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  • [Plugin] Battle Pet Swapper

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by Andy West, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. Jalnin

      Jalnin New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Setting: Ringerx2 MaxLevel 25 MinLevel 1.
      Plugin chooses 2 pets 25 lvl and 1 pet 1 lvl.

      If i change MinLevel (for example 10) Plugin always chooses 3 pets 25 lvl.
      Why plugin did not choose 1 pet 10 lvl????
    2. Enkitir

      Enkitir Member

      Aug 16, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      This is killing my pets and not choising another pet to end the battle...
    3. Fd2me

      Fd2me New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Same here I just got it working but changing code posted here but if pet dies it just hugs there... Wish it changed them on low health
    4. lochkaese

      lochkaese New Member

      Jun 30, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      same problem, after a pet dies it just sits and waits for revive :(
    5. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      using the fixed version posted by treeak and the code fix, im able to get the plugin "mostly" working. One problem I see is when using "ringer" with 2x Level 1 pet and 1x Level 25 pet, it swaps between the level 1s over and over until they're both dead instead of getting in the level 25 after they've both had a turn.

      Since 1 of the level 1s was dying every fight (and many times, both level 1s), I changed it to Ringer x2 and I'm seeing better results.

      I'd like to see an option to abandon fight if only the level 25 is left (unless there is a rare/upgrade capture available in the fight).

      Also, a question.. why did I see several people say Zangarmarsh is the ideal spot for pet boost/leveling? Almost every fight has a snake which has either a dive, a poison, or both. good luck trying to get a level 1 anywhere against a poison.
    6. virtuousiniquity

      virtuousiniquity New Member

      Nov 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Having trouble here. It will fight the first fight no problem, load new pets and stand in the same place.. really odd! I know it's something I'm doing wrong

      EDIT: If I mount up, and get the bot back into the air slightly it will then begin the move to the next hotspot.

      Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started.
      Logging in...
      T: 5247240999917850561 H: 4036197764
      Attaching to D3D9
      Attached to WoW with ID 4996
      Honorbuddy v2.5.12479.763 started!
      Using WoW with process ID 4996
      Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      Executable Path: C:\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
      Character is a level 100 BloodElf Paladin
      Current zone is Borean Tundra
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      Activity: Initializing
      Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: Party Bot
      New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
      New bot added!: AutoAngler
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      Compiler Error: c:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\PetArea\PetArea.cs(187,37) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.Contains(System.Func<Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.BlacklistEntry,bool>)' has some invalid arguments
      Compiler Error: c:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\PetArea\PetArea.cs(187,56) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWGuid' to 'System.Func<Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.BlacklistEntry,bool>'
      Compiler Error: c:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Plugin\BattlePetAuctionViewer\AhScanner.cs(129,29) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'MemoryManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
      [BPS] Loading Settings file:C:\Honorbuddy\Settings\BattlePetSwapper_*****.xml
      ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [PB] **************************************************************************************
      [PB] Settings :
      [PB]   HPFactor: 10
      [PB]   LevelFactor: -20
      [PB]   AdFactor: 2
      [PB]   DisFactor: 2
      [PB]   Distance: 300
      [PB]   GetRarity: 2
      [PB]   BlacklistCounterLimit: 5
      [PB]   SkipCounterLimit: 5
      [PB]   DoPVP: False
      [PB]   PVPMinTime: 0
      [PB]   PVPMaxTime: 1
      [PB]   MinPetsAlive: 1
      [PB]   BelowLevel: 3
      [PB]   AboveLevel: 8
      [PB]   UseBandagesToHeal: 0
      [PB]   UseHealSkill: 1
      [PB]   ForfeitIfNotInteresting: False
      [PB]   UseWhiteList: False
      [PB]   UseBlackList: True
      [PB]   UseRatingSystem: False
      [PB]   DoPreCombatSwapping: False
      [PB]   CheckAllowUsageTracking: True
      [PB]   AllowAutoUpdate: False
      [PB]   AllowRoleDetect: False
      [PB]   CurrentRevision: 0
      [PB]   LastDayChecked: 363
      [PB]   BPSEnabled: False
      [PB]   DetailedLogging: False
      [PB]   AmHorde: True
      [PB]   Slot1SwapEnabled: False
      [PB]   Slot1SwapFavoriteOnly: True
      [PB]   Slot1TradeableOnly: False
      [PB]   Slot1AllowWild: True
      [PB]   Slot1SwapMinLevel: 1
      [PB]   Slot1SwapMaxLevel: 25
      [PB]   HPFormula: petHP * HPFactor
      [PB]   AdFormula: advantage * 50 * AdFactor
      [PB]   DisFormula: disadvantage * 50 * DisFactor
      [PB]   LevelFormula: (petLevel - enemylevel) * 4 * LevelFactor
      [PB]   PetOrder: 2,3,1
      [PB]   IBSupport: False
      [PB] Pets Equipped 3
      [PB] **************************************************************************************
      Checking for new Pokehbuddy version - To disable the autoupdate, see settings
      A new version was found. Please update!
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Acuity        (154742) | Arcane Affinity      (028877) | Arcane Resistance    (000822)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Torrent       (155145) | Archaeology          (110393) | Ardent Defender      (031850)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills         (076271) | Auto Attack          (006603) | Avenger's Shield     (031935)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training  (119467) | Blessing of Kings    (020217) | Blessing of Might    (019740)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cleanse              (004987) | Clemency             (105622) | Cold Weather Flying  (054197)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Consecration         (026573) | Contemplation        (121183) | Cooking              (158765)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire         (000818) | Crusader Strike      (035395) | Disenchant           (013262)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Divine Protection    (000498) | Divine Shield        (000642) | Empowered Avenger'.. (157485)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enchanting           (158716) | First Aid            (158741) | Fishing              (131474)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Flash of Light       (019750) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Garrison Ability     (161691)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Grand Crusader       (085043) | Guardian of Ancien.. (086659) | Guild Mail           (083951)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hammer of Justice    (000853) | Hammer of the Righ.. (053595) | Hammer of Wrath      (024275)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hand of Freedom      (001044) | Hand of Protection   (001022) | Hand of Sacrifice    (006940)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hand of Salvation    (001038) | Hasty Hearth         (083944) | Heart of the Crusa.. (032223)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Holy Avenger         (105809) | Holy Shield          (152261) | Holy Wrath           (119072)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Block       (157488) | Improved Consecrat.. (157486) | Improved Forbearance (157482)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Jewelcrafting        (158750) | Judgment             (020271) | Languages            (079748)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lay on Hands         (000633) | Logging              (167895) | Mass Resurrection    (083968)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding        (090265) | Mobile Banking       (083958) | Mount Up             (078633)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Prospecting          (031252) | Rebuke               (096231) | Reckoning            (062124)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Redemption           (007328) | Resolve              (158298) | Revive Battle Pets   (125439)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Righteous Fury       (025780) | Sacred Duty          (165375) | Sacred Shield        (020925)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Seal of Command      (105361) | Seal of Insight      (020165) | Seal of Righteousn.. (020154)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shield of the Righ.. (053600) | Shining Protector    (159374) | Speed of Light       (085499)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Survey               (080451) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Turn Evil            (010326)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills        (076294) | Weapons of the Light (175699) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Word of Glory        (085673)
      [SpellManager] Fist of Justice (105593) overrides Hammer of Justice (853)
      [SpellManager] Light's Hammer (114158) overrides Weapons of the Light (175699)
      [SpellManager] Seal of Truth (31801) overrides Seal of Command (105361)
      Class profile set to PaladinProtection (Paladin - Protection)
      [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
      Singular v4.0.0.4107 v4.0.0.4107
      [Singular] Starting Singular v4.0.0.4107
      [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for 
      Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return ( args[4] == UnitGUID('player') and ( args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' or args[2] == 'RANGE_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_FAILED' ) )
      [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [Singular] Current spec is  Protection 
      [Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
      [Singular] Your Level 100 Blood Elf Protection Paladin Build is 
      [Singular] ... running the Gatherbuddy2 bot in Borean Tundra 
      [Singular] ... Zone: Northrend using my SOLO Behaviors 
      [Singular] Pull More: not active, Singular will one mob at a time
      Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] 53c7dacd-aaf8-41bc-b0ff-6547bb1addb2
      Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 0e02384d-95e3-4a83-a055-fea4ca843318
      Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] 0457f150-9c39-45fa-8f10-55378c073e92
      Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] 8bbeb1f7-e070-4d08-b951-2b72ebc7c699
      Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] 65cd87b3-d216-4535-b60b-a9f058d560fd
      Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 7b434369-7376-4ef8-bf07-7caf4d554b5a
      Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] e8ba5c2e-eae2-4fc5-b731-a24ff73dc35c
      Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] c27bcd91-44cc-440e-88ac-be4b2729d53c
      Replaced hook [Singular.Death] 105973b2-9bc6-42c9-ab22-0fe0adfa5de3
      Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] dc5c4ff6-fb68-491b-8e9a-eda75b344d25
      [Singular] Initialization complete! 
      [BPS] Battle Pet Swapper loaded (V1.2.0.0)
      [BPS] Settings: Mode=Relative, Pet Levels=1-25 , UseWildPets=False, Min Pet Health=90, Use Favourite Pets Only=True
      Installed plugins
          Anti Drown - Disabled
          Bait - Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait - Spires of Arrak - Disabled
          Bait - Blackwater Whiptail Bait - Talador - Disabled
          Bait - Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait - Shadowmoon - Disabled
          Bait - Fat Sleeper Bait - Nagrand - Disabled
          Bait - Fire Ammonite Bait - Disabled
          Bait - Jawless Skulker Bait - Gorgrond - Disabled
          Battle Pet Swapper - Enabled
          BuddyMonitor - Disabled
          DrinkPotions - Disabled
          Pokébuddy - Enabled
          Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
          Refreshment Detection - Enabled
          Use Bait WoD - Sea Scorpion Bait - Open Sea - Disabled
          ZapRecorder2 - Disabled
      Activity: Initialization complete
      --------------- Settings ---------------
      UICulture: en-US
      UseFrameLock: True
      SendUsageInformation: False
      CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
      ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
      PluginsPath: Plugins
      ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
      BotsPath: Bots
      ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
      QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
      MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\workstationadmin\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
      KillBetweenHotspots: True
      AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      LogoutForInactivity: False
      LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
      LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      LogLevel: Diagnostic
      SeperatedLogFolders: True
      SelectTalents: False
      ClassProfileName: Paladin - Protection
      AutoEquip: False
      AutoEquipBags: True
      AutoEquipWeapons: True
      AutoEquipArmor: True
      AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
      WeaponStyle: Automatic
      RollOnItems: True
      RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
      MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
      TicksPerSecond: 15
      FoodAmount: 0
      DrinkAmount: 0
          Battle Pet Swapper
          Borean Tundra Long Run[HB]@@!@@C:\Users\workstationadmin\Downloads\Borean Tundra Long Run[HB].xml
          [GB2] [21-23] Pet Training Borean Tundra@@!@@C:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Guadahs Pet Profiles\Northrend\[GB2] [21-23] Pet Training Borean Tundra.xml
          [GB2] [22-25] Pet Training Jade Forest@@!@@C:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Guadahs Pet Profiles\Pandaria\[GB2] [22-25] Pet Training Jade Forest.xml
          Pet Training@@!@@C:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Guadahs Pet Profiles\Kalimdor\[GB2] [1-3] Pet Training Durotar.xml
          Vale of Eternal Blossoms@@!@@C:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Guadahs Pet Profiles\Pandaria\[GB2] [22-25] Pet Training Vale of Eternal Blossoms.xml
      SelectedBotName: Gatherbuddy2
      UseFlightPaths: True
      FindMountAutomatically: True
      UseRandomMount: False
      MailRecipient has no value yet
      FoodName: 118272
      DrinkName: 33444
      MountName: Thalassian Charger (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=34767)
      FlyingMountName: Celestial Steed (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=75614)
      LootMobs: True
      SkinMobs: False
      NinjaSkin: False
      LootChests: True
      HarvestMinerals: False
      HarvestHerbs: False
      UseMount: True
      PullDistance: 100
      LootRadius: 30
      LastUsedPath: C:\Users\workstationadmin\Downloads\Borean Tundra Long Run[HB].xml
      MountDistance: 60
      RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      Loading profile from C:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Guadahs Pet Profiles\Northrend\[GB2] [21-23] Pet Training Borean Tundra.xml
      Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
      Downloaded tilemap Northrend
      Changed map(s) to Northrend
      Changing current profile to [GB2] [21-23] Pet Training Borean Tundra
      BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
      [BPS] Saving settings.
      [BPS] Settings: Mode=Ringer, Pet Levels=1-25 , UseWildPets=False, Min Pet Health=90, Use Favourite Pets Only=True
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Gatherbuddy2
      Character is a level 100 BloodElf Paladin
      Current zone is Borean Tundra (http://wowhead.com/zone=3537)
      Set query filter to Horde
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Acuity        (154742) | Arcane Affinity      (028877) | Arcane Resistance    (000822)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Torrent       (155145) | Archaeology          (110393) | Ardent Defender      (031850)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills         (076271) | Auto Attack          (006603) | Avenger's Shield     (031935)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training  (119467) | Blessing of Kings    (020217) | Blessing of Might    (019740)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cleanse              (004987) | Clemency             (105622) | Cold Weather Flying  (054197)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Consecration         (026573) | Contemplation        (121183) | Cooking              (158765)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire         (000818) | Crusader Strike      (035395) | Disenchant           (013262)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Divine Protection    (000498) | Divine Shield        (000642) | Empowered Avenger'.. (157485)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enchanting           (158716) | First Aid            (158741) | Fishing              (131474)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Flash of Light       (019750) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Garrison Ability     (161691)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Grand Crusader       (085043) | Guardian of Ancien.. (086659) | Guild Mail           (083951)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hammer of Justice    (000853) | Hammer of the Righ.. (053595) | Hammer of Wrath      (024275)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hand of Freedom      (001044) | Hand of Protection   (001022) | Hand of Sacrifice    (006940)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hand of Salvation    (001038) | Hasty Hearth         (083944) | Heart of the Crusa.. (032223)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Holy Avenger         (105809) | Holy Shield          (152261) | Holy Wrath           (119072)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Block       (157488) | Improved Consecrat.. (157486) | Improved Forbearance (157482)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Jewelcrafting        (158750) | Judgment             (020271) | Languages            (079748)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lay on Hands         (000633) | Logging              (167895) | Mass Resurrection    (083968)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding        (090265) | Mobile Banking       (083958) | Mount Up             (078633)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Prospecting          (031252) | Rebuke               (096231) | Reckoning            (062124)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Redemption           (007328) | Resolve              (158298) | Revive Battle Pets   (125439)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Righteous Fury       (025780) | Sacred Duty          (165375) | Sacred Shield        (020925)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Seal of Command      (105361) | Seal of Insight      (020165) | Seal of Righteousn.. (020154)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shield of the Righ.. (053600) | Shining Protector    (159374) | Speed of Light       (085499)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Survey               (080451) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Turn Evil            (010326)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills        (076294) | Weapons of the Light (175699) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
      [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Word of Glory        (085673)
      [SpellManager] Fist of Justice (105593) overrides Hammer of Justice (853)
      [SpellManager] Light's Hammer (114158) overrides Weapons of the Light (175699)
      [SpellManager] Seal of Truth (31801) overrides Seal of Command (105361)
      [Singular] Your Level 100 Blood Elf Protection Paladin Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Gatherbuddy2 bot in Borean Tundra  
      [Singular] ... Zone: Northrend using my SOLO Behaviors
      [Singular] Pull More: not active, Singular will one mob at a time 
      Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] a2ade337-b9fc-4105-8a8c-32783b8bc54d
      Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 8ec06a14-208f-4655-95a6-85e6644b4857
      Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] 199433b3-f805-40ec-bd06-7f9933a4d8da
      Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] fbbbc244-a750-4015-8f2e-6ed2a018d211
      Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] aa8ca4a7-335d-4495-aef9-e5dd8fc49150
      Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 0f89a2fc-e6d3-47d0-8b53-1a422a96ebd4
      Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] 83fc4d57-f7c0-4867-8c97-ce9b7bae7355
      Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] f54ef81d-5053-420b-aec9-eaa33183b082
      Replaced hook [Singular.Death] 0fd94262-7b88-4596-90bc-cd24c89eb19c
      Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] e0e990d0-be47-40e7-a5e0-13310ccd3a46
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Favourite pets journal count: 63
      [BPS] Pets by level: #1=38 #2=2 #4=3 #5=3 #6=3 #7=1 #10=1 #16=1 #17=1 #18=2 #22=1 #25=3 
      [BPS] Choosing pets to level and 'Ringer' pet.
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 1 with Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot [1] 
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 2 with Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling [1] 
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 3 with Feline Familiar [25] Health 90%
      Loading Northrend_24_26
      Activity: Loading Tiles
      [PB] Battle Preparation
      Interacting with Arctic Hare (Unit Id: 62693)
      [PB] Battle Preparation
      [PB] Trying to interact. Blacklist counter :1
      Interacting with Arctic Hare (Unit Id: 62693)
      [BPS] We are in a battle, I will refresh after it is over.
      [BPS] We are battling a level 20 pet.
      [Singular] Behaviors disabled in Pet Fight
      Mounting: Celestial Steed
      Activity: Moving to next hotspot
      [PB] Going to load species Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 46
      Mounting: Celestial Steed
      We can't start flying from current location. Moving to a better position to take off.
      [PB] Going to load species Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Going to do simple rotate
      [PB] time elapsed 24
      We are stuck! (TPS: 5.373204, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
      We are stuck! (TPS: 14.22596, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.844929, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.615533, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe left for 1000ms
      [PB] Have to select new one
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.675511, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.589687, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 24
      Downloaded C:\Users\workstationadmin\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes\Northrend\Northrend_23_26
      Loading Northrend_23_26
      Activity: Loading Tiles
      Activity: Moving to next hotspot
      We are stuck! (TPS: 6.478991, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.526503, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.805824, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 23
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.642722, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.800898, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.635384, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 5.464491, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      We are stuck! (TPS: 13.65267, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 23
      We are stuck! (TPS: 10.207, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.435973, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.931167, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 10.10409, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 5.849867, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      We are stuck! (TPS: 13.70319, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      [PB] Cant cast anything or swapout, passing
      We are stuck! (TPS: 10.00599, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 25
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.204865, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.145044, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.390088, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 24
      We are stuck! (TPS: 6.536126, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      We are stuck! (TPS: 13.7653, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.186471, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      [PB] Going to load species Feline Familiar
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] time elapsed 20
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.046291, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.138774, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe right for 600ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 8.459064, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 5.501412, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying jump
      [PB] Cant cast anything or swapout, passing
      We are stuck! (TPS: 13.00293, FPS: 24, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
      We are stuck! (TPS: 9.600678, FPS: 23, Map: Northrend, loc: <3108.946, 4225.371, 27.31539>)!
      Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Favourite pets journal count: 63
      [BPS] Pets by level: #1=37 #2=2 #4=4 #5=3 #6=3 #7=1 #10=1 #16=1 #17=1 #18=2 #22=1 #25=3 
      [BPS] Choosing pets to level and 'Ringer' pet.
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 1 with Blue Moth [1] 
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 2 with Brilliant Spore [1] 
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 3 with Son of Animus [25] 
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    7. Olker

      Olker New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have a other problem, the plugin dont even shows under Plugins in HB Menue...
    8. Maxee80

      Maxee80 New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      Same here
    9. virtuousiniquity

      virtuousiniquity New Member

      Nov 29, 2014
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      On page 20 you'll see a fixed file, and a code fix you must perform to get it to work fellas.

    10. copasetic

      copasetic Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      I'm having the same problem, but even switching to Ringer x2 isn't helping. It just sticks with the level 1 pet until it dies, and then refuses to swap in the next pet at all. It's also completely ignoring any profiles I've loaded—when I use Guadah's Pet Battle profile for Wetlands, it flies me wherever it wants, into completely different territories that my low level pets can't handle.
    11. gowi

      gowi New Member

      Nov 1, 2011
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      after a pet dies it just waits for revive any solution ?
    12. Prostak

      Prostak Member

      Mar 17, 2013
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    13. premierfong

      premierfong New Member

      Dec 12, 2011
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      I put the files in plugin folder but it is not showing up in HB, can you help me.
    14. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Click the link above your post. This plugin is obsolete now.
    15. Zeniden

      Zeniden New Member

      Mar 20, 2011
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      BPS not showing / working

      Battle Pet Swapper is not showing on my plugin's list. I use Pokehbuddy as a bot which has Guadah's Profiles in it. HEre is my log.

      Compiler Error: c:\Users\Primary\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\BattlePet Swapper\Plugin.cs(133,30) : error CS0115: 'BattlePetSwapper.Plugin.Initialize()': no suitable method found to override

      Thank you for the assistance!
    16. stiankh

      stiankh New Member

      Mar 2, 2012
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      its not poping up in my plugin folder. any idea?
    17. wanipuk12

      wanipuk12 Member

      May 14, 2014
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      im having the same issue
    18. p1xel8ted

      p1xel8ted New Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      In "Plugin.cs" change



    19. parjo

      parjo New Member

      May 3, 2014
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      is anyone able to update this add on? I am not able to open the cs files to change anything nor would I want to to playing with it either since I would most likely mess something else up.
      or is there any other swapper type profiles out there.

    20. p1xel8ted

      p1xel8ted New Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      Attached Files:

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