Both the Alliance and Horde have a rare spawn that is easily killed in each starting area and these profiles will run the paths in search for them. Set it up and in no time flat you will have 2 new epic mounts! Enable gathering of herbs and minerals while you search for an extra bonus! The bot may take a minute to register where the hotspots are so if it does not start right away, fly to the corresponding zone and press start. Use Questbot Donations are appreciated
The bot may take a minute to register where the hotspots are so if it does not start right away, fly to the corresponding zone and press start.
Worked perfectly as advertised. Got both mounts in under 2 hours! Pretty sure the RNG gods were on my side for spawn timers. gave +Rep TYVM!!!
Hello Gatherit Already super in love in love with these profiles. Got both mounts yesterday, can't believe my luck! By any chance would you be covering the rest of the rare spawn mobs that drops mounts? Currently missing Silthide(Talador) - Luk'hok(Nagrand) - and Nakk the Thunderer(Nagrand) Again i can't thank you enough for these profiles, they are just awesome!
For some reason, this profile is not working for me. Using "Questing" option, getting "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
mebe the problem is what i see in your log is that you running the wrong profile Loading profile from C:\Users\Kelly\Documents\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Blackrock Bulward shield farm + iron scraps - Toft (1).xml
Ok. Removed all profiles except this one and I'm still getting "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" Again, any assistance is appreciated.
Hey dachun1 As far as i can see it still loads the other profile Are you running any plugins that maybe could interfere with profiles?
Plugins are: Anti Cap Anti Drown BuddyMonitor DrinkPotions Questhelper-ItemForAura Refreshment Detection StrongBoxOpener theTramper targeteer theTramper whispery I haven't had problems with other profiles, mostly Gatherbuddy though. Thank you for the assistance.
Try disabling all your Plugins and press "Recompile All". Close HB afterwards when it's done compiling and try again
Turned off all plugins, including those from the store. Now stuck at "Loading Profile..." Thanks again for the help.
Thank you for all the help! After a 100% clean install, this profile is off and running! Thanks again for the assistance!
If they can be soloed I can make them but no use if it takes a group of people to kill them. Also if you need a custom profile made let me know via Skype.