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    Discussion in 'Combat Routines' started by kaihaider, Nov 4, 2014.

    1. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Are you sure it would cast on the same person while it was still applied?

      Do you mean it was a double cast or like 12 seconds later or random?

      Does the trait Graniteskin change the name of the buff? I'll bot a couple more levels so I can check that tomorrow.

      I really need to level my classes up :S

      Heal targeting and party aura data looks good. I'm not sure what's going on :confused:

      I guess I should add a setting to only stoneskin the tank? Should I also stoneskin him mid fight if everyone is topped off?
    2. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      It doesn't cast on others while already applied, but itll cast on self like every 10-12 secs. Graniteskin doesnt change the buff name.

      Edit. Tried out Esuna, its spamming it randomly on my tank when he has no listed debuff mostly when nothing no debuff at all.

      Edit. One instance in Syrcus Tower it was using damage spell with auto cleric stance, but the next it doesnt at all, not sure how it was toggled off. I love how thats setup when it worked. with an enemy targeted itll stance dance which is something ive always done now automated.

      Generally I only stoneskin the tank in combat while everyone else is taken cared for kinda like something when you have a little bit of idle time. This also bring me back to me eariler point about allowing regen just tick everyone else to full, but the routine will regen and also cast Cure which then regen goes into overhealing. I feel you shouldn't worry too much about working too much on stoneskin, i mainly use it in endgame content where you need to predict incoming damage spikes so unless the routine can do that for everything else as a white mage im trying to stance dance for speed clears.
      Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
    3. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Very strange...

      What did you have added to the EsunaSpells setting? I thought I had fixed that, can you give me the log file please? He might have another de/buff with the same partial name :S Can you try turning off EsunaSpellsUsePartial. Nvm, just noticed UsePartial is broke T_T

      btw, there's no api to tell if an aura is a buff or a debuff or a status or dispellable.

      Oops. looking at my code again, I change the list to lower cast but forgot to change the aura names to low case before checking for matches. This shouldn't cause casts when it shouldn't cast but should cause it to not cast while it should. Fix for case sensitivity tonight. Will also include some more log debug writes for auras.

      Damage spells should not be used if you're context is 'instance' aka in a group and in duty finder. I'll add a setting to let you force context between normal or instance.

      So my new check to cure/regen isn't working for you? It could be a lag between casting regen and the buff appearing to the bot, I can try adding a blacklist to work around that.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    4. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      Ok i didnt realize you pushed more updates. New regen is working really nicely. There seem to be something wrong with movement, ive turned it off and it still moving for me. When a target is out of healing range the routine seem to be running continuously until i manually use a movement input, i think it has something to do with spell range. Ill have to look at how to post a log sorry pretty new here. Loving the routine so far for my white mage, hope you can get some tanking logic in soon.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    5. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      glad regen is working, I won't add those extra blacklists then :p

      healer movement XD I forgot to add basic checks. Let me know if it's still doing anything funky

      There's a link to a guide about attaching logs in my signature.

      Warrior tanking should be 'ok' I need to flush out the cooldowns (which you can toggle off and handle manually)
      tomorrow I'll add a setting to throw bb combos between storm's paths (so you don't have to babysit hotkey)
      and I can't get any threat data from the api, so you'll have to handle those cooldowns yourself :p
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    6. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      Paladin doesnt use Rage of Halone which is the 3rd chain skill.

      Edit. When i was doing fates when my chocobo dies the routine tries to resummon it back, but there a slight delay to disband a party so its spamming it interrupting everything in that period.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    7. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      It's supposed to use Rage of Halone while using the main tank rotation but not the off tank rotation. I was told not to use it during the off tanking rotation because of it's increased threat generation. I'll add a setting for it.

      crap, bird spam has been giving me trouble. I've reworked it a few times and I thought I fixed spamming but I guess I'll throw in a few sec of cooldown in between attempts? Since you said it's during the period that the party is disbanding, maybe I can just put in a check to only cast when you don't have your bird in your party? Instead of checking if he's dead?

      next version will have new bird cast and pally oath changes and pally setting for rage.
    8. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      In a group/raid when someone is dead the routine seem to check if the player has "protect," but you cant cast protect one a dead player so its constantly trying to apply it. As a paladin you don't need to leave out Rage of Halone to stay behind the main tank, simply switching to sword oath will do more damage while doing less threat, but i can see if the main tank isnt rotating properly the offtank can over take threat then you might as well leave out the 2nd part of the chain "savage blade" because that also has built in threat as well. I run a static group every week and we have never had a threat issue like that.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    9. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      and that's a huge flaw in my buff code!!!
      I didn't think of that >_>
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
    10. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Just want to say, you guys probably want to update.

      I (hopefully) fixed a very rare but nasty rotation failure glitch.
    11. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      I currently leveling a Dragoon around 22-24 right now. Im not sure if this has something to do with with the routine or im suspecting its Repear plugin. Im using the a grinding profile for leveling, when i checked on it i wasnt using combat skill after the initial pull, had to restart RB to get it going again.

      View attachment 105300 2014-12-22 16.06.txt

      Edit. Currently level 26 lancer and the routine randomly uses "Piercing Talon" the spammable range skill, not sure if its intended but doesnt seem like it so just heads up.
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
    12. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Shoot, I was really hoping rotation freezes were over. I sent you a pm with a couple questions to help me isolate it.

      The Piercing Talon is cast when out of melee range, I just now added a setting for: DistanceFromMeleeRangeToUseRanged. So you can customize it or set higher than max range to not use it.

      Also update will hopefully fix a bug where it would think the first attack in a combo was cast when it was not...thanks to exaccuss for that pm

      edit: does anyone know how low you can get a combo's gcd down to? (the lowest a combo's recast can be)
      Hopefully it's above 1.5 seconds...
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
    13. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      I didnt get any pm about rotations. Skill speed isnt a desired stat at the moment because skill speed makes some people TP starved so a lot are going for other stats, but if theres a cap none can been found because skill speed is something like 10 = .01 off the global cooldown. Spell speed is a whole different story it seem, but the general consensus is no caster seem to care for it at all.

      Edit. Which class do you think ive put the most effort into so far for the routine?
      Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
    14. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      All of your post have been very help, including a few general improvements for all classes, but you have clearly helped with white mages most of all :D

      I know I don't test things as well as I should. I typically only have a few hours at night where I can sit down and focus on the game. (i troll the forum at all hours with my phone) I slack with testing so I can spend more time on the code.

      I am very grateful for any and all advice I receive, from anyone on the forum. Whether it be through posts or pms; to all my testers and contributors, thank you!
    15. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      LOL crap i meant to say which class you've put the most effort to haha.

      Edit. White Mage is clipping Aero II too soon. Normally I just let it fall off before reapplying it, maybe an options for that and when to clip?
      Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
    16. Trance101

      Trance101 Member

      May 24, 2014
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      Been using this on my pug and acr which I'm leveling. Does a really good job with dps and utilizes all the cross skills I select. Keep meaning to try with my main which is a white mage but the lack of interface kind of puts me off :X. Great job with your routine :).
    17. sorenelise

      sorenelise Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Try it, the only thing I have trouble healing as a whm is shiva ex.
    18. keikune

      keikune Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      Combat routine not for rouge available. cant use RebornCo for Rouge class .
    19. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      oh lol
      I'm sure I've spent well of 95% of my time on everything but the classes. White mage has probably taken me the most time because of small bugs in heal targeting provider and getting esuna, raise and world heal working (still not positive any of those are working right >_>). Ninja would be next because of those damn mudras. Black mage took me a while to get auras working well. Warrior is the only one that has taken me a lot of time with the rotation it's self, instead of the framework to support the rotation (still not done btw T_T).

      Aero actually shouldn't be getting clipped at all XD
      I'll add a setting for clip time but that's weird that it is clipping it :S
      Adding more aura debug log data.
      What other settings would you want added :S
      White mage has a lot...been meaning to add class settings descriptions to main post
      good to hear! if you think of anymore suggestions, please let me know ^_^
      thanks for the heads up
        { ClassJobType.Ninja, ClassJobType.Ninja};
      did not mean to list ninja twice >_>

      Christmas has been kind of kicking my ass...I should hopefully have time tomorrow night to start working on those warrior/ninja rotation overhauls again. Then I'll get back to working on arcanist. New version will be uploaded soon with the changes mentioned above.
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
    20. Grimzak

      Grimzak Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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