Per Post #195 - you can turn on chat messages and it will say in there who you are fearing and you can relay to team from there
Warlock 2.6 has been submitted and is waiting for approval Changelog: - Improved DR Tracker - Ring of Frost will now be correctly interrupted if DR-Interrupt is ticked - If the player tries to move with his toon, the cr will no longer cast non-movement spells when you get rooted - Added a short pet follow after 0,5sec when tried to Spell Lock to cancel the spell lock queue
nice, anything regarding the problem with dotting up hunter traps or the imp no longer dispelling teammates?
improved/enhanced imp is buggy by blizz the normal imp + sac was working for me And if the trap id hasn't changed (3355) it shouldnt dot traps
Cokx, Toizi, Caen asked the below question on page 19 and I did not see it answered. I have the same question so I hope you can assist. "Drain 'Soul Execute player does not work too good. Do I have to switch to single target mode (toggle AOE mode off somehow to fix this)?" Any insight would be helpful. Also, how does it priority drain soul or SB:Haunt right now? Thanks and excellent routine!
Is there a way to set the custom spell id list for dispelling cc with imp dispel? I find sometimes I will dispel something small like binding shot and than my healer will get trapped right after, leaving my dispel on CC. Otherwise dispel seems to be working great for me
I added my Arena 1,2, and 3 macros to the Pause list within the CR. This helps but still could be better. I have to SPAM this key and call out who I am "trying" to fear as the bot still sometimes prevents me from doing this, even with a pause key enabled. Also, the same is said about a gateway or portal, the bot will sometimes prevent me from casting this instantly due to the routine itself(even with it in my pause hotkey list...) It is a bug that still needs tweaking from Cokx/Toizi
Cokx, since 2.5 The imp is not dispelling at all. And yes, im specced into Grimoire of Sacrife. The only way the CR will Dispel now is if we actually Sacrifice the pet. And by Sacrificing the pet we loose the damage mitigation from Soul Link, what is really horrible at higher ratings (2.5xx here) And any word on fixing hotkeys for shadowfury DPS/Heal units ? Tyvm.
I am experiencing this problem with the hotkeys as well, where you have to spam the hotkey a few times before it actually goes off.
Setup Adds up my setup would be fun to hear opinions on this and gladly improvements. Would be fun to do more so we can file on this together.
I ticked haunt outside of burst and unticked haunt multiple targets soul swap when trained i have about 8 secs and soulswap without UA 10 PLus unticked spam fear, or any auto fear