can this be started in partially leveled or does it have to be started at level 1? another idea I have that no one has done yet is get the joana's leveling guide or maybe the zygors guide and build a profile around those, they are well built and instead of implementing the turn ins and flight paths you could just use the addons (zygors that is) which seems to select it way faster than a bot can. It can also buy quest items needed from the vendor (alcoholic drinks for certain goblin bar fights) and sells greys on auto. Not saying you are bad or anything, just saying that these guys built their entire addons/guides to be super fast at leveling and most of their research is done.
This profile will fly to vendetta point from desolation hold to sell the items in my bags. is their a way to make it sell at desolation hold? also, i am lvl 36 and it is still running around southern barrens killing mobs, is this working as intended? either way, still a good profile, thank you
I have been running the profile for a day. It does not do any q and just killing the mobs. Should it be like this?
How do I get this profile to work? Keeps saying the public edition doesn't allow full afk bots...both profiles that exist say the same thing. I've paid for this bot what more should I do? Or am I just doing the profile wrong? Also where's the 8 version?? Can only see 6 and 7 on the page
Going to be using this for a Paladin and rogue as they are both classes I want I will report back if I notice any bugs.
Very nice profile, just one problem with it: It's dosent use the attack spell ''Heroic Strike'' wich make it a little slowly.
Soooo this is a grinding profile it has nothing to do with your combat profile that's all singularity click on class set up and fiddle there.
For everyone who wanna know how to turn off kill between hotspots... go in Honorbuddy's root directory... --settings--- and edit "GlobalSettings"... search for "<KillBetweenHotspots>False</KillBetweenHotspots>" ( you will have True...but you have to change it to "False") and save document...
Gone 1-80 so far with this, stopping it sometimes myself to go quest for a bit but so far the northrend 70-80 has been awesome, time to switch to the other zone.
This will not move to a new zone automatically, just pause and run to new zone and then resume. --- I literally installed HB, .NET, saved your v8.xml file, connected a 1day key, launched up game, made a druid and an to Valley. Hammered out levels 1-6 no problem. He ran back to farm low level boar, so I paused, ran outside of the gate, and pressed resume, and boom! Back to launching Wraith, Moonfire, Shred. I have the client in Window mode, so I can continue to use my PC (from the looks of it)...marvelous! p.s. - I launched up the options, but didn't click anything, I just left everything as default and let it go...