how is this routine doing for resto druid please? using leaves since pandaria but its not as good as it was before. And for holy paladin, i play those 2 a lot, so before i buy it i would like to know how it work for those 2 classes. thanks
I Can't find any really good settings for holy- i'm trying to get proven healer but i'm having problems at around 650 ilvl. Are there any settings available? Edit: Ended up fiddling with the main settings- i'd take over a little bit and cast circle of healing a bit more but managed to get it. Amazing CR.
sorry, i just started it and using it on my druid. 2 first heroics were already much better then leaves. but my pala isnt 100 yet, so cant test on him yet
Just got gold prooving grounds on my Monk (ilvl 648) using the latest version and the prooving grounds settings (via settings manager) Mana efficiency was much better, a bit of a tight squeeze at the end. Nice work!
Can't walk with the mount, is it breaking for everyone? [out of combat enabled] /edit/ also racial can not be set to [when] Stunned, leaving no use for Every Man For Himself
So without the release notes I still find myself using another routine. I recall you saying there would be implements of a function that would predict the incoming damage and only heal the exact amount of damage taken. Something along those lines. Has that been implemented? Has Holy paladin beacon swapping been fixed to only heal units with beacon and not heal whoever during the 3second cooldown?
Yes it gets to 5 stacks, or whatever stacks you set it for as there is a setting for it. It is used like a healing cooldown with the settings. So if not every time does it follow with a PoH. That is something that still needs to be worked on, but even without using archangel at all (which i tested) it still blows healers out of the water. PoM as I find CoW to not be a good talent. Too long a cast, for the same amount of absorb as a PWS, granted it is stackable and unless you are only healing tanks I find it to not be a valid heal for bottting. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
For everyone wanting to use CoW, try another talent....just try it try WoM or saving grace for that matter. Just because some well known healer or top ranked priest uses CoW does not mean it is going to be best for your group. I have some settings up on the settings manager already. Ignore the ilvl on them tweak them a little more to your preference and raid size. I have 0 mana issues with these and they have been my base settings since 615. FOR EVERYONE Being top on the meters or logs does not mean you are the best healer. Oracle will top meters, it will oom you and it will go completely beast mode if needed. All this is moot if your raid team is dieing, you are oom halfway through the fight and you are not healing properly and just overhealing like a lunatic. Oracle was not thought of to be a ranking machine. Most fights people rank on are doing that fight the way they are TOO RANK. Other healers are unnderhealing to let one healer outperform. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
CoW is better for (Kargath),Brackenspore,Tectus and Ko'ragh. That's correct for all healer except disc.
You can right click them and go to comments and it will tell you. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
This is not true, it is still based on your playstyle and your raid comp. And your raids ability to not stand in the fire. Without CoW you can accomplish the same "meter" ranking on these fights. I will edit out the names of my last logs to prove this for everyone since no one believes me. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Sorry wulf, i have buy oracleII last night and i not see all option. Resto druid here ^^. OII have a option to cast mushroom on mouseover with binded key (/ this for me)? Thanks!
So far im 4/7 mythic progression with my disc ( without any CR ), and CoW out performs WoM on Tectus and Ko'garth definetly. Tectus and also Ko'garth, the encounter design is burst dmg income, short spikes, so most WoM PoM will expire useless, cuz it wont jump the full 5 stacks. Brackenspore is CoW better then PoM cuz of unable tank healing during the breath and more options to keep the fungus alive, WoM will heal the same amount cuz of these infesting spore dmg phases. Kargath is personal choice. but anyway oracle keeps getting better and better
I ran some LFR's just to test out the new release, it seems to be handling mana more efficiently and the overhealing is much less than before. I am a big fan of CoW so I am sticking with this talent but overall, it does seem to heal better than before. I used Benny's disc setting and tweaked it alittle (AoE healing sucks your mana so I toned that down) I will use it alittle more in my heroic group and see if I will stick with it.