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  • TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Oct 14, 2012.

    1. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Yeah, that part of the PvP logic need to be added soon :D

      When you are not in enemy melee range and your friend desperately need help, a Surging Mist can save the day. I'll code that later on.

      Sorry I'm focus more on PvE atm, but look like PvE monk are at decent place so it's time for more PvP love ;D
    2. Hijak3k

      Hijak3k New Member

      Mar 1, 2013
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    3. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      The only 2 issues I see with this CR is very often it will use Fists of Fury when the target is already very low health. If it could use it at the start of the rotation that would be best. One last thing is it takes small steps when casting surging mist interrupting it's own casting. it does this 3 or 4 times before it finally stops and heals correctly. Otherwise it's kicking some major ass!
    4. Acps

      Acps New Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      I feel like the WW raid routine leaves a lot of dps on the table. I was getting out dps in raid today but a WW that had 15 less ilvl than me. What rotatins are you using for raids?

      Doing simulations with my gear I should be doing over 26k sustained on raid bosses. I can just get a touch over 20k if im lucky.
      Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
    5. Crucia

      Crucia New Member

      Aug 5, 2010
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      This is mostly because the opening rotation is really not great - after a certain timeframe the routine picks itself up.

      Tuan, when you get more time would it be possible to look again into WW's opening rotation? I know of quite a few links and guides on how to get the best amount of burst if you're interested in reading them.


      To hopefully help you out, ACPS, here's how I get the most amount of burst at the moment:
      • Remove all serenity options - you want to use this manually.
      • Have Chi Brew hotbarred
      • Have Tigereye Brew hotbarred.
      • Start the fight with 4-5 chi by using Expel Harm before the fight, this generates 2 chi per use and allows you to get your buffs up as soon as the fight starts (Tiger Power, Rising Sun AND Blackout before you've spent any energy!)
      • When the fight starts, use your burst cooldowns and also use Chi Brew when your chi is less than three - your aim is to get 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew ASAP. By default, the routine only casts chi brew once on pull, so you'll want to use it again in order to generate those stacks.
      • Once BL has ended, use Serenity so you don't waste any energy (BL increases energy regen as far as I am aware, which will be wasted if you're not spending it thanks to the FoF cast time)

      I've found this has significantly increased my burst DPS (I'm sure there's a better way, feel free to contribute!) which leads to a higher overall average DPS at the end of the fight.

      Just in case you're not aware, pre potting does make all the difference to overall DPS done by a significant amount. When your tank does a /dbm pull make sure you pop a potion when there is 1 second left, your burst will be so much stronger due to the +1000 agility and you can also pot again the next time your cooldowns are up. Really can't overstate how useful this is.

      After this, let Tuan's routine do it's magic and you'll find yourself pulling some pretty strong DPS. The WW routine is absolutely amazing once the burst phase is over and can really top the meters.

      Edit: Fuck it I'm awake, more advice!

      It can't be overstated how useful Touch of Karma is, make sure your routine isn't using it automatically, and that you cast it manually when you know it's best to. One example is on Ko'ragh - when he casts his frost orb is a great chance to get a cheeky damage bonus. Or when overflowing energy is getting a little out of control.

      Diffuse magic is just as useful as ToK in most situations.

      Watch the bosses health, when 10% is getting close and you're not taking any obvious damage, pop Fortifying brew if it's available. That 20% extra HP meaning 20% extra damage on this totally overpowered spell.

      This routine is amazing as an automated tool, but if you really want to be pulling the best DPS there is a lot you will have to do manually as well I'm afraid!
      Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
    6. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank Crucia,

      The burst part is the hardest to code and I've tried several time but the result is not so good, I need more time keep optimizing.
    7. drdominican

      drdominican New Member

      Feb 26, 2011
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      Where's the PvP love... Wahhhhhh
    8. weasel1111

      weasel1111 New Member

      Jun 17, 2014
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      Hey can anyone help me with my WW settings? Im at 651 ilvl and barely pushing 17k dps.
    9. ehsan16

      ehsan16 New Member

      Nov 16, 2014
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      Your monk script does great job, keep up the good work!
    10. darkfoxes

      darkfoxes Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      For Monk.. I don't see it using Detox at all. I have been tracking it with recount and it never uses it which in arena and pvp with it glyphed it would be handy. I have paid for it so please can you add a tick for it to select it or to add it in the rotation if poisons or disease's are on the target?
    11. mafiav2

      mafiav2 Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      Give me some pvp love
    12. LexZ

      LexZ New Member

      Oct 6, 2013
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      i think one of the main problems with the mw routine ist that it starts casting renewing mist at the beginning of the fight - it wastes a lot of healing because of this logic. The best hps output you can get is if you spam renewing mist on the whole raid(out of combat).

      This cr is really good. I also tried the soapbox rotations for one week(it uses this ooc renewing mist spam) and also healed by myself - with tuanha's cr i barely get 20k hps - the soapbox routine can easily push out about 35-40k and by myself I am able to get at least 30k hps which makes me really sad. I have used your rotation since I boosted my monk and changed from my dk to it as main - i've been always happy but in the last 2 weeks something changed. I am not sure but I think that the roations achieved more healing a few revs ago :/

      Maybe you read this, tuanha. Would be very glad to hear that you are going to work on it :) hope to see me back on top with your cr as soon as possible, thank you!

    13. Crucia

      Crucia New Member

      Aug 5, 2010
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      What's the best way to handle tank swapping mechanics with this routine? I'm trying to learn how to tank, and part of that is to know how to give threat to the other tank. Is there a way I can tell the routine to stop pulling so much threat? Any help would be appreciated.
    14. Bernardo

      Bernardo New Member

      Oct 23, 2012
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      Tank PVE is Dead for Tuanha? Im a paid client and NOTHING was changed until now.
    15. grimmy21

      grimmy21 New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      I have the premium version, the tank is terrible, collects everything in sight. Settings tried everything that you can. If there is a decision to write.
    16. tinyphrag

      tinyphrag New Member

      Feb 7, 2013
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      Turn off the boar statue. That will at least turn off pulling the whole planet unintentionally.
    17. grimmy21

      grimmy21 New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      It is not strange put your hands or do not put. Call setup only hands Drunken Haze hands only, so at least in the settings, but this trick, contumacious settings routine throws a challenge and haze few drinks with precision sniper. I do not understand yet what delo.Hotya must admit 1 goal like a boss works perfectly ..
    18. Talia1821

      Talia1821 New Member

      Apr 7, 2013
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      Hello Tuanha, i had this error while doing bgs. I thought it was a BGbuddy error but the developer responded with this..
      I hope this helps you.

      Hi, Talia1821, and thanks for the log.

      [14:04:55.380 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [14:04:56.051 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [14:04:56.111 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [14:04:56.112 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [14:04:56.187 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [14:04:56.188 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      ...<continues until stopped>...

      This is a failing in your Combat Routine. You should report the problem to the author (with the log), and switch to Singular in the meantime.


      View attachment 26104 2014-12-30 08.46.txt
    19. grimmy21

      grimmy21 New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      It seems to me that the core routines are broken, there is no error, but there is a huge delay, and not a normal reaction to all the objects of the world. Hopefully tuan fix it, but as s top developer.
    20. Audacious93c

      Audacious93c Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      I just tanked heroic HM with this routine - not a problem. Tanked random Heroic (blood slag) this morning - no problem. Turned on full options for Quest routine for the Quest Daily Apexis and it finished it on its own in 30 minutes. Its now using a Grind profile and its in perfect condition. If there is a problem with Tanking, I dont think its related to the Combat Routine itself.

      Tuanha - we were talking about it earlier for wind walker. Its still rough around the edges but Ive found my DPS peaks with the following setup going in this direction. I may say some stuff you already know, but Im just trying to make sure we're on the same page. : (This is at ilvl 671 Wind Walker)

      Combat starts >Let Xuen Tiger get cast, let routine go as programmed till fists of fury, let combat routine continue till it empties energy again, manually using Energizing Brew till it expires and empties energy again, manually using both stacks of Chi Brew (unless already at 10 stacks of Tigereye or close to for one use) and then use Serenity. This is for peak DPS gain at the beginning of a fight. (Ascension or Power Strikes may be better, but with how the combat routine is currently set up - Chi Brew is better DPS. Though, Chi Brew doesnt appear to be programmed into the routine. At least not well.)

      As combat continues > manually keeping Fists of Fury and serenity Cool Downs AWAY from each other. (Ive caught the routine using Serenity at full energy right after a Fists of Fury, which is no bueno!!!) Fists of Fury seems to be really good at using Tigereye at 10 stacks (This is without the option being checked) but using Serenity at 10 stacks doesnt appear to be top priority. Looking at my logs, Serenity is my biggest DPS gain when its used with 10 stacks of Tigerseye. Manually looking at my Tigereye stacks, I use Chi Brew to help get myself to 10 stacks whenever Im close to Fists of Fury or Serenity coming off of Cool Down.

      Keeping Chi Brew at 1 stack is best for DPS - Im sure you can program the routine to make an educated decision based on the Cool Down of Fists of Fury and Serenity in order to use that 1 stack of Chi Brew. Though, I would personally use both Chi Brews to get me to 10 stacks if Serenity is off Cool Down and Energy is Empty. Though, keep in mind that Chi Brew also produces 2 Chi each use, so giving the routine a moment to use that Chi before casting Serenity, or excess Chi before use of Fists of Fury is optimal.

      Storm, Earth and Fire needs some help. The following pertains only to it.
      - The targeting may need some help not targeting Crowd Controlled NPC's.
      - If the targeting is fine, then having a check to see if any active targets are crowd controlled before using Spinning Crane Kick (which is likely the culprit) is needed. The DPS loss from not using Spinning Crane Kick is vastly outweighed by proper Crowd Control. SEF Currently breaks Crowd Control constantly and I have to turn it on and off throughout High Maul. It is beyond annoying, especially since my DPS can hinge on SEF in some fights. Though, this is a problem overall and will continue to be a problem regardless of what content patch we're on.

      - Storm, Earth and Fire targets Volatile Anomalies during "Ko'ragh" and also during "Imperator Mar'gok." I know that in LFR its not an issue, but if you could properly program SEF to not target these adds, it would be an improvement to the Quality of Life for the combat routine user. Simply disabling Storm, Earth and Fire during "Ko'ragh" is fine. However, on Imperator - I need SEF to target the Ogre adds during the fight. While also keeping in mind that the combat routine cannot use Spinning Crane Kick if SEF is in use. If SEF is NOT in use, then Spinning Crane Kick is enabled. I still need to be able to run my character up to these adds once they are properly positioned inside of a Suppression Field and AOE them down without SEF.

      (Volatile Anomalies - Volatile Anomalies explode upon death, inflicting 57,701 Arcane damage to all players unless silenced in a Suppression Field.)

      The following are options I would like for you to add or change in this routine:

      Remove Clash option from Brewmaster Tab.

      Add an option to use potions like Draenic Agility Potion on Burst or Hero (Millz has this option and its nice).

      Thanks for taking the time to read over it, Tuanha. Anyone else - feel free to give your input.
      MastaRage likes this.

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