mounted.. and then stopped and never moved again. Usually i start it outside and it will just mount and not move at all.

      Same hanging of HB on him, no clue why. Wish I had any type of programming knowledge, unfortunately hardware is my thing :(

      Sorry deams - on the characters it does work on, it works wonderfully though <3
    10. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Monk freezes in mines as well. Moved to the mines then just stopped.

      Consoles says Moving to type: Harvest. Honorbuddy locks up. Heres log.

      View attachment 10136 2014-12-17 19.22.txt

      If you have any suggestions or need anything else from me, please let me know. Until then ill have to revert to the PB profile. It worked on about half the characters i tried but i cant discern any rhyme or reason between the working ones and non working ones. Either way using this until it crashes HB isnt ideal due to having to alt/ctrl/del to close it and at that point relogging in takes a good 5m due to HB giving me a "max sessions" error.

      Like i said before, sorry to be a pain - hopefully you figure it out :) If your as obsessive as i am it would drive me nuts. I know its driving crazy because their is nothing i can do to help :(
    11. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Is it possible that running 2 clients is causing this? or has something to do with it? I have 2 accounts on the same battlenet. I run them simultaneously often, however i noticed every time (and it may be purely coincidence) but every time I tab back over to the one that is working (for example the shaman that works vs the one that deoesnt) it seems stuck until about 20 seconds or so after I tab back to the client, then it begins to move again.

      It may be simply my timing is THAT good and the bot is loading something at that point but i figured id throw that out there. Does anyone use this effectively while running 2 clients simultaneously?

      Im at a loss deams. Watching and praying for the next update >.>

      also another correlation seems to be lower level classes seem to be the ones locking up/not moving the most. ie 93 vs 100's. Cant be classes because I have 1 shaman that was working and 1 that wasnt. Same with monk. (though both monks and both shamans were diff specs) So it could be spec related. Also "so far" the non working ones were all on the same account. But i wouldnt associate it based on that due to the fact that others HAVE worked on that account. Just figured Id throw that out there.

      Weeeeeeeird!! So far I'd say a 50% or so success rate. Whenever it doesnt work its ALWAYS due to it choking up HB which leads me to believe its a code problem though.

      Anyhow, ive spammed the thread enough. (if you cant tell im doing my garrisons atm lol)

      fwiw same thing. level 100 mage is running fine. level 92 warlock stopped in mine and hasnt moved since. HB bogged down. Same account that it seems to always happen on it happened on, then again thats also the account with all the low level characters and ALSO the account i start second.

      Beginning to really think it has something to do w/ one of the aforementioned. Perhaps its purely coincidentall, its something in your code, and im looking for answers where there are none.

      Here is the log again even though im sure it wont provide anything useful. Really wish i could use this consistently :(

      View attachment 9880 2014-12-17 19.22.txt

      EDIT 3

      Cant help myself. Trying to find a pattern still. Lowbie account again (mage this time) moved to the mine and stopped again. at which point HB bound up and showed skyrocketed cpu useage. If i close it out and load the PB/profile for the garrison it runs fine. No clue what the difference is between the two (at the core) but something isnt agreeing especially with my pre 100 characters it seems. I should have kept a log so i wasnt shooting from the hip, perhaps i will after the next update just in case.

      One thing the low characters have in common is that they dont have the garden unlocked yet (takes 96). Could this have anything to do with it? I mean i have tried it with it checked and unchecked and the results are the same but wasnt sure if it changed something at the core that could be effecting it.

      anyhow, mages log. View attachment 8980 2014-12-17 19.21.txt

      EDIT 4

      Same thing. Character that is 100 runs fine. Character that isnt high enough for Garden yet runs into the mine and stops at the bottom of the mine/hangs up my HB.

      95 Spriest log

      View attachment 6640 2014-12-17 16.56.txt

      Im beginning to believe it has something to do w/ not having the garden and/or being sub 96. Whereas this version it did run on characters that your last version did not (nothing would move period regardless of level or class or account with your last version) but it still seems to cause issues and those seem to lay with characters sub 96.

      I could be wrong, but its the best pattern i could find. Its driving me nuts, i dont want to sound rude or condescending but there is no other way to say it with a coating that allows it to not be perceived as such SO before i continue, know that I DONT mean this the way it sounds :p

      I should have just did the garrisons by hand. I use this to save time obviously, and it has cost me a substantial amount of time between posting/logs and closing down honorbuddy as it hangs and restarting/configuring. the cache/settings clears etc... I truly hope im right in my assumption and these logs/my input help you narrow it down cause god forbid others have these kinds of problems. Better just one than everyone i guess right? :p

      Thanks for your hard work deams, lmk if you need anything.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    12. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      use my premade settings file, place this in
      C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\HighVoltz\HBRelog

      when you navigate to that folder, do you see the "garrisonbuddy.cs" file? if not you installed it incorrectly

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    13. Niteowl

      Niteowl New Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      OMG....The new revision (I think its 24) has fixed every problem I had, even the pathing stuff. It is running perfectly on all 5 of my toons. Great job bro....;
    14. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      the version thats been up all day? or did a new one go up recently? Out of curiosity are they all on the same account? Also are they all beyond level 96?

      Trying to troubleshoot a bit and being able to see who's runnign what will help :p
    15. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Yea im POSITIVE thats the issue. Wont work on any of my characters that dont have the garden unlocked even if its unchecked in the config. Im not sure if its due to the navigation having a different ID baseed on whether its unlocked or not, if its has to do w/ the level and not the garden directly... all i know is if my character doesnt have the garden, your bot aint a runnin :p

      My last try for the night is a 92 hutner who ran to the bottom of the mine, stopped doing anything, and hung up my HB :p For good meaasure, here's the log lol.

      View attachment 3092 2014-12-17 16.56.txt
    16. ArmyDr

      ArmyDr New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      Still working great today, but still not doing daily professions ... but the issue is slightly bigger than that!

      I Figured it out... there are two GarrisonBuddySettings.xml

      #1 in Honorbuddy/settings
      #2 in Honorbuddy/setting/server/toonname

      The default is #1 so no matter what the changes are made to the individual settings, it defaults to #1

      When I went in and manually changed the #1 file above, to true on the buildings it fixed those issues, but did not fix the profession issues :-(. I have have changed them all to true, still not working :-(

      FIGURED IT OUT!!!!
      I just deleted #1, all my #2s, my GarrsionBuddy Folder, recreated folder, reloaded the SVN ... this time new settings took!

      Deams described this the first page by saying "reset configuration" but the only way to do this is to at minimum delete #1 and #2s above.

      I hope this helps someone else.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    17. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Wish me luck, time to answer everyone!
    18. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Indeed, this is the most useless thing ever. Why would we bother taking them... The hidden resources are different because at least useful.
    19. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Already on the todo list :)
    20. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Thanks for the feedback. Concerning the daily profession cd, please try to remove all files called GarrisonBuddySettings.xml from your HB folder and let me know!

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