I found the problem. I am adding a pet fix. Expect it out some time today. Edit: Fix is in, testing now (so far so good) and then I will be uploading the new rev. I will also post my interrupts for you Shiz. After doing more research the spell you are looking for is this one: Command Demon - Spell - World of Warcraft
thank you sir ! may I also ask what Bot you use for arena, I want it to only counterspell but allow me full control of everything else. thanks again!
Combat Bot is what I use for Arena. Just turn off interrupts in your custom class to ensure that it is available to use when you want it. I would also ensure your pet has 20 focus to cast it.
thanks again ! ill try it out now - in arena it is targeting my resto druid partner. it hasnt worked to silence yet. I have also tried it in duels and it hasnt worked. any suggestions ? im not very honorbuddy savvy
Is it actually targeting your resto druid? This plugin doesn't actually target. If it is targeting then you will want to turn off targeting in your CC, you can also Raid Bot.
thanks phelon ! i got it to work. the only thing i cant do is stop my character from using abilities such as trinket and spells =/
Does anyone have a nice list of spells to interrupt or do I need to add every spell manually after purchasing? Also what gives the best results, insta shear or wait till 80-90% of cast?
Second post in this thread has a huge list. I personally wait till last 300-500ms on the cast. I add a random check box to give it varying delays to not be as bot like.
It isn functioning correctly, it only interrupts my target.... Is there any confirmed fix to make interrupt any target within range? I am ready to buy this right now, but not if it isnt functioning correctly. I tried setting every spell to 9999, and didnt fix. edit. I have my interrupt "Counter Shot" set to target anyone. Is this HB not working correctly or did I mess something up? I copy pasted phelons spells from 2nd post and replaced all 500 with 9999. please help! edit 2 using blank bot base
This doesn't do that. I am sorry. Blank botbase such as fathead should work fine as long as the plugins are getting pulsed. You can turn on the debug logic and it will spam you with what is going on. If you do not see any spam, then it would appear you are not pulsing the plugins. The debug would tell you to do that as it will let you know EXACTLY what it is doing. I have been testing this 24x7 so I know for sure that it is interrupting everyone and not just the current target. I would ensure you are using the correct spell ID for your interrupt. Counter Shot - Spell - World of Warcraft
I cannot seem to find where to download "fathead" botbase. I am using one called literally Blank Botbase, which may be the reason this isnt functioning correctly. I am for sure using the correct spell/spellID for my interrupt. Please direct me where I can find fathead, or if you could tell me how to make combat bot not do anythng, that would work too I guess (since that is what is working for you)
Fathead was a very old botbase (if I remember correctly). What also may work is using something like the raiding botbase with an Empty CC. I will have to do some testing, but it should be a pretty easy work around and beneficial for others to know about. I will take a look into it tomorrow for you. Rest assured I will figure out something for a 100% player controlled way to use this.
I have an empty CC called SitStupid. I am completely new to botting and have no idea where to place this file. Can you shed some light on how one applys an empty CC to raid botbase
Using Raid botbase with an empty CC(SitStupid) and still only interrupting my current target. Is this working correctly for anyone other than the author? I am glad I only did the Trial. It is also showing all others casts in my log. but just wont interrupt anyone but current target. And yes , I have it checked to target ALL
Mine doesn't interrupt also, except when I have the person targetted. But when I check honorbuddy it says it interrupted this spell on a this class even if i am not targetting him. (light blue text) I am using antiafkbot since I just want a bot that interrupts for me while I am in arenas. I tried using CombatBot but my fps drops and sometimes crashes my wow. Using TuanHa's Shaman routine also. Pls advise as I am new to this. Thanks
[Ultimate Interrupter] - Interrupting Target: Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman, with Interrupt: Wind Shear at Range: 24.90234375 with Time Left: 206 [Ultimate Interrupter] - Interrupting Target: Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman, with Interrupt: Wind Shear at Range: 24.2633819580078 with Time Left: 142 [Ultimate Interrupter] - Interrupting Target: Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman, with Interrupt: Wind Shear at Range: 23.6344413757324 with Time Left: 75 [Ultimate Interrupter] - Interrupting Target: Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman, with Interrupt: Wind Shear at Range: 22.9287490844727 with Time Left: 4 Some lines on the logs on HonorBuddy, it says these but none of them were interrupted on WoW.
Found the issue, my version wasn't the one on the store. Thanks for the bug reports. Putting up a fix in a few minutes. SitStupid would go into your routines folder. Then you could select Raid Bot or Enyo or something of the like.