id bet something to do with savage blood. seems there are hundreds and hundreds for sale on my server, overnight.
same on my server few dudes seem to have endless blood... I see them selling it daily in the 1000's by the same 2 players...
When do you guys think the price will stabilize. How long do 'dupes' usually last for. Providing that this is caused by a dupe. Or is it unable to tell
the price will continue to fall. expect a small rise when gold is in demand. april/may, then again in august/september.
The retail price for gold right now is between 0.60 and 0.70 per 1k. 30,000 gold sells for anywhere between $18 and $21 where I do business. The wholesale purchase price is usually way below the retail selling prices.
Come back to me when you're selling 1million gold per day @ that price Then I'll make time to see if your word is worth the time
It's not duping, there are just too many people selling gold at the moment and overflooding the market. The Law of Supply and Demand for any business. Right now Supply is higher then demand, price of the goods, or gold, goes down. Everyone was stocking up getting ready for WoD to hit and "make the big bucks" but the person who is going to make the money is the one buying all your gold for .25 per K right now and waiting for 2-3 months to sell it back to someone for 1.0 per K. BTW Do you really think people buying gold, actual buyers are buying it for less now? No way ! They don't know about any dupe, or overstock.
they may not know about dupes, or overstock, but they are enjoying .59usd per 1000 on my server. Retail price.
there are dupes, thats why prices droped a fuck ton in 1-2 weeks, why do you think suddenly sites were selling 1m at 400$?
trade chat last night had more than a few people selling Savage Blood 'WTS Savage Blood x50 40k, must buy all 50' price fell from 2100g to 700g in 3 days
i like how a month ago you were bragging about how amazing you are for having a guild bank with 1 mill gold acting like it's a huge feat and now you're selling 1 mill a day loooooooool get real dude
Don't know how much of it is the alleged dupe, but there's a metric shit ton of boosted 90 lvl running Batol 24/7 (at least on the realms i'm in) and this is a fact. I doubt that the people who bought those accounts are doing this due to their pure love of botting process or because some altruistic purposes. These accounts are hot, they get burned fast. So they sell all botted gold - as fast as possible and at any price. And since most of these WoD accounts are most likely bought with stolen credit cards they can afford almost any price, far lower than it is now. Yes, they are destroying WoW economy (what is left of it) and their own source of income in long term, but these people don't usually think long term. They don't care, even if the price drops to 0.05/k they will still sell gold.
Blizzard killed the genre and w this xpac the economy and profs. Blood are perpetually farmed and due to illiterate children's inability to understand simple economics or exercise minimal restraint/patience most items this xpac are worthless. Of course dozens of solutions exist. What's beyond comprehension is a company with the resources blizzard has and a veritable gold mine of an IP, they didn't sit down with qualified folk and foresee most if not all of this ahead of time and implement measures to eliminate or stave off this sort of thing. That being said, gold prices in wow have always been pitiful. It's why I haven't bothered since vanilla. Their are games which are thrice as lucrative and some. Namely less popular (ie games closer to an mmorpg) and filled with a more mature crowd and less foreigners looking to rip off everyone under the sun because they feel they have protection between the anonymity of the web and the mileage between them and us. /rant off
No none of the above. Price is just returning to normal... it only jumped because of expantion stays up about 6-8 weeks and drops again... This is the way of things happens every expantion.