Is there a way to convert spell name to spell ID for trap? B/c there are more version besides enUS version.
it doesn't work always. as it turns off your attack. and u will just sit ther for the whole 15 seconds and not attack. it should work well with riverbeast but I would keep 2 copy of the .cs, this one should only work with riverbeast as there are no other mobs around, wolf and clefthoof sometimes come with non-elite adds. and plugin is designed to trap them so it will lay a trap when the non-elite is 85% hp, and step back and turn off attack while both the elite and non-elite are hitting u for full 15 sec. I would use the original plugin for wolf, chefthoof. this one may work with riverbeast but I havn't tested it yet. surely don't work with wolf and clefthoof.
there is a very good profile for farming steamwheel cartel rep that grinds the tabulks, this avoids the elites also. could this be changed to drop traps?
For Ironhide BULLs - the profile works with Rothlan's modification BUT needs 1 small change to make it perfect. Traps are dropped at around 80% health so if there are any additional mobs along with the Bulls they get trapped before the Bulls. Could we get the plugin to drop trap at say 55% of Bull health ?
whats the chance we could have the Auth add a sliding health% bar so we might just beable to ajust it to the health% we would like it to drop the trap just a thought but i know its a simple plugin.
anyone know´s how to make this work as a hunter? If im Beast mastery specced I kill the ironhide, and if im MM i just die.
doesnt really work as i just tried it...all it does is kill the mob and never launches the trap to kill the boars for savage feast
I'm sorry but I don't understand. I want to farm wolf alphas in nagrand (unless there is an easier source of cloth? cloth sells a lot when you dont get lucky with savage blood). can tell me how to do this in simple steps for idiots like me?
For a hunter the code would need to check for Ironhides health<49% then cast pet passive and drop trap then step back a bit. As it is I don't think it works for hunters
I just started programming for HonorBuddy just a few days ago. Is there any help that someone could give, to make this work as a hunter?
Как выставить дистанцию до моба, а то получается он бьёт впритык и ловушка оказывается не под ним а возле головы или шеи: данного животного... Подскажите пожалуйста.
a contribution to an great addon A contribution to a great addon: Added GUI to view trapping entries Added turn away code to prevent melee fighting after trapping Added sleep to prevent fighting routine to fight while trapping Made a Hash table of the entries
Hmm How to use this plugin?? I tryed to use it on the talbuks - but its running to the talbuks - starts attaking - but only kills it and then to the next - it never drops the trap? i have activated the plugin... and tryed using grind and gathering bot - what am i doing wrong?
Thanks for your updates... I see it is the complete Visual Studio folder... how do you recommend installing your version?
just made a profile for direfang alphas, please test and leave feeback , working good so far for me, will fly from your garrison to rizlits holdfast in nagrand if u have the fp. note this is horde