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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by deams, Nov 29, 2014.

    1. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      This is My update to the post above, Some of you are having the same issues i was having.

      Deams was nice and invited me into the version 1.3 beta that will be released soonish. I cant speak for them but what I can say is this next version runs very well and can be released anytime now. The lag issues and the running in circles problems i was having are gone and the issues with the Engineering building is fixed. Along with The new mailbox Options this update is amazing overall.
    2. hunterkilla

      hunterkilla New Member

      Feb 14, 2012
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      this lag is insane. When can I expect a new release? I paid $30 USD for a working script which I haven't received all but lag and getting stuck. Please advise how soon so I can decide to refund or not. I have 5 more days until my refund availability is gone.

      Thank you, I love the concept, and your features are awesome.... but my computer is about to explode.
    3. justinr1234

      justinr1234 Member

      Jan 23, 2011
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      Today as long as the HB team approves the request in a timely manner :)
    4. adrianm

      adrianm New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Still having issues with the bot not being able to reach 2-3 ores, then pathing between the herb garden and mines.
      Log attached.
      Thank you for the great work up until now!
      View attachment 9788 2015-01-10 06.47.txt
    5. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      New version is getting out today! :)
      Should fix your issues.
    6. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      My one big question: When HB updates and I do my fresh install (because lets face it the HB updater is not a good idea for most of us) do I have to resetup every single character? Thanks!
    7. rapunca

      rapunca New Member

      Apr 13, 2014
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      i make simple bat file in HB\Settings which copy setting

      MD "Game world\Charactername"
      xcopy /y /f "GarrisonButlerSettings.xml" "Game world\Charactername"
    8. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      go to your "hb/settings/SERVERNAME/CHARACTERNAME" folder and make backups of the garrisonbutler.xml file. any time you fresh install HB, just copy those files over.
    9. Bluebanana

      Bluebanana Member

      Sep 18, 2013
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      Why you are playing wow? you pay every month for a programm full of bugs and nonsens!!!! The hole GarnisionsButler Team is realy working hard an the support is realy nice, write a ticket in wow und atm you wait 7 Days for an answer an its not garanted that they do anything!!!!
    10. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Thanks guys, I will do this for now. However, I do think that as the botbase progresses like other routines and plugins it will need something better than copy'ing the settings over. The botbase will progress/optimize/grow as features are added and changed and the settings file will also change to meet this. Copying over the file may have unexpected consequences at some point unless deams is purposely making it so that doesn't happen.

      What do you think?
    11. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      For now it shouldn't be a problem as new options are set by default and will be added to the file once you set them. :)

      But in case there is this features which is related: https://trello.com/c/Z7Pwgds4/21-profile-for-settings
    12. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i did a refund 2 days ago stil dont see my money back is it because its weekend? it says refunded but i dont see the money
    13. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Hi Mario,
      Unfortunately I can't help with it, please see: https://bosslandgmbh.zendesk.com/home
    14. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      New version pushed to the store, pending verification!

      Major Changes -
      - Introducing Mail feature with custom rules for every items, you can now mail everything to your bankers or alts. (ICE only)
      - Will now properly sell grey items if there is a vendor available in Garrison.
      - Will now check for full bags and try to stack items first. Everything happens after the trip to vendor if needed.
      - Will now stop at a random location near the table, the mailbox... depending on the last activities and a random location at this spots.
      - New option to force selling junk after a run
      - Many improvements in term of performances

      Detailed Changelog:
      - Added Mail engine with custom rules (ICE only)
      - Added stop at mission table when done
      - Added Random location at end location
      - Minimum window width set to 600 to avoid Mailing Tab being squished
      - New LUA functions for mailing
      - New config option for Retrieve Mail (with GUI)
      - New config option for Send Mail (with GUI)
      - Mail will only be checked every 5 minutes by default after an initial "mailing cycle":
      - A "mailing cycle" means checking mail every 65 seconds until no more mail remains
      - Bot will stop attempting a mailing cycle if the # of total mails (on the server) don't change between 65 second checks
      - Added code to mark all mails as "read"
      - Added fix for logging of character names in mails.
      - Added fix for Bag issues
      - Added fix for harvesting going to node after done
      - Added fix for gossip option getting fired when there's none.
      - Added fix for Huge lag when moving to anvil
      - Added fix for the constantly checking mail bugs
      - Added fix for Deleting items based on number in bags is not functional
      - Added fix for Getting stuck at excavation building
      - Added fix for Stuck between nodes in mine
      - Added fix for Moving toward already harvested node
      - Added fix for Tries to do daily CD when missing required profession item
      - Added fix for Missions not being started after cache harvesting.
      - Added fix for Don't skip to next task after hearthstone
      - Added fix for Gladiator building and trading post not appearing in settings
      - Added fix for Delete all items when full and not just one
      - Added fix for Bot does not check for full bags when doing activities
      - Added fix for Anvil not found in some cases.
      - Added fix for issue with rez outside of the Garrison.
      - Added fix for Salvage Building bug where character wasn't moving inside to do salvage
      - Added fix for blocking actions
      - Added fix for work orders starting loop
      - Added fix for CD
      - Added fix for work orders wrong numbers started
      - Added fix for actionHelpers not refreshing correctly
      - Added fix for an issue throwing an exception when no garden was built
      - Added fix for Gossip options of Barn
      - Added check for can cast in profession conditions
      - Added a fix for error concerning multiple items prerequisites
      - Added a fix for Moving to non existing vendor
      - Improve performances by reducing API checks
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
    15. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Hi im a big time user of ur beta and am still currently using it(havnt updated which removed the files:p) so im wondering a couple of questions.

      1. Since what im using seems to be exactly what ur lite version is im curious to know what would make me purchase the lite version > my current one (only 1 basic minor bug in it I know of)

      2. What makes ur ICE version so much better to warrant an extra $10/$15?

      3. Can your ICE version be used as a sort of shuffle profile?(yes I know how to set it up with HBRelog on beta) I want to know can I get it to for example 1st toon does all its mines/herbs, buy savage bloods with primals, mill herbs, then professions cd's, then do garrison work orders etc and then send remain materials like ore to 1 alt(and do all the previous stuff all over again) 2 send all herbs/pigment to another alt(and do all the previous stuff all over again)?

      4. Is there a crafting option?(using remaining ore/herbs to craft items) Then mailing off to an alt(obviously for either disenchanting or selling)

      5. Is the a 'Upgrade' feture if I buy the butler lite for the time being(so I can buy the lite version until ur ICE version becomes abit more stable) I do support coders I have a lot of paid profiles from Inrego, all paid cc's from tuana etc etc. Just don't want to buy both considering your ICE version is just a better version of the lite version.

      PS I don't want to use the trail incase it cant do the things I need it to do yet(would prefer to use my trial in testing the shuffling if and when it happens)
      Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    16. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      <3 can´t wait *popcorn*
    17. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      1. bug fixes for the most part id assume
      2. ICE will have extra features, for example, mailing to alts
      3. with ICE mailing system, you can mail specific items to specific alts, and with hbrelog you can set up what your asking
      4. atm u cant mill or de but with ICE you can request features such as these
      5. there is no upgrade at the moment, but thats limited to the buddystore, not up to deams
      Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    18. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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    19. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      Refund Policy

      Seven days from purchase date, no question asked, Refund Policy. Once a purchase is refunded, the same product will no longer be available for sale for you. Please visit My Purchases to request for a refund. Payments will be refunded within two business days.

      2 business days does not include weekends and friday after hours, if you dont have your money back by monday, contact buddyteam
      Buddy Store
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
    20. justinr1234

      justinr1234 Member

      Jan 23, 2011
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      So many fixes and changes that it would take too much time to list them all. The free beta that's on GitHub contains a security bug that can get you banned.

      It is the version which will get all new features as they become available. You can look at a few of the features that are likely to be coming under "feature requests" here: https://trello.com/b/J22aTRpk/garrisonbutler-ice-edition

      Our first ICE only feature is the mailing system.

      You can vote for different features which don't exist (yet):
      Exchange primals - https://trello.com/c/e7jcdP1X
      Milling Herbs - https://trello.com/c/L9Z1pOj3

      The rest of what you described can be accomplished with the Mail System we implemented for the ICE Edition.

      You can vote for a crafting system here: https://trello.com/c/HEKs6gdL
      Mailing already exists in the ICE Edition.

      The BuddyStore does not support an upgrade feature.
      That said, we just reduced the price of both editions with the latest release (that includes the ICE-Only Mail System). Lite is now €4.99 and ICE is now €19.99.

      The mail system will allow you to specify several things including conditions. A screenshot is available here: https://trello.com/c/KZGJJHNc

      Conditions available:
      - if > in Bags
      - if >= in Bags
      - Keep in Bags at least
      - Deactivated

      Keep in mind, the ICE edition will continue to get more and more new features as time goes on. You should be able to have a full shuffle working that takes care of every possible facet of your Garrison. But alas, there are only so many hours in a day! We are working hard to bring new features and continue to make improvements to efficiency, performance, and bug fixes.

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