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  • Warrior CR's - Disappointing?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by mattthebandit, Dec 23, 2014.

    1. mattthebandit

      mattthebandit New Member

      Nov 15, 2014
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      So over the last week or so I've been playing around with all the warrior CR's I could find around the forums and found that every single one of them under performs what my warrior should be capable of.

      First up was Altecs Raiding Warrior Tank - Free;
      Used this CR as its not just a warrior tank but has its own Gladiator routine built in. with this I managed around 20k dps with 650 ilvl and has never budged up or down since.
      There were no real settings I could tweak on this routine so it was a bust for me.

      Second was TaunHA's warrior CR - Free;
      Used this one as it seemed like a pretty good starting point. played it as Gladiator and I've been sitting around 20-21k dps for the last 30 ilvl's (currently 658).
      After being disappointed with that dps and wondering if Gladiator just doesn't scale very well with gear I tried out the CR as fury and was getting 19-20k dps at 651 ilvl.
      Tweaked the settings as much as I could given my limited knowledge but the numbers just don't seem to budge. So for me, it was a complete bust.

      Third was Nom's Fury Unleashed II - Premium;
      This is my current CR as I've been giving it the 7 day trial (which I think is an amazing feature) and i've mainly been running it in Gladiator doing 21-22k dps in 658 ilvl gear. This is a tiny upgrade from the TaunHA routine but still under performing what I should be putting out.
      After disappointment again with the dps of the Gladiator routine I tried my hand at Fury using this routine and on bosses I was sitting back at 19-20k dps again at 651 ilvl. The routine doesn't work on trash which is apparently fixed in the next release so that was a major downside for me but I'm sure its fine now.
      Tweaked the profile as much as my knowledge allowed again and the numbers for both Gladiator and Fury wouldn't budge. So again, another bust.

      My questions to you guys after this wall of text are these, from a raiding PoV aswell;
      Have any of you had some success at getting DPS relevant to the gear you're in with these routines?
      What are the major differences between TaunHA's free profiles here and the Paid ones on his website? (would you advise getting them)
      What do you suggest I do as a next step to try and find the routine for me?
    2. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      Taunha's paid is great, one big recommendation would be to go Arms though, Gladiator is completely ass other than the CD's it can provide to a raid environment - and fury is pretty sub par on most encounters compared to Arms atm.
    3. mattthebandit

      mattthebandit New Member

      Nov 15, 2014
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      Is that due to the CR performing better with Arms or just the spec performing better atm? Thanks for the swift reply.
    4. TheFieryTaco

      TheFieryTaco New Member

      Nov 4, 2014
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      It's due to Arms being a much stronger DPS spec as of this moment. Gladiator is no longer as good as it was.
    5. arkit3k732

      arkit3k732 New Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      100% this. Tuanha paid is much better than the free version. Used free for a while and the difference was pretty noticeable.
    6. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      Had 15.6k dps on the worldboss in gorg.. Arms ilvl 605 right after i hit 100, rarly had problems with his routines i used them for leveling six chars. Just some costum questbehaviors did not work.

      Did arena with dk uh and Frost and my drood as owl but just to grab some points ;)
    7. jaimay

      jaimay Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      I'm using Tuan's free atm and I'd like to upgrade to the paid version but I can't seem to find where to buy only the warrior package. I can only find the full package for $89 which I'm not really gonna pay for using one combat routine. :/
    8. blind_nuku

      blind_nuku Member

      Mar 10, 2013
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      Try emailing him and asking if it's possible to only get warrior. I saw where other ones are avail singly. The email is on his website.

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