Okay maybe im a noob or im too brain fried to figure this out. Soo....I loaded HB from a fresh install n trashed any and all profiles i has saved form pre-WoD. when i go to load the profile (from buddystore which i have "purchased " and "own" i see all the leveling profiles except for WoD. before WoD release i remember seeing atleast 90-94 in there and now i do not see ANY WoD profiles. any ideas? please dont badger me too bad lol.
When you go to the buddy store from HB client (load profile from store) you should be abvel to see Kicks's 1-100 mega, click wod and then select the zone and faction... If you can not see this I would go to the HB Store and search Kick's Mega Profile, and "buy' it (Its free) so that it will then be shown inside your HB Client. Hope this helps!
I have done that a long time ago and kicks mega 1-100 i see -BC- cata -classics -exploration -goto -holiday -LK -MoP -other-proffessions - reputations... there isnt any WoD one. thats what im trying to figure out.....i even did a full clean out of all HB files /program and redownloaded and installed without any luck
For me its located right here. Link: Buddy Store If it already says you own it, try going to the profile page and see if you really have an item called "1-100 Questing Profile Pack" by Buddy Team and ensure its properly enabled. Also disable any old leveling pack that isn't named exactly that. If its already enabled, try disabling and reenabling. If it still doesn't work, try a full re-installation of your HB folder. Let us know if any of that sorts it out.
RESOLVED - This is what i did which fixed my problem. -Disabled all profiles from the buddy store then -restarted HB with all the profiles DISABLED. closed HB. -Re-enabled profiles from buddy store. Started HB = win