So when is the new fix coming out for executes. The routine seems to preference fearing someone(as in the healer or dps) rather than executing them for the kill. Maybe add in a hotkey for execute or something?
there will be an update for nearly all of our classes this week. We are just busy with coding and such stuff so our forum representation is a bit lower till we are done
works well I top dps and interrupts and sometimes even CCs over other peoples paid combat routines at 2200 CR.
Despite been almost the first release with no additional updates for this routine, its already solid, but i have some insights 1) Sometimes when the enemy have no DOTS, the routine will cast Haunt first, wich is a DPS loss and a Haunt uptime Loss 2) BlackList hotkey doesnt seem to be working? HB is down for the moment, but im testing some other stuff like not using dark soul sometimes when burst is enabled, and i dunno if keeping haunt up 100% is good, even when not bursting, but im searching arenajunkies for that info
Finished the trial yesterday, it's good but it really needs some updates to compete at higher rankings. Will buy this if the next update looks good. Wish you guys had a all-in-one pack, already got Warrior and Priest.
Also, souburn:haunt giving haunting spirits buff should be 100% of the time up, its a 30sec buff for 2 shards, well worth it and a option for teleporting for burst, gaining 1,300 versatility And a lot of options arent working, like when i untick haunt outside of burst, or sb: soul swap when trained for X seconds, stuns on healers, and dps
Update necessary on this routine. Enemies running around without dots. Missed last season How good was it ...
is anyone here using custom lists for interrupt priorites? just wonder how to set one up and get the spell ID's etc, or if anyone can give me their list for arena.
Routine will not summon a pet. Cant find anything in setting to choose specific pet and if I use sac it somehow cancels it
We have finished developing the changes for Affli and will push an update later this day. A detailed changelog will follow
Great work guys, love the effort you two have put into the routines by far the best combat routines for arena. Wish I could pay privately for gs aero never got to experience that ;-)