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  • Talked to a former GM

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by fredslund, Dec 22, 2014.

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    1. heist

      heist New Member

      Jul 13, 2014
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      Bullshit. Our UI isn't attached to our character or uploaded to Blizzard servers at all.
    2. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I'm gonna call "BULLSHIT" on your bullshit call! :) I know two former GMs and both of them have nothing to lose if Blizzard sues them. What is Blizzard gonna take away from them, the beer in the neighbor's fridge? LOL!

      Quit being a smart ass!

      The former GMs I know do not give a shit what Blizzard said, says, did, or does! They both got layed off when game subs got low, and they have no allegiance to Blizzard at all.

      BTW, both of these guys told me virtually the same thing. They said it is a boring low paying job. They are given files of canned answers to people's problems. They mostly read the comments that players send them and try to match a canned answer with the player's request.
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
    3. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      sounds about right... sounds basically exactly like a dude i knew a while ago back during wrath / cata who also got laid off when subs dipped in cata... wonder if we know the same guy haha, but honestly i never spoke to him about botting, mainly because he accessed my account a lot and i didnt wanna be all "hey so you know these bots people are using" but yeah it was actually good at the time... during cata i got hacked and he got my toon rolled back within 10min... back when it used to take days to get a reply and your stuff back (just in time for raid start lol)

      logging into your character doesnt sound right though.. they have a GM snoop mode, which can basically show them through your toons eyes... but i'd honestly assume most of the info they gather would come from the logs you generate as you play on their servers.
    4. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      probably the most honest statement in this whole thread.
    5. kravitz

      kravitz New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      Non-disclosure agreements are quite common between business/employee relationships, and I doubt you'll find any big corporation without one. Though, whether or not what the OP said is bullshit is only your opinion, an ND wouldn't keep anyone from talking about particular things, especially if the individual turned their back on the company, nor is an ND anything like a court ordered gag order. All an ND states is you "employee" do not reserve the right to expose such and such information about the company, these are the companies beliefs not the employee(s), its not illegal to talk about a company after signing an ND, nor is a ND a federal or state law. Also, you have to have proof, substantial proof, that an individual broke an ND and that can be very difficult to acquire. The chances of being hit with a lawsuit is very very slim, unless someone digitally recorded the conversation. Simply put non-disclosure agreements mean jack to the court system, its all based on merit and non-disclosure agreements are only relevant to the company the individual works with, most companies use non-disclosure agreements as a "security blanket" to make them feel consciously better about whom they hire. So, your idea of what an ND is... total fantasy and flawed.

      Hell, you could start a business that's entirely based on illegal activities and have employees sign non-disclosure agreements, and the retarded company would think they're safe and can get away with particular activities. Wrong.

      More info:

      Besides non-disclosure agreements... it is ILLEGAL to scan a customers computer to gather information; however, companies have been allowed to gather system specifications upon request, anything beyond that is very illegal.
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
    6. jondg2005

      jondg2005 Member

      Jul 21, 2010
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      Dont call out BS because someone signed some dumb ass contract. One of my good friends use to be a GM from vanilla through LK. I've talked to her multiple times about botting after she left Blizz. I even got her botting with HB now. like me she uses it mainly for Rotations and farming a few hours a day. Just don't bot 24/7 and make sure you use profiles that are 95% plus afakable.
    7. yevvvy

      yevvvy New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      DeathKnight do you even think before you act? I guess you didn't realize that the user of the post you quoted is a long time Moderator of HB Forums hence his 32,800 posts. I'm sure anything he posts isn't anything that "can breach security in the botting community"

      And as far as everyone who claims that GM's are sworn to absolute secrecy about every aspect of their job and will be sued for speaking with non-employees/WoW players about extremely simple as well as LOGICAL tactics for observing suspected users of botting is a gullible, ignorant fool. The kind of information that the OP stated about a GM watching potential botters in "invisible mode" or checking logs for IP addresses, payment method, repeated keystrokes, etc is shit that anyone with even a couple weeks of experience with botting can figure out without hearing it from a GM. A GM that talks about logical methods and information wouldn't be punished or have a lawsuit filed against them. Unless Blizzard contract is Rule #1 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT HOW TO CATCH A PLAYER BOTTING. Rule #2 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT HOW TO CATCH A PLAYER BOTTING. Totally fightclub style lol......

      The kind of info that blizzard employees are not allowed to release to the public is the super private stuff. Like coding information for WARDEN or any other intellectual property that can only be leaked is from someone on the inside.

      Anyone that's watched CSI or any crime/spy show can eventually figure out the observational methods the GM's use to conclude whether a player is botting or not. Just put yourself in a GM's position and think about what ways would you catch someone that botting simply by watching them. I'm sure every single HB user has came across another player and within seconds knew for sure if they were using a bot or not.
    8. facedark

      facedark Member

      Jul 8, 2010
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    9. Gleeky

      Gleeky Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      This might be true, or not, I dunno. But think of the average GM as a customer support agent for your gas company. They have neither the access to the systems, nor the skills in coding to leak info about how warden is set up, nor would they be privy to sensitive IP about the company's next product or whatever. You'd have to be a hell of a lot more senior than a game-master to have access to such info.
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