I've just released the update for SWTOR's latest expansion, including the talent overhaul. Combat Routines will need to be updated by their authors before the bot properly works again. A lot of work went into this one, and there'll probably be quirks with the current build and some specs. Until the combat routines are updated to reflect the new specialization changes (BuddyTor.Me.Discipline btw, instead of doing all funky calculations all over the place) the bot won't fight properly. We have an awesome community of third party developers of who I know are already working on these updates, so it shouldn't be long. We've had to do a lot of manual stuff for the new disciplines to be recognized correctly, and it may not work for all specs/disciplines. When BW starts, look for the message that says "Advanced Class: {0} / Discipline: {1}" where {0} is your Advanced Class, and {1} should be your Discipline. If either of these are off, please let me know directly either in this thread or via PM. For developers Use BuddyTor.Me.AdvancedClass to determine the character's advanced class, and BuddyTor.Me.Discipline to determine its discipline. Shouldn't be any more need to use complex calculations to determine the spec - the active abilities, if any, from character advancement should be in the spell manager.
First of all thanks for the update! Just tried with 3 Disciplines with m 55 Assassin and the result with all 3 is Advanced Class: Assassin / Discipline: CanNotBeDetermined UPDATE: Works now with version .524
i am gething again stuck on vendors Code: [00:49:56.664 D] Nav Service path generated. [00:49:56.664 D] Generated path to <-313.1035, 9.924455, -29.0061> (Vendor) with 10 hops. [00:49:58.214 D] Moving to next hop: <-327.575, 9.172821, -45.8>, T: None (Vendor) D: 2,612334 [00:50:02.865 D] Moving to next hop: <-321.6, 9.366986, -44.8>, T: None (Vendor) D: 6,068585 [00:50:10.648 D] Moving to next hop: <-318.95, 9.921585, -43.775>, T: None (Vendor) D: 2,900937 [00:50:15.299 D] Moving to next hop: <-318.725, 9.996586, -43.65>, T: None (Vendor) D: 0,2854665 [00:50:16.849 D] Moving to next hop: <-318.6, 10.07159, -43.5>, T: None (Vendor) D: 0,2172857 [00:50:18.399 D] Moving to next hop: <-318.4, 10.19046, -43.2>, T: None (Vendor) D: 0,3903761 [00:50:19.949 D] Moving to next hop: <-316.8, 9.989805, -40>, T: None (Vendor) D: 3,585256 [00:50:24.598 D] Moving to next hop: <-315.2, 9.913334, -33.6>, T: None (Vendor) D: 6,59941 [00:50:34.006 D] Moving to next hop: <-313.1035, 9.924455, -29.0061>, T: None (Vendor) D: 5,049718 [00:50:35.949 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [00:50:35.949 D] at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.() at ..() at ..[](UInt64 , HeroType ) at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType) at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health() at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead() at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable() at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight() at Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse() at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.() [00:50:36.756 D] [HLL] Dictionary contains 4611686348492434523 key already. Value: . [00:50:36.783 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [00:50:36.783 D] at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.() at ..() at ..[](UInt64 , HeroType ) at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType) at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health() at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead() at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable() at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight() at Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse() at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.() [00:52:27.875 D] [HLL] Dictionary contains 4611686348492434523 key already. Value: . [01:04:07.906 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked! [01:04:07.906 N] Reason: [01:04:07.983 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested? [01:04:08.007 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop() [01:04:10.010 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash! [01:04:10.010 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped using Unpure
After update to .525, the BountyHunter can't check Discipline correctly. .524 is ok for this class. User is a BountyHunter Advanced Class: Powertech / Discipline: InnovativeOrdnance
Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1128.527 Logging in... T: 5247226415233427005 H: 3493636760 Login Success! Process with ID 11708 is already taken! Searching for another.. Process with ID 8196 is already taken! Searching for another.. User is a Agent Advanced Class: None / Discipline: CanNotBeDetermined [DefaultCombat] Level: 9 [DefaultCombat] Class: Agent Unhandled exception during init: System.NotSupportedException: Use the Discipline property instead. at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorPlayer.GetSkillPointsSpentI nTree(SkillTreeId tree) at DefaultCombat.SpecHandler.calculateSpec(SkillTreeI d tree1, SkillTreeId tree2, SkillTreeId tree3) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\buddywing\Routines\Defau ltCombat\DefaultCombat\SpecHandler.cs:line 152 at DefaultCombat.SpecHandler.GetSpec() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\buddywing\Routines\Defau ltCombat\DefaultCombat\SpecHandler.cs:line 26 at DefaultCombat.DefaultCombat.Initialize() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\buddywing\Routines\Defau ltCombat\DefaultCombat\DefaultCombat.cs:line 54 at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value) at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine() at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization() Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready! neither the advanced class nor the discipline can be recognized, anybody who can help?
Lol advanced class is from level 10 when your done on start planet. Untill then You dont get advanced class lol. Also i dont think defaultcombat works. Wait for walters/pure
Hey Aevitas, If you got the time, could you take a look at making the UseItem function a little smarter? We got more Dailies now with Macrobinoculars, which i and others would like to use. My suggestion would be to plant it under the UseItem function. For it to work we need to add some extra variables: Macrobinoculars = "True" (default is false) Viewdirection = ??? (like rotation is now) If we set Macrobinoculars to true, useitem knows it has to set a view direction when the item is activated, wait a second or 2, and send a left click / use. If the user in the profile sets the good viewdirection, the bot hasnt to search for objects or something, just click and wait for the time thats set in the waittimer variable. Something new and isnt in the bot right now is the viewdirection, which is more or less like rotation now. if we get a dumpbutton for viewdirection we can then enter that value in the profile. When the useitem is called and done, i suggest setting the viewdirection back to before we used the item. Would this be possible? This would also be sooo helpfull for GSI dailies (we only have seekerdroid left then (works like Archaeology in wow)). Thanks in advance!
Aevitas, i got a problem that the bot wont pick up the new form of dailies. The new dailies have besides the old pickup a new windows that has a Decline and Accept button. Could you take a look at it, cause it opens the window but not accept. Thanks in advance! Im only getting this in my log: Code: [21:03:02.065 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to PickupQuestTag: ObjectName: Sergeant Geiz, X: 168,0009, Y: 15,3717, Z: 72,0302, Position: <168.0009, 15.3717, 72.0302>, Type: Npc, ProfileUseRange: 5, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,5, Object: Sergeant Geiz, Distance: 0,3315534, GUID: 5B096AFBD8, QuestId: 16141075473165917452, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: [DAILY] Pathfinding, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, . [21:03:02.065 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] e3345cce-f8ee-42cf-8dab-571cabe9e0f7
Can we get the new scavenging/archaeology and Rishi/Yavin Reputation items added to the "protected items" listing? I believe that is where they need to be to not be sold at a vendor right? I tried adding the lines myself but it seems to get overwritten after starting the bot again. thanks!
you guys that have the bot working, can we get the combat routine, and a quick reply on how to use, pures does not move when profile is loaded.