hello, i recently purchased.. cc doesnt appear to be working.. only used barkskin and wildmushrooms and buffed myself.. its wouldnt heal.. any advice?
i did a fresh hb install.. seems to be workign now *nvm still not workign* posting the log from the new hb session
You should now be on 'Welcome to HazzDruid [Premium Edition]'. The older version will most likely be bugging out now with old settings. Also use the right Enyo settings it does state them on load up.
I have put in a request for the store team to look into the issue which should hopfully be fixed within the next few hours.
Sorry if I dont understand, but why does this CR (for boomkin) cast wrath during lunar eclipse and vice versa for starfire? Is this intended? From my understanding with the talent euphoria, wouldn't it be more beneficial to cast wrath during solar eclipse? In addition, the routine does not fully use the starsurge charges for burst, whats the purpose of checking the usage of starsurge? View attachment 16444 2015-01-08 19.13.txt Log if it helps
I canceled the service HazzDruid [Premium Edition] when I will come the money? i have now status Refunded in My Purchases
Thank you for the bug report and logs, I will be doing more updates over the weekend for you guys/girls
Hey guys! Has anyone tried this for RBGs? And can tell if its any good or not? Would like some feedback if anyone has! -Wiik
Release Auto targeting system has been added.. (General) Will now heal when out of combat if 'Continues Healing' mode is selected. (Restoration) Fixed an error with Mark of The Wild spamming when in arena. (General) Note: New releases have to be authorised and pushed by the HB Team before they update.
So I've been using this for resto and its healing decently in heroic highmaul. I'm 660 ilvl with only 1077 spirit. Is there any settings I can import that should help with my mana conservation?
Hello Hazard, I have now tested your CR Hazz-Druid. Resto! And i must say: The cure is not so true. What my salvation Druid Casts. My talents: Phase beast, Ysera gift Feenschwarm, Inca nation: Tree of Life, Mighty blow, watch nature. Merger. I have the Arena.xml loaded. And have to say, unfortunately, that is not so great with the healing. My mate has little life .. and there is almost no healing, and my character is also not required if in Tree.
Not to fear as myself and Mirabis will be doing some arenas over the next few weeks to give our routines some much loved PvP updates