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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Hamstercookie, Dec 29, 2014.

    1. Hamstercookie

      Hamstercookie New Member

      May 6, 2013
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      when the enemy plays dr. boom the bot stops working :) just wanted you to know
    2. Didstriker

      Didstriker New Member

      Jan 4, 2015
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      Temporal ¿solution? for Dr.Boom's bug

      I had the same problem.
      But the problem its not caused by dr.boom, just by the "boom bot" 's than he calls.

      When HB tries to check that card, it trows an ReferenceNullException. Following the address on the log I went to C:\<Directory where u have HB>\Hearthbuddy 0.3.763.108\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\cards\Sim_GvG_110t.cs

      (which is the file for "boom bot")
      and commented the Deathrattle part (it seems thats the problem cause the log marks the exception inside this method)
      So, "teorically" the HB would still working when dr.boom is played.
      I say teorically because I'm already trying to test this solution, cause haven't the card so im trying to play untill it appears.

      Obviusly the logic of HB would be affected by this and will treat the boom bot's like sheep.
      But it's better than got crashes while waiting for new versions :/

      I'll attach my Sim_GvG_110t.cs so someone can test this and tell us if works? (I'll keep trying to test this too)

      PD: I realized HB logic about "1-4 p damage" or "random enemy" is a little bad so the cards with these effect are not used properly

      Here it is : View attachment Sim_GvG_110t.cs
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2015

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