I guess I don't understand what you're asking for then. Both Multishot and Arcane place Serpent Sting on the target, and the routine is already designed to go through the typical DPS roation of Single target or AOE depending on X amount of targets, so Serpent is going to be up pretty much permanently. You can always set the number lower for Multi if you want more people to get Serpented in smaller groups.
Serpent Sting isn't an Area group attack. I want it to spread to everything the 40 yards. Regards less if it is just 2 people or 10.
can you explain how the tranq shot settings work ? i don't get how it's explained when i hover it. it never uses tranq shot during the routine either when i enable it
You're talking about spreading Serpent Sting (the ONLY other "AOE" dot SV Hunters have outside of unglyped Explosive Trap damage) that Hunters have. If you want the dot to spread "regardless of if it's 2 people or 10", then change the number to 2 in the Multishot if X amount of players box. Serpent Sting isn't a single skill anymore. It's not something you tab around and put on players like before. It's attached to those two shots: Arcane, and Multishot. If you want it to be placed on every target outside of your main target as well (the one that would be getting hit with Arcane shot), then set that Multishot if X number to 2. Voila. I don't think I can be any clearer on that.
It seems to sometimes break traps, I have yet to find the cause, here's what I've tried: Running with Glyph of Solace to make sure it's not dots etc. Disabled AoE mode. Edit: Disabled Multishot for arena, that solved it (I think).
Anyone have a better list for "Custom Spell IDs" that they might want to share? had one before in a folder, but I deleted it by mistake... too lazy to make a new one so asking here instead ;p
If you're talking about a regular disengage hotkey all you need is make a macro with /stopcasting and /cast Disengage + put the bind in the pause list
I keep forward disengage (macro through GS) on mouse button 5 and regular disengage macro on mouse button 4 lol works very well
Ok so I setup the Freezing Trap debuff list and configured the bot to trap off those debuffs, but it doesn't do it. Any tips?
Can you turn off concussive shot on healer whilst blinded or sapped? It means the rogue cannot sap or resap healer since he is in combat.
So I just tested the autotrapper thoroughly and its not working with the freezing trap debuffs list at all.
no i just don't want he concusive shot the healer everytime it's up cause it's obvious i'm boting i'm focussing the dps and my char slow the healer lol