great job, this is a big improvement I have running for hours now with only one hiccup. when ever i aggro a mob when passing by the bot will continue for a ways and then just stop for 4 or so sec's and then dismount and kill the mob, remount and continue on its way. the 4 or so sec's that it just waits on it mount just looks like a bot.
i'm done with trying to find a issue you experience. i run this plugin myself on 6 bots for several hours a day without any of your issues. please perform a very clean HB install and consider to switch to an english game client. instructions on how do perform a clean install can be found in the wiki or on the forums. make sure to truncate your HB Mesh Folder located in %LocalAppData%
nice to hear, thank you! the run-back-to-loot behavior is known to occur on highcups/lag/ping spikes. basicly the game client does not know yet if the just killed mob can be looted. and the moment it is aware of the plugin tells the bot to run back and loot. i can solve this in two ways: a) add a loot radius filter, so when the bot walks away the lootable mobs is considered to be ignored ==> reduces loot b) add a wait after each kill ==> decreases NPH you see, both ways got their disadvantage, however (a) is my currently considered attempt to fix this. i will add a toggle-able loot range selctor in the next version
Same here, my main doesn't have any gathering skills but timber, so bot doesn't start, as probably is intended, but adding the option would be very appreciated.
There are no hotspots in the current profile. Either the profile is not a proper Gatherbuddy profile or a malformed one.
gatherbuddy? this plugin does not run on gatherbuddy anymore. do not change the preset botbase, just hit start!
So your saying its looking for loot before it even kills the mob? because the 4 sec wait is before it has even unmounted. I can upload a video for you.
ah, got it wrong. will look into the running away, that happened only a few times to me and i didnt saw it again in 3.0.4.
you're not supposed to use any other bot than the plugin sets himself. if it sets the bot to grindbot, stay with grindbot please
Thanks what I ment EDIT: Btw I have a question. Is there any way to make the bot stop attacking so much? Cause now when Im hunted by a mob. The bot quite often, (not every time), turn to kill it while it could just run away from it. Taking in to count: -No close node. -kill between hotspots Unchecked. after a while it becomes quite alot of down time. EDIT2: I have some feedback. The plugin overall is amazing, however in nagrand the bot seems to be having some issues sticking with the "chosen" node, so when there are 2 close to each other the bot just runs back and forth between them not picking any one of them. Worth noting is that this is when you are up in the mountains, but it seems to be fond of that place ^^
Does the Pokehbuddy option actually do pet battles? I don't see anything in the last 5 or 6 pages of skimming that speaks to this other than your mention of using it to harvest just timber on a non gather character. I enabled it on a low level in Org and he didn't do much but run around, so figured I should check and see what the intended functionality was before I said it wasn't working as intended. Thanks!
nope, theTramper gather is not designed to do pet battles. it just means it skips the check of your gathering abilities
FYI. Bot had erotic hopping issue: Increasing the framelock slider to 35 in the settings has fixed this issue for me.
Bot lands a little far from ore nodes. It causes an issue when nodes are in mountainous areas. It goes into a loop of falling down the cliff.