just started lvling a new toon and wondering, does this one work with bgbuddy so i can have it enabled when getting pvp gear?
ms so far 20-30 world and server, FPS no problems, it seemed ok on Imp but the bot stil burnt through nearly 50% of my mana by phase 2, now im not compleltly going oom until around the second sub phase but at the point i am pretty much starved (pot used no team stacks) ive downloaded a new class settings xml from the settings manager and im gonna give that a go see how we go XD EDIT: OK well that went a lot better, it seems RJW is my problem, the profile disables it and priortises uplift over EM mana issues aren't as bad now.
get away from spirit and max ur crit, start with fisting at begin of the combat and change to weaving on high dmg phases und ull get along with ur mana. i've atm 0 spirit and 18% crit, with the caster inscr trinket and cranes zeal i've about 57% crit in the 1st 20sec of fisting granting me about 15 stack manatea before half of my mana is spend
Hello @bennyquest I'm having another issue! My disc priest isn't interrupting at all, even with the interrupt option activated in the 'General > Interrupt tab'. And 'Interrupt Unit' is set to 'All'. Need a log for this? Thanks in advance!
I've only had positive feedback for Disc, Druid and monk. I need more beta testers !! Even though I have 20 atm. If I release and I miss something and it's worse I'll be annoyed and you probably will too. If you want to provide meaningful feedback contact Bennyquest or myself and I'll gladly give you beta, and even a gift key to redeem OracleII at the buddy store if your input is good enough.
If you need one for hc/myth for priest/monk/druid testing I can do that. Sadly dont have the shaman and pally to decent gear levels yet. What are the requirements Wulf?
Hey guys, routines pretty good for paladin, only thing iv noticed default setup pretty much only casts flash of light havent seen a holy light being cast yet? and everyone in dungeon has said you know you have more spells than flash of light? hrmph also big delays between casting? sometimes sits for long periods then bursts of healing? also is there a tab for out of combat healing? this is simple dungeons its ignoring peoples health under 70% waiting on buffs to happen to do any casting at all. So after using a bit more, it seems to stop healing around 50% on mutliple people or single either or. doesnt heal out of combat? bit disappointed hopefully just bugs. Testing with default settings in Proving grounds bronze, cant pass wave 5? anyone save there settings and send maybe a corruption in my download? any help greatful. Ok to add to my above. out of the box default settings arent that great. i downloaded - Oracle_Class_RaidEF_PaladinHoly_15_Raid_Highmaul and its outstanding! totally makes this worth the money! make this default.
I can give this a whirl on Hpal for you. PM me if you'd like with specifics/details. In regards to Disc, it heals like a gem, but I have two concerns (which have most likely been covered but I can't find in search). 1) What is the logic for MD? At the moment I don't see it used for Bop's etc, nor can I cast it manually (cr overrides before I can target). Is there a simple solution to this? 2) The cr will break no combat (say when im mounted and running through he enemy) and start rotation. Is there a checkbox for this (can't find it). Regards,
If you need any beta tester for Holy Paladins, please let me know. I've been playing then since WotLK and currently 4/7 Mythic. I already own the routine =p EDIT: how to i delete or update my settings on the manager?
you should be able to select them and select delete....if not PM me the name of the settings and I can remove them for you to upload new ones if you want. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
I'd offer to beta test disc & holy paladin, but I'm really not sure how to provide effective information, so I'll just wait for the lovely release date
OK. So i have searched and searched for the heal out of combat. Some early post states to change to continous healing but i cant find this anywhere, outside of in Enyo is this not a setting for the CC at all?