I am hoping it is just the weekend slump. Though I did get 1.7 from one company and from another $2 so not too bad for me atm since im making about 25k a day Edit: shit now everyone is going to start botting now I said that.
Anybody think it will actually raise? Just got a lovely quote for $0.6/k on 3 EU realms, go me, so high! /slit wrists for saving 800k+ for cata
sigh..... Why am I not surprised I'm getting such low offers for my gold right now, prime example ^ :/
I was told the reason for the price decline is that none of the chinese sellers have gotten any bans since cata, therefore they have not lost any of their stock. They build bannings into their price. Now they are not being banned so they just dump the price down which is ridiculous.
For real? That actually sound's interesting. Oh and just so everyone knows, gameusd.com is the one fucking the prices up, seeing as 99% of resellers use them, so if they have lower price to buy = lower price to sell for us.
Yup bankofwow is owned by them as well they are selling gold for 2.28$/K on us servers. just got offered .9$/k and $1/k on my servers... Edit: I am making 40k per day per account just about so even at a $1/k Im stilling making more post cata than before. Its just sad to see these prices...
How many bans are needed? Is it an entire banwave we're calling for? I hope they use a different bot then. These conditions really call for reporting other botters but don't do it, people.
Not botters, normally chineses gold trading/selling accounts get banned relentlessly. One of the chinese buyers told me today no one at their company has been banned in the last 2 weeks which hasn't happened in a very long time.
Yeah it's not the botters, It's the chinese farmers and gold stockers, after all it's the chinese who control the prices not us. I don't know what to do, I guess I should just sell my 800k at $0.6/k
I managed to make 125k in 2 days, now looking for private buyers... if can't find one by the end of next week i will have to sell to chinese bitches
Guys, maybe we should hold a boycott. Lets all only sell to private buyers and hold on to excess gold for a while and starve the gold sellers. Their need for gold is higher than ever because people need money for gear and to level their professions. This forum definitely plays a big role in the gold farming business. We'll see how it goes. Its not like the prices can get worse.
prices are getting worse as we speak, dropping everyday, and today, my buyer is buying $0.9/k, used to be $1.5/k 2 days ago. This is on US server
I can't hold a boycott until I have sold 800k gold because I need to buy xmas presents . It's also the chinese account hackers who drive it down so much too.
On my one and only account, I bot maybe a couple hours a day as I'm not in this to make money, and I never really bot to gather much like I thought I would... I've made over 4k gold on two toons in Cataclysm just questiing, selling items I get, gathering normally, etc. And both are only level 82. I think Blizzard might have made it so people can basically get gold on their own now easily enough that it might all but kill the secondary market completely. I have more gold than I know what to do with and it's 100% legit... So I think it's less of who is getting banned than the simple fact that gold is just very easy to get now and no real money sinks to use it on. What did Cataclysm bring that you would need to spend gold on? Name one thing? Sure, there is the 5k for going from 280 to 310 in flying but most people I know with tons of gold didn't bother getting it because it's pretty meaningless. It's not like when you first paid 5k to all but double your flying speed...