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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by unomobster, Dec 3, 2010.


    Would you like to see something like this

    1. An HB "lite" version with minimal options to have less downtime

      0 vote(s)
    2. and improved GB with combat logic

      0 vote(s)
    3. the GB plugin to finaly be added to HB

      0 vote(s)
    4. Damnit uno, your pissing in wind. keep dreaming

      0 vote(s)
    Multiple votes are allowed.
    1. unomobster

      unomobster New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just a thought, We all know (or should know) that GB was WAY less coding involved than HB does, therefore it's alot faster for main and nesox to get it back up and running. so with that said

      Would anyone want a couple "lite" versions of HB ? like one that has the ability to fish and not much else. ( basically it only uses mr.fish bot or autoangler) still keep the protection of HB .

      as with the last 2 expansions, there is gonna be a string of fixes which means alot of downtime for hb.

      Adding the questing feature seems to have been an ongoing set of fixes... how about we just add the GB plugin already ? it's been what? like a year now ?
      or atleast an improved verision of GB with the default combat logic for all the classes
    2. cjzygr

      cjzygr New Member

      Oct 18, 2010
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      if you made GB a plugin, you would have to wait long periods after patches, not good for anyone who make money with it. shouldn't be done. Also, with my experiences, GB is more stable. It really should stay the same
    3. mezz0

      mezz0 Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      what cj said...

      That being said, do you think bossland will want his 100's of bots doing nothing because HB+gb plugin is down ?
      GB might become a plugin for HB, but I doubt it will happen as long as it takes this long to update between patch releases.
    4. Densdale

      Densdale New Member

      Nov 16, 2010
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      I vote for gatherbuddy just to be a part of honorbuddy.
    5. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      A lite version of HB would..
      1) Take up more time that could go into the main HB itself.
      2) Be useless. You can just get Mr.FishIt or the other free ones out there until it is ready.

      They did say lifetime members would be more entitled to some sort of payed plugin rights and that there would be a GB plugin for HB. Since GB is much more simpler than HB it might prove useful. But I wouldn't want it on priority anytime soon.
    6. PublicEnemy

      PublicEnemy New Member

      Nov 23, 2010
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      I just want GB to be fixed and its perfect for me
    7. lepton17

      lepton17 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I want HB1 back where core features just worked. GB is perfect and has been forever, if they remove it and make it a HB plug-in I'll be taking my money elsewhere =(
    8. Angully

      Angully Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      you should have a choice between integrating it with hb and or using the application stand alone that way everybody wins!!
    9. osx86bot

      osx86bot New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are you guys talking built in like a button in HB or option to do the functions in GB or are you guys talking full integration with combat ect? just curious.
    10. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bear in mind, the main reason for these long downtime periods, it wasn't just a case off updating the bot. there was loads of undocumented changes to how the bot actually runs now, especially with the way the mesh's are downloaded. Once them bugs are ironed out, while trying to work on the other more common issues that are in the forefront of your minds, the updates will come quick and fast like they used to previously. The dev team are working hard, not only to give you a stable version of HB with more features than the bot was intended to have in the first place. But alot more security for the bot overall.
    11. Lul

      Lul New Member

      Dec 7, 2010
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      Instead of adding more features, they should stabilize the current build first.

      I seriously don't think HonorBuddy needs any improving, it needs more questing profiles instead.
      They should merge HB with GB (no more complains about the combat logic now) and raise the price.
    12. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Honorbuddy is called that for a reason. It was made to grind honor, and it does. It also comes with battleground profiles. So if you wanted them to stop working on features the bot wasn't made for, this would include - grinding, questin, fishing, gathering, and half of the best plugins on this site. As for profiles. Thats what the community is here for. There are plenty of guides to help you make your own profiles
    13. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      honorbuddy lite would be just that, pvp bot.

      but i'd rather have the whole package and nothing else. GB is much, much, much, much more simpler and I like how fast its up (within hours the devs have a test release)
    14. nicmel

      nicmel Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've complained about the GB combat logic in the past, but upon reflection, with reasonable gear and some decent macros it does enough to stay alive and continue to gather.

      I'd rather this than wait ages like we do for HB at times.

      That said, as a life time user, having the option to gather in HB would be great, I'd do that most of the time and use GB alone when it was required.
    15. Ninethousand

      Ninethousand New Member

      Dec 1, 2010
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      I'd love to see a Mimic option. so the bot can have slight casual conversations or aknowledge people around it with a /wave or even attack alliance that have less stats
    16. Snailomatic

      Snailomatic New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Wish list :)

      -includes in xml files
      -central database with blackspots and other stuff that could be accessed straight from xml
      -sorting of loot targets based on distance
      -central version handling on profiles/cc/plugins
      -ability to switch to gb pathing when moving between hotspots (straight up , move, straight down) with different distance trigger than ground mount
      -"Return to base" Button in hb gui. Now when you want to stop you have to press stop and move to a safe spot youreself, would be nice to press a button, bot moves to closest inn and logs out. Maybe "vendor" and "mail" buttons too?

      Just some ideas. :)
    17. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      Good luck with those questing profiles. Questing profiles are such a pain in the ass to make there will only be a few people that will even bother finishing them. I've tried the public svn version of the questing profiles being done as a collaborative group between many people, and they are basically a clusterf$*k of running back and forth. Until which time the quest profiles are simplified you will see hardly any of them. I can tell you for one I'm not going to spend hundreds of hours making a 1-85 profile for the chump change I've been offered for making one.

      Theres been plugins that do this, unfortunately people just complain about everything and those devs have said screw it and quit one after another because this community doesn't seem to know how to conduct themselves in an adult fashion. I guess its easier to flame someone for a screw up instead of explaining what they did wrong.

      Why would you want them to make a data base for blackspots. Different people have different blackspots they need. Calculating point A to Point B can be different from computer to computer if the spot is off by .0001. Not to mention I still get auth problems from time to time. Making it so it won't work because of accessing a database even though I'm already auth'd is a horrible idea.

      Central Version handling of CC's, profiles, and plugins, would require another staff member dedicated to keeping up with it all. Current staff doesn't have the time to do this. Also, To keep up with my changes as they happen hourly sometimes this person would have to have access to pull it from my computer. Theres only one current staff member I'd let have that kinda access to my network, and he most def doesn't have the time to deal with that.

      As for the changes to GB, this would be possible to do yourself once its a HB plugin.

      Return to Base, theres a plugin with this in it that I made, I've spent a lot of time offline lately due to real life issues, but I'll be updating it soon.
    18. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yep, there are a bunch of children on these boards who think they're all that b/c they can bot on their main acct, then they cry to mommy that it got banned. And they expect the dev's (of profiles, CC's, bots, plugins, etc) to read their mind and saying "its broken" is a bug report
    19. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I usually like to hold back on what I say, because it's my own opinion, but sometimes things like this wind my gears and I have to say something. You're absolutely right, wired. I haven't personally been on these forums long enough to see people quit, but I've been here long enough to know that there are far, far too many that would rather just post something instead of reading to possibly find an answer. Hell, I admit I'm guilty of that sometimes, but I've come to realize my own errors and I'm trying to rectify the issue by first reading and then posting if no answer is found.

      I see so many complaints about how Honorbuddy doesn't work right, or how Gatherbuddy isn't doing what it should, but I don't see logs with proper errors posted as the developers ask. It's really simple to do. Yes, at first I failed to follow procedure, but I noticed that things got fixed faster when procedure was followed. Sure, Honorbuddy went down for a week when Cataclysm came around, but that's normal. Hell, the developers could have kept Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy both down for extended periods of time just to dick around and tinker, but they tried hard to get things up and running for us, the consumer, as fast as they could. I commend them for the work they all do. I do see a select few of the forum members that give credit where credit is due, but it seems like most everyone is a pseudo-developer. I say this because I see a lot of people claiming that it's so easy to fix a bug, and then they complain, flame, and vent when it's not done within minutes or hours. And, what makes it worse, is that there is never supporting documentation given to show or support said bugs and issues.

      Urgh... I was ranting but the phone rang and derailed my train.

      Anyway, I guess my point is that there are far too many complaints about how things aren't working, need to be improved, or need to be removed completely but most of the forum public fails to post bug logs as requested, then they get their panties in a twist because no one will help them. Simply put, if everyone would read the first post, then scan through the threads, and then post the requested required information I believe things would go much more smoothly, quickly, and efficiently in the end and Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy would be able to soothe the savage beast in mostly everyone. I only say this because I've come to learn that you can't satisfy 100% of the population 100% of the time. Somewhere someone is always going to be disgruntled and unsatisfied.

      End rant.
    20. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Welcome back, Wired!

      I couldn't agree more. The best we can do for these people is to show them how to behave, remind them of what is expected, or in the case of bug reports lead by example and show them how its done 'right'. When these wheels squeak too loud, simply ignore them and move on. Some posts simply don't deserve the time it takes to respond.

      Many a fine developer has been chased off by loud clattering noises created by the posts of unrespectful users. Most developers will tolerate a considerable amount of incompetence on the user's part, as we were all 'noobs', once. However, there is simply no excuse for arrogance or dis-respect towards someone whom you are acquiring something for free.

      The general attitude of posters has seemed to improve over the last couple of months. Even the last wave of "QQ-HB/GB doesn't work" wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. More people are taking action to report the details, and submit bug reports. Although, many still need the 'attach a log' lesson beaten into them with a very big stick. :D

      I respectfully disagree with your assessment on questing...
      We truly have some Epic Grand Masters of writing questing profiles on the Alliance side in this community. I've used questing profiles from Mordd, BPAlpha, Synik, and Panyama, and they all worked beautifully. (I also tossed a donation at each as a 'thank you'.) These are not all of the significant contributors, but the ones I have personally used in the past (sorry, if I've missed someone).

      Like software development, people write quest profiles for various reasons. Some are in it for the money, but I believe the majority in our Community are driven by the challenge and pride of workmanship.

      The Quest profile machinery is broken for a lot of the new quest mechanics introduced by Cataclysm, but that will change in time. Personally, I believe questing is the major contributing factor in why I've yet to be banned on any of the several accounts I run. <knocks on wood>

      Just offering a counter-opinion to all those that think PvP/grinding is the only way it should be done. :D

      zeldrak likes this.

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